Worry-free world of online games

Chapter 122 The Windfall of Novice Village

Chapter 122 The Windfall of Novice Village
The exchange just solves these problems. For consignment, you can set your own price and it only costs a small fee. If you think your things are not worth it, then sell the system. If you think it is worth some money, just put it here for consignment.Coupled with some purchases, exchanges, acquisitions, it seems that the flow of people in Rising Sun City will really only increase in the future!
"Isn't this a blacksmith's shop?" Read that right?This is Rising Sun City. Didn't the four main cities back then just to ensure the characteristics of each city, there were only two or three blacksmith shops in Rising Sun City?It's still small and broken, but she read it right now, right?It's so big and spacious, isn't it only available in the Black Iron City?

"Yeah!" Xiang Ling gritted his teeth and stared at the stars, don't make such a fuss, okay, this Sunrise City has been upgraded, if these things haven't been there, how can it really show its specialness, this person, why doesn't he have a brain, just What about the long mouth?You kept shouting along the way, don't you think about it yourself?

"Well, we didn't go to the wrong place, did we?" Xing Xing leaned closer to Xiang Ling. Is this... really their little home?What, it seems to have grown bigger?
"Boss, you are back, if you don't come back, there will be no goods in the store!"

"It turns out, it's really our little nest!" The NPCs who popped up suddenly were the NPCs from Wujie's small shop. Xingxing's original setting was to let them be called bosses.

"It seems that this is also one of our rewards!" After dealing with the shortage of goods in the store, the few finally returned to their one-acre three-point land.

"Yeah, yum, yum, it's so much bigger!" Xing Xing nodded his head like a chicken chopping rice, and was very excited that his little nest had risen a level with the main city as soon as it went online.

"It seems like there are so many things to do!" Although I am happy that my little nest is getting bigger, but the swing doesn't need to get bigger, right?She doesn't mind becoming two, but she really minds being so big that even three people can sit, so that she will join in the fun as soon as she sits up to the stars.

"Sister Feng Wu, do you have a lot to do?" Aren't they acting together recently?Are there many things?Why doesn't she know?
"Of course Fengwu Feiyang has a lot of things to do, as for you...just make less trouble!"

"I don't keep looking for trouble, I'm helping!" Xing Xing said confidently, as if she really helped, but Feng Wu Feiyang was not sensitive to thanks, just like last time, someone said he wanted to help with medicine, but the result was ?There were medicines, but they were all poisonous, wasting countless materials, so she had to go find them herself again.

"However, to do the task, if it is urgent, please delay the task!" The plan for doing the task has existed for a long time, if you are really busy, you can also delay it, after all, after waiting for so long, There is no rush now.

"I want to refine some red medicine and blue medicine. I have some ideas. I want to test whether I can develop better red and blue than now. Before refining, I have to go to Xinshou Village. The most important medicinal material, Zixincao, was taken by someone. It became an anesthetic!" Other things are easy to say, but the key is this matter, the next auction will only be held for six days, and if they do the mission of the teleportation stone, it is impossible for them to come back temporarily, so it must be more Prepare some.

"Oh, that's right, there are not many red and blue refined by Fengwu Feiyang in this auction, and fortunately there is a grand occasion for the final skill book, otherwise the auction will be very difficult to explain!" This is really urgent , at the auction in Rising Sun City, the red medicine and blue medicine produced by Fengwu Feiyang occupied an unusual position, and they had to be prepared in advance.

"Besides, you must also prepare. You can inquire about training techniques in the past few days. As for pets, we will go to the other three main cities for the task of making teleportation stones this time. Not prepared. Moreover, this is a very good opportunity, and it happens to be able to do two things together!" Stars are always popular for 3 minutes. When the pet system was first opened, she was more loyal than anyone else. Now things have not passed much. God, she has long forgotten!And to do the task of returning to the city stone, you have to walk. There are 24 districts in a main city, and there are not many places to go!Maybe there will be some gains in keeping up.

"Eh! That's right, Sister Feng Wu deserves to be the top of the list, you still have a good brain!" Khan, as soon as Xing Xing finished speaking, he knew that he had caused trouble again. Sure enough, Xiang Ling's eyes came as expected. She, speak quickly, I even talked about it myself!

"Well then, we all prepare separately, Fengwu Feiyang, if you need any help, just let me know!" Shi Qinghua also agrees with Feng Wu Feiyang's opinion very much, pets, sometimes really need luck!Normally, people seldom pay attention to these things, and their level rise is also a bit strange. They don't spawn monsters from place to place like those people. Compared with others, they are not so clear about the distribution of monsters. If you want to find a certain type, you really don't know where to start, and even if you find it, you don't know how to train it.Doing the mission of the teleportation stone happens to be the best opportunity. It can be said that I will travel all over the three main cities.On the contrary, I am afraid that too much will happen, and I don’t know what to do when the time comes!

