Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 308 I don't want to run with the ball (11)

Chapter 308 I don't want to run with the ball (11)

The inspection was over, and after the foreign woman finished speaking, she took out two pieces of paper and handed them to Qiyue.

She still looked at her with a smile, but her eyes were surprisingly serious.

Qiyue took the tissue a little, and looked down at herself with some doubts.

Is there something wrong with me? Why does she look at her like this?
There is nothing wrong with that.

The foreign woman held the instrument processing form in her hand, looked at it for a few seconds, signed it and handed it to Qiyue.

"Your child is healthy, and you are lucky to have a wonderful person waiting behind you."

Qiyue looked confused, if there was a mirror, then she would definitely be able to see the size of the question marks on her head.

So what does she mean by that.

Who is a good person?

After leaving the B-ultrasound room, Qiyue was in a daze.

Cianna had been chatting with the nurse lady in the lobby, so she didn't follow in.

When she left the B-ultrasound room, Qi Yuanshu had already changed to another place to stand.

He was leaning against the door of the B-ultrasound room. He had already taken off the white coat on his body and put it in the crook of his bent arm, with that hand in the black trouser pocket.

His legs were prodigiously long, one stretched straight and the other languidly folded over it, the lines strong and graceful, pleasing to the eye.

The waiting room in the corridor was very bright, Qi Yuanshu turned his head slightly after hearing the sound of the door.

The white light was cast from top to bottom, and half of his face with sharp lines was cast with solemn shadows, and his outstanding facial features were reflected even more brilliantly in Qiyue's eyes.

His brows were still tightly furrowed, and it seemed that there was something bothering him, but the moment he saw Qiyue, the lines of his entire face softened.

"It's out, let me take a look at the report."

The tone of his speech is very skillful, which makes Qiyue feel for a moment that they have not been separated for more than ten years, as if they were still together yesterday, drinking afternoon tea together in the sunny afternoon, talking and laughing happily.

Qiyue felt a little weird in her heart, she pursed her lips, and handed him the report in her hand.

Qi Yuanshu read it seriously, as if he had carefully studied every word on the report dozens of times.

There were no patients in the clinic at this time, the corridor was empty and quiet, only the sound of the air conditioner humming in the corridor.

It took him a while before he said, "No problem, you should pay attention to your diet, don't eat food that promotes blood circulation, and don't eat food that is cold in nature, it is not good for you and the fetus."

Qi Yue nodded, indicating that he understood.

Qi Yuanshu returned the report card to her, turned around and walked towards his office, he stopped at the corner.

"Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together?"

Qiyue was still looking at the report card in English characters, as well as the B-ultrasound, she couldn't understand those professional terms and images at all.

Especially the dark lump, she really didn't know how the doctor could tell that the fetus was healthy.

Hearing Qi Yuanshu's words suddenly, she hadn't reacted yet, she was stunned for two or three seconds before responding, "Okay, but I have a friend who came with me today, and she will be with me then."

"No problem, just wait a moment." Qi Yuanshu turned his head and slightly curled his lips at her.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and Qi Yuanshu, as the boss, gave the clinic staff a holiday in advance.

When Qiyue came out with him, he found that Cianna in the hall had already held hands with the little nurse.

(End of this chapter)

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