Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 323 I don't want to run with the ball (26)

Chapter 323 I don't want to run with the ball (26)

A broad, big palm covered it, and the palm was scorching hot and dry.

Qiyue felt that hand was hot, and subconsciously shook it away, lifted the book covering her face, and stared at the man who had been standing beside the recliner at some time.

The man held a cup in his other hand, which smelled a bit like soy milk.

"What are you doing?" Qi Yue sat up straight, watching Qi Yuanshu frowned.

The corners of Qi Yuanshu's lips curled up slightly, his slender body bowed slightly, bringing his fair and handsome face closer.

A pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes are like stars, and the brilliance is so deep that Yue Xin trembles.

"I ground the soy milk for you, drink it quickly." Qi Yuanshu handed the soy milk in front of Qiyue, the fishy and sweet smell of the soy milk came to Qiyue's face and smoked Qiyue's face.

Looking at the cup of soy milk, Qiyue felt a little weak.

Can I not drink, she just finished breakfast, and now her stomach is very full, how can she drink this full glass of soy milk.

Could it be that Qi Yuanshu didn't want her to have a better life and deliberately tormented her?

How could Qi Yuanshu allow Qiyue to spoil the soy milk he ground with his own hands? He forcefully pushed the soy milk cup in front of Qiyue. If she didn't drink it today, he wouldn't just let it go.

The blue veins on the forehead of the moon jumped happily.

Sure enough, Qi Yuanshu shouldn't have agreed to let him take care of his own diet at that time, and now he is suffering.

Not only was she too lazy to sleep, but she was also being fed these weird things right now.

Qiyue doesn't like the taste of soy milk very much, and the stench of raw beans makes her not like it no matter how she treats it.

I tried it once in a while before, and she almost vomited out her stomach with one bite.

She disliked and hated that weird taste, which couldn't be covered by sugar no matter how much it was used, and now Qi Yuanshu actually wanted her to drink soy milk, wouldn't that kill her.

She would feel nauseous after smelling this thing for a while, let alone let her drink it.

Qiyue turned her face away, with indescribable resistance, "I won't drink."

Qi Yuanshu's face darkened, and his palms holding the cup tightened slightly.

"It's good for you, you're about to drink it."

Qiyue shook her head quickly, she moved her body to the side, the smell of soybean milk was too strong.

Now she smelled it for a long time, and began to feel sick.

An empty soreness rose from his stomach, and Qiyue's face turned pale.

He suddenly stood up from the reclining chair, didn't care about putting on his shoes, covered his mouth with one hand, and rushed into the toilet.

Qi Yuanshu's expression changed, he didn't care about letting her drink soy milk anymore, he put the cup aside casually, and followed Qiyue to protect her, lest she accidentally fall down.

Qiyue propped herself up next to the toilet, throwing up all the food she ate in the morning.

There was a sour and unpleasant smell in the toilet, and Qi Yue couldn't help feeling sick again.

She reached out and pressed the flush button, and after flushing the filth from the toilet, she felt better.

Her stomach was suddenly empty, and there was a bitter taste in her mouth, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Qi Yuanshu!
Thinking of Qi Yuanshu who made him feel so embarrassed, Qiyue was so angry that his teeth itched.

She stood up slowly with a somewhat heavy body, caught a glimpse of Qi Yuanshu behind him, and just about to make a sound, he suddenly knelt down behind Qiyue on one knee.

This time, Yue was dumbfounded.

Qi Yuanshu, what are you doing?
The man behind him breathed heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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