Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 322 I don't want to run with the ball (25)

Chapter 322 I don't want to run with the ball (25)

Looking at his natural expression, Qiyue gritted her teeth bitterly.

this person!
She took several deep breaths before suppressing the surging anger in her heart.

Qiyue turned her face away and said to Qi Yuanshu who was about to enter the kitchen, "Do you know that pregnant women are very sleepy, you came so early in the morning and made me fall asleep, okay?"

Qi Yuanshu paused, turned his body slightly, and shook his head in disapproval, "No, sleeping too much is not good for your health, and I think you are in good spirits, and it doesn't look like you haven't woken up. .”

As he said that, he carried the dishes into the kitchen, and his steps were still very brisk.

Qiyue choked, and his heart suddenly became more angry.

How could she mess with such a person.

At first Qi Yuanshu was a very aloof and cold doctor, but after getting to know him better, Qiyue realized that it was just his disguise.

He is an extremely vile person, like an iceberg in front of outsiders, and a stinky hooligan in front of her.

She took a glass of water, took a few sips, and relieved the discomfort in her chest.

When Qi Yuanshu came out again, he held a few plates in his hand, "Is there any milk at home?"

Qiyue rolled her eyes angrily, "No."

Cianna and she don't like drinking milk very much, and they always feel that milk has a fishy smell.

And because she was pregnant, she was extremely disgusted with milk.

But Qi Yuanshu would order her a cup of hot milk every time and watch her drink it.

Now just hearing the word milk, Qiyue's stomach starts to churn.

Qi Yuanshu smacked his lips and didn't say much, just put all the plates in his hand in front of Qiyue one by one.

"Eat, I heard Si'anna say that you don't eat breakfast very much, this is not acceptable, it is not only bad for you, but also bad for the child."

On the plates in front of me, there were some exquisite breakfasts, which were still steaming hot.

The skin of each Xiaolongbao is so thin that it is almost transparent, and you can see the pink and tender fresh meat stuffing under the crystal clear skin.

There is also the bulging juice, which must taste wonderful when you bite it down.

There are also small steamed buns of purple sweet potatoes, each about the size of a baby's fist, each round like a glutinous rice ball.

There is also the little custard bun, just looking at it, Qiyue can feel what it is like.

Qiyue doesn't have the habit of eating breakfast. She hardly wakes up in the morning. When she wakes up, it's almost eleven o'clock. It's almost time for lunch. Who wants to eat breakfast?

She looked up at Qi Yuanshu, and after Qi Yuanshu put down the plate, he turned around and went to find something in the refrigerator and cupboard.

Qiyue's heart warmed, and she said, "Thank you."

After breakfast, Qiyue sat on the deck chair on the balcony and began to read a book. As soon as the morning fog cleared, the sun and the sky appeared in front of his eyes.

The sun in autumn is not harsh, but it still carries the coolness of autumn, and the sky is blue and clear. Occasionally, a few white clouds float by leisurely, bringing a gust of light wind.

Qi Yuanshu had just washed the dishes, and the juicer in the kitchen was still humming.

After reading the book for a while, Qiyue couldn't read it anymore.

Too noisy.

She got up, supported herself and looked into the room.

I don't know what Qi Yuanshu is doing, the voice is really noisy, very noisy.She couldn't calm down at all.

She frowned, spread her body resignedly, and covered her face with the book.

Accompanied by the sound of the juicer, Qiyue felt a little drowsy.

She moved her fingers in difficulty, trying to remove the book covering her face.

(End of this chapter)

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