Quickly pass through the male god's cute wife

Chapter 307 I don't want to run with the ball (10)

Chapter 307 I don't want to run with the ball (10)

Qi Yuanshu did not do other inspection items in Qiyue, but Qi Yuanshu followed her all the time, the distance was not far or close, just a safe distance.

When Qiyue entered the B-ultrasound room, she caught a glimpse of Qi Yuanshu leaning against the white wall outside, his expression still indifferent.

Qi Yuanshu was not such a cold person when he was in junior high school. At that time, he still wore a pair of glasses, and his face was fairer than that of girls. With those red lips and black eyes, he looked like a real doll.

At that time, he loved to laugh the most. Every time he told Gu Qiyue a story in the book, the dimples on his cheeks would be deeply sunken, revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth. He was really prettier than the girls in the class.

Even Gu Qiyue couldn't compare to him at that time. If Gu Qiyue was the most popular boy in the school, then he was the boy most sought after by girls in the whole school.

At that time, there were no such things as class flowers, school flowers, school flowers, etc., but all girls would blush when they saw him.

Later when he transferred to another school, all the girls in the school were sad, but after Li Jinglin transferred, his good looks did not lose, and their sadness gradually faded away.

Qiyue closed the door of the consulting room, and under the doctor's order, she took off her pants.

The doctor is also a foreign woman. She held Qiyue's medical records, and when she saw Qiyue's nationality and her Chinese appearance, a smile appeared on her face, "Hello."

Perhaps because Qi Yuanshu is the owner of this clinic, foreign women are particularly fond of her, and they chat with her while doing B-ultrasound on her.

The most talked about is to introduce the customs and customs here, and tell her where the food is delicious.

But it was more about Qi Yuanshu.

Through her words, Qiyue knew a general idea.

Qi Yuanshu was not in this country from the very beginning, he just moved here suddenly five years ago.

He is an outstanding professor of medicine in a famous university, but for some unknown reason he quit the research institute and opened an unknown clinic instead.

The foreign woman smiled and said, "At that time, I just graduated from medical school and was looking for a place to practice. I came across such a clinic in a daze. I saw this place was close to my residence, so I came in."

"Who knew that the boss I was interviewing for was my most admired idol. You must know that the name Qi Yuanshu is an internationally renowned genius medical scientist."

Qi Yuanshu is 25 years old this year, but he was only 20 five years ago. At that time, he was a highly respected existence in the international medical community.

Therefore, the impossible medical miracles were all created by him. At the same time, he also proposed the theory and construction of brain death recovery technology, and because of the new substance resistin he published, his name is in the international Dasheng, and it is the favorite of all medical newspapers. god.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a god. After all, he once cured a patient who was close to brain death. Everyone in the medical field was helpless and decided to give up.

Only he resisted all opinions, took over the patient, and used his superb medical skills to successfully revive the person who was considered dead in everyone's eyes.

He is affectionately called "the God of medicine" by foreign media.

The foreign woman sighed with some regret, "The idol suddenly disappeared, and disappeared from all major forums and newspapers. No one knows why. I once asked the boss, and he didn't want to bring up that period of the past."

"But I'm lucky, after all, I met my idol and worked together."

(End of this chapter)

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