Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 337 I don't want to run with the ball (41)

Chapter 337 I don't want to run with the ball (41)

Once Qi Yuanshu takes action to suppress the Li family's business, it is only a matter of time before the Li family withdraws from the business circle and falls out of the upper circle.

Thinking of this, Li Jinglin's eyes flickered with coldness.

He was really soft-hearted at the beginning, if he had been more ruthless, how could Qi Yuanshu have grown up, and how could the Li family have fallen into the current situation.

If you want to blame, you still have to blame his amorous father.

If he hadn't protected her so desperately back then, how could Qi Yuanshu have survived until now, either missing an arm or missing a leg.

Although Li Jinglin regretted it, he had no choice but to ask Qi Yuanshu for the solution in front of him.

Originally, he wanted to start with Qiyue, but who would have thought that she would be so reclusive, and not only that, but also called Qi Yuanshu.

Li Jinglin's complexion was extremely ugly at the moment, it was blue and black at times, as if he was juggling.

The arrival of Qi Yuanshu, Li Jinglin knew in his heart that it was not a coincidence.

Is the relationship between the two of them so close now?
Li Jinglin raised his eyes and glanced indifferently at the joyful woman in front of him, then turned around.

It is said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, and it is true at this moment.

Qi Yuanshu is more mature and handsome than he was 12 years ago. His body, which was weak before, is now as hard and strong as a piece of polished iron.

He was obviously half a head shorter than him at the beginning, but now he is much taller than him.

You know he is 1.8 meters five, so Qi Yuanshu is already about 1.9 meters?
The two suddenly looked at each other, both of them were very calm, but the emotion in those eyes surged, and both sides saw it clearly.

Hate, they both saw such a message in each other's eyes.

The eye knives fought each other, but in the end there was no result.

In the end, Qiyue broke the silence.

"Husband, you are back."

This time, husband, the expressions of the two men present were quite different.

Qi Yuanshu was shocked at first, and then overjoyed. They confirmed their relationship, but Qiyue always called him by his first and last name. Today was the first time he was called by something other than his first name.

And this mouth is her husband, screaming so that his heart feels refreshed and slightly swollen.

Li Jinglin, on the other hand, was more distraught.

He always thought that he was only having a playful attitude towards Qiyue, but after all, he was with him for 12 years.

Perhaps his playfulness has gradually changed in the long river of time.

When Qiyue called her husband, it was someone else calling, not him, and his heart couldn't help but a twinge of pain.

Oh, husband.

She has always called him brother, and has never changed anything else.

It's not that he didn't think about how nice it would be to call his husband with such a sweet voice, but he couldn't wait anymore, because such a voice called another person.

It's all false if you say it's not uncomfortable.

Li Jinglin only felt a dull pain in his heart, as if a page of his heart had been broken by life, the pain made him want to shed tears.

But the pain lasted only a second, and he put away his gaffe after a second.

Looking at the man in front of him with cold eyes, he glanced at him triumphantly, raised his foot over him, and stepped behind him.

Qi Yuanshu was in a great mood, he approached Qiyue, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he embraced her in his arms.

The husband she called just now still lingers in her mind and heart, and it hasn't dissipated for a long time. If he hadn't been worried about Li Jinglin, he would have kissed him rewardingly now.

"Good wife." He stretched out his hands to hold her face, his tone full of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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