Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 75 Online Game Crush (14)

Chapter 75

Stepping into the moonlight, Cheng Shuyao returned to her small apartment, carrying the paper towel that made her feel hot when she mentioned it, and then slammed onto the sofa hard, and couldn't help snorting a few times.

0047 appeared, spun a few times in the air, stretched out his tentacles, then nodded the girl's head and said, "What's wrong with you? Your face is so red that it's about to explode, just like a dock."

When the shy girl heard this, she couldn't help laughing, and said, "Which is the pier, is it tomato?"

0047 looked proud instead of ashamed, and said, "I'm not doing this to be funny. I really have no sense of humor!"

Cheng Shuyao shrugged. If there is no sense of humor, there is no sense of humor. She looked at the time, and it was already 11:0047. She asked [-] to turn on the computer, and she took a quick shower, and then put the little Put snacks next to the computer desk, and fight until dawn!
She didn't have time to read the QQ news, she downloaded the Xianyuan OL client yesterday, and now it's only a few minutes before 12 o'clock, one thing she has to do is to keep trying to log in!For the benefit of the top [-]!
The account was also registered yesterday. She learned the lesson from her original body. Instead of registering with her usual email address, she bought a new mobile phone number and registered an account with a brand new mobile phone number. panic!
When reading the script, she was vague about the reward for the top [-], because neither Lu Jingchen nor Luo Qilan got this reward, so she had to use the most stupid method.

Cheats!Log in repeatedly!
Well, she admitted that she was a little high after watching a new show recently, and hoped that God would grant her the same luck as the protagonist!

At 12 seconds to 30 o'clock, she successfully logged in.

"Ah, I'm in!" She said in surprise, hoping that she must be in the top 100!In order not to waste time, she chose random. Anyway, she can change her appearance after paying for it, and she exchanged the game playing skills with the system. Now, no matter what game or character, she can easily play it.

Unexpectedly, she found a flower god priest at random, and she was very happy, because she knew that the flower god priest's clothes were the most beautiful!

The name made her speechless, it was called Ketchup, it was not as good as Teletubbies, I wonder if 0047 was secretly cursing her, it just said his pier!

0047 looked at the girl staring at it inexplicably, and said unhappily: "What are you looking at, I have never seen such a handsome jellyfish, go play your game!"

Forget it, she spread her hands, what is there to argue with a jellyfish.

She has successfully entered the game, and the flower god priest wearing a cool dress appeared in Xinshou Village. The modeling of the villain looks pure and charming, especially beautiful. She happily manipulated the flower god priest to jump in the stream of Xinshou Village After a few clicks, the lower right corner of the game interface flashed.

coming!Her eyes lit up, this must be the welfare of the top [-].

I clicked it, and sure enough it was.

"Congratulations to the player whose ID is Ketchup for being the 33rd player who has successfully logged in in this game, Xianyuan hereby sends you a blessing package, wishing you a happy game!
Xianyuan OL Team”

Below is a small package. After she opened it, a golden light sprinkled on the body of the flower god priest, making the whole flower god priest look like Peter Panli's elf, shining with exquisite and crystal light, like