Step out of the teleportation array, take a deep breath, the smell of nostalgia!Looking at the people walking around in Novice Village, they were all wearing Novice clothes, as if they were back in time. At the beginning, she must have been the same as them!

Seeing that Doctor Huang was still surrounded by the same number of people at that time, Feng Wu Feiyang stood in the distance and watched with a smile. It seems that because of this the first time, he acquired the skill of a doctor!

"The wind is dancing and flying!" The voice was the same as before. Doctor Huang looked at the girl in front of him and still remembered when she was learning from him. Now that she has grown up and stayed in this place for so long, she is his only disciple. .She is also a child that makes him proud. She will come back to see the big guy after some time. Not only him, but also most people in the village like her.

"Doctor Huang!" With a sincere smile, Feng Wu Feiyang carefully chatted with Doctor Huang. Doctor Huang is like a wise man. He knows more about the worry-free world than others!

Taking out the gift prepared for Dr. Huang, Feng Wu Feiyang intends to collect purple heart grass. In order to prepare more, I am afraid that I will spend some time in Xinshou Village. As for the last time I asked Dr. Huang to help, but judging from the situation just now Well, Dr. Huang is really busy, even the time to talk to her is intermittent.As soon as someone came, he stopped and got busy. Feng Wu Feiyang's existence attracted a lot of curious eyes.

Doctor Huang had just put away the gift from Fengwu Feiyang, and was about to tell her something, when someone came over to do a task, and he had to be busy, signaling her to wait for a while before leaving, and then threw himself into the next wave of busyness.

Waiting for nearly an hour, the people in Xinshou Village seemed to never be less, one after another came, and sometimes there were even a few.When Dr. Huang was freed from his busy schedule, he saw Feng Wu Feiyang waiting beside him and said hurriedly, "Oh, I'm usually so busy. By the way, I'll give you the medicinal materials you said you wanted to collect last time!"

"Ah... oh, okay, thank you!" After accepting the transaction, before Feng Wu Feiyang had time to pay the money, the transaction box disappeared automatically, and he looked at Doctor Huang in confusion.

"Don't worry, I didn't pay for it, Fengwu Feiyang! You have done so much for us, Rising Sun, what we can do is these small things!" Doctor Huang saw Fengwu Feiyang's question, and explained: "And, ah, Our village does not have a lot of tasks, especially after the upgrade. Although a few new villages have been opened, our village has also been upgraded, but ah, there seem to be more and more newcomers. Fortunately, you have entrusted these things. , otherwise we don’t know what to do for these novices!”

"Then... if this is the case, I will trouble Dr. Huang! I... just accept it!" Although it was unexpected, I knew that the NPC is not a person without a temper. I'm happy, and the next step is fine, anyway, it will be auctioned in Rising Sun City as if I go back to make medicine, and do my part for the prosperity of Rising Sun City.

"Well, let's go, Uncle Hunter and the others are waiting for you!" Doctor Huang nodded with a smile, watching Feng Wu Feiyang bid farewell to leave.

Then I went to all the acquaintances in the village, but I was a little embarrassed when I faced Meier and Uncle Hunter. Speaking of which, Fengwu Feiyang was their only disciple. You must know that everyone else went to the main city to learn life Skills, who is like Fengwu Feiyang!

But Uncle Hunter and Meier felt very satisfied.I feel that the skills of the two are weapons, and it is not so easy. In addition, I have some understanding of Fengwu Feiyang's personality. Although I don't like the idea of ​​peace, I must not be the kind of girl who likes martial arts, otherwise Nor will they start learning life skills in Novice Village.

He returned to Rising Sun City in a time that was many times shorter than expected.In the accident of the stars, he snatched back his pharmacy.Regardless of the star's full of mourning that was kicked out.

"Xing Xing, didn't you take advantage of Feng Wu Fei Yang's absence to harm her pharmacy?" When Shi Qing came back, she happened to see Xing Xing pouting. What's wrong, the refining of poison also failed?

"Sister Feng Wu is back!" He replied weakly, Feng Wu is flying, she must have no chance, but those poisons are really useful!
"Oh, so fast?" According to what Feng Wu Feiyang said, it should take a few days. It's not for their peace of mind, so do you need to prepare more?There are a lot of materials needed!How can it be so fast?
"Yeah, I haven't had time to take action yet!" You're so good at seizing the opportunity, aren't you?If she didn't come back sooner, she would come back later. She just came back when she was ready and just about to start refining!

(End of this chapter)

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