Chapter 82

"Sister-in-law Chen." Xia Tian wanted to say something, but felt his throat choked up, and couldn't say a word, but just held Chen's sister-in-law's hand backhand, "Thank you."

Said, Xia Tian got up, walked towards the room.

"Miss!" Mrs. Chen wanted to say something more.

"Let me think about it alone." Xia Tian suddenly stopped Mrs. Chen's words, and walked back to the room gently alone.

Seeing her lonely back, Mrs. Chen had no choice but to leave. . .

And when Xia Tian walked back to the room, she just sat in front of the window blankly, watching the sunset, watching the night fall, the day and night quietly alternated, and she always maintained the posture of looking up at the sky, which did not change for a long time.

"Mom, there are so many stars in the sky, twinkling and twinkling, so beautiful." A girl who was only four or five years old sat lazily in the arms of a soft-looking woman, raised her head, looked at the stars outside the window, and couldn't help it. exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes," the woman replied lovingly as she stretched out her hand and fondled the girl's hair.

"Mom, tell me, what are the stars in the sky used for?" The girl frowned slightly and suddenly asked in confusion.

The woman was slightly taken aback, and then a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "The stars in the sky are the angels who guard our house every day."

"There are so many stars in the sky that day, are they all guarding me?" The girl still raised her face, her voice was full of childishness.

"That's right," the woman stretched out her hand to scratch the tip of the girl's nose, and said lovingly, "Tian Tian is so smart, you got the answer right, all the stars in the sky are angels who protect you..."

"Great," the girl jumped up from the woman's arms with a happy expression on her face.

The woman gently lazied her back into her arms, "So, every day, our family will be happy and happy for the rest of our lives."

Xia Tian, ​​who was immersed in memories, just stared blankly at the sky.

Like, I'm still that little girl
It seems that I am still nestled in the embrace of my mother's fragrance.
Suddenly, Xia Tian's eyes focused on one point, and in a certain direction in the sky, two particularly bright stars stood side by side, emitting a dazzling light.

At that moment, Xia Tian wet his eyes again. . .

Mom and Dad, you are watching me in the sky, right?
You become the brightest stars in the sky, guarding the summer
Moreover, you will always be by Xia Tian's side and never leave me, right?
So what do I do. How do I do it.
Xia Tian looked at the sky illuminated by the stars, and murmured weakly.

Suddenly, Xia Tian seemed to have figured something out, just lowered his head, gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then stood up abruptly, those eyes that were as clear as clear springs, the light that burst out was so dazzling.

The stubbornness and self-confidence in the eyes are completely gone from the helplessness before.

Parents, since childhood, I have been the most obedient child, and this time... is no exception
I will listen to you.
live strong
live happily
won't worry you
I believe that you will always be by my side. You will never leave me.
The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised a faint smile, such a faint smile, but with a calm and strong.

Gently walked to the side of the bed, lying on his big bed, maybe because he was too tired, not long after, Xia Tian fell into a deep sleep.

In the next few days, Xia Tian seemed to be in a particularly good state, and he talked more, and even had more phone calls.

Mrs. Chen saw it and felt very relieved. Seeing the young lady stepping out of the haze, she was indescribably happy.

"Ma'am, you saw it, Miss cheered up, did you see it?" Mrs. Chen said happily to herself, gently wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

It was another bright winter day, the sun was shining warmly, maybe it was because of the snow that had just fallen, the sky, although it was bitingly cold, but the white world was still so beautiful, it made people feel better unconsciously .

"Sister-in-law Chen," Xia Tian, ​​who had just finished lunch, called softly.

"Miss," Mrs. Chen walked into Xia Tian, ​​listening to her orders.

"Call everyone in the family to the living room, I want to have a meeting." Xia Tian said lightly, but his words carried a calmness and majesty that did not match his age.

"Yes!" Mrs. Chen was puzzled, but still replied in a low voice.

A few minutes later, all the members of the family appeared in the living room on time, including the cook and the trimmer, so there were a dozen of them.

Xia Tian raised his head, glanced lightly at the person standing in front of him, and his heart suddenly became warm.

Such a big event happened at home, they all stayed behind without hesitation, unexpectedly, none of them chose to leave.

It turns out that there are still so many people who never leave
His vision suddenly became blurred, and his eyes were blurred by tears. . .

Xia Tian gently closed his eyes, endured the soreness in his eyes, took out a brand new dozen of money from his pocket, and said, "This is all the rest of everyone's salary, housekeeper, you can distribute it to everyone." Handed it to the butler with a puzzled face, and the other people beside him were also extremely surprised.

"Miss," the butler didn't take the money, but just looked at Xia Tian puzzled, "What do you mean, Miss? Is Miss going to drive us away?" The butler hit the point.

"That's right, miss, are you going to drive everyone away?" Mrs. Chen who was standing beside Xia Tian couldn't help asking.

Xia Tian gently closed his eyes, and said helplessly, "It's not that I want to drive everyone away, but that if I stay at my house again, I'm really worried that I won't be able to afford your salary in the future. I can no longer afford such a heavy family. "

"Miss, with such a big incident, how can we just leave, even if there is no salary, we are all willing."



"." Everyone agreed.

These are a group of servants who have stayed in Xia's house for many years, and Xia Haining and his wife treated them very well, so they are willing even if they don't get paid.
"No." Xia Tian suddenly opened his eyes and said sharply, "I can't let you do nothing for this family,"

"Okay, Uncle Wang, don't do this anymore. I've already sold the villa, and your salary is paid with this money." She didn't call him "Housekeeper", but rather "Uncle Wang".

"What? Miss has already sold the house?" The butler looked incredulous, and the others also looked incredulous.

"Yes!" Xia Tian firmly replied.

"Miss, this is your home, a happy home for you and Mrs. Chen, how can you do this?" Mrs. Chen found it hard to accept.

"Mom and Dad are gone, so it doesn't make sense to keep this house."

"But, here are the memories of Miss, the memories of Mrs. and Mrs."

"Sister-in-law Chen," Xia Tian suddenly interrupted her, "That's all in the past, I hope I can start again, you can start again."

"Okay, Uncle Wang, stop talking, and share the money with everyone."

"Miss!" The butler suddenly got wet eyes, he has feelings for this family, how can he just leave
Looking at the housekeeper's appearance, Xia Tian also felt a pang in her heart, she was not without feelings for them.
Tremblingly, he took the brand new money from Xia Tian's hand, and seriously distributed it to everyone present.

"Have you got your own share?" Seeing the butler distribute the last sum of money to the chef, Xia Tian asked softly.

No one spoke. At this moment, the surroundings were quiet, and their silent sobbing could be heard.

"Okay, everyone go back and clean up, tomorrow, we will leave together." After finishing speaking, Xia Tian turned and walked back to the room, because he didn't want them to see him crying.
The butler looked up at Xia Tian's lonely back, feeling indescribably sad, shook his head lightly, and walked to the living room first, and the others also slowly dispersed.

Gently closing the door, Xia Tian's tears fell unconsciously. It turned out that I was never alone
But I have nothing
It is absolutely impossible to drag others down.
Strongly wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, Xia Tian began to pack his luggage.

"This Winnie the Pooh carries"

"This music box was given to me by my father, and I also bring it with me"

"Take this too"



Pack it up, pack it up, I can't bear to leave everything in this room, not even a small diary.

It turned out that I was so reluctant to let go of everything here, wishing to bring everything with me.

(End of this chapter)

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