Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 338 I don't want to run with the ball (42)

Chapter 338 I don't want to run with the ball (42)

As early as the moment he received Qiyue's call, Qi Yuanshu felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Usually, Qiyue never called him, and always contacted him through his mother. Today, when she called suddenly, he knew that Qiyue was in trouble.

He hurriedly put down what he was doing and came over while listening to the content on the phone.

Although the content of the call was simple, he guessed who it was in the few words of conversation without any information at all.

Li Jinglin...

Qi Yuanshu understood what his anxiety was, he was afraid that Li Jinglin's sudden arrival would affect her.

Qiyue finally accepted him, although he didn't know the reason, but he was afraid.

This feeling was so sudden that he had no sense of security.Obviously, he had been looking forward to it before, but the moment Li Jinglin appeared, he was afraid that it was just a dream of the breeze and the moon.

Fortunately, his clinic is not far from Qiyue's apartment, so he came in a hurry.

He didn't dare to slow down, for fear that if he slowed down, he would wake up from this dream if he took one step too late.

Even if he didn't wake up from a dream, he was afraid that Li Jinglin would hurt him.

The moment he knew it was Li Jinglin, Qi Yuanshu understood what he was planning for this time.

Probably because he wanted the batches of the Li family's goods that he held in his hands, and the pressure he put on the chaebols of various aristocratic families in China.

So he didn't dare to delay.

What kind of person Li Jinglin is, he has figured it out clearly in the past ten years, and it is not as ordinary people see on the surface. What he does in private is ruthless and vicious.

He does both human trafficking and smuggling, and the market and influence are extremely wide.

As for his methods, they have always been unclean. It is common to buy and sell by force, and he has also committed murder and arson.

Since Li Jinglin found him, he must have checked him, so the existence of Qiyue is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

When Qi Yuanshu attacked the Li family before, he was concerned about Qiyue's safety.

But he thought, this place is his turf, even if Li Jinglin wants to do something, there is nothing he can do.

It's just that he thought so, when Li Jinglin really found him, he was still afraid.

There are two fears, one is that Li Jinglin will threaten Qiyue, and the other is that Qiyue's heart will fluctuate for him again.

Fortunately, Li Jinglin was not as extreme as he thought, and he came in time.

The woman's body became softer and plump because of her pregnancy, and Qi Yuan felt very comfortable in his arms.

Because it was almost full term, he could still smell the faint milky fragrance of the woman when he got close, which calmed down his impetuous mood all of a sudden.

The woman in his arms leaned obediently in his arms, wrapped her arms around his thin waist, and clasped them behind his waist, and she was not about to let go.

Qi Yuanshu's heart seemed to have been soaked in spring water, it was as warm as a puddle of water, the face held in his hands was round and slightly blushing, and those sparkling eyes were even more radiant because of his presence , the joy contained in it made Qi Yuanshu look soft and messed up.

For a moment, Qi Yuanshu almost forgot to breathe.

The little girl only felt that she was the only one in her eyes, which was too beautiful and fascinating, and he was greatly satisfied in his heart.

Li Jinglin was only two steps away from them, he quietly watched the intimate behavior of the two, the anger and sourness in his heart churned endlessly.

The hands hanging by his sides tightened and loosened, he took a few rough breaths, and almost couldn't control himself, the urge to rush forward and smash Qi Yuanshu's face with his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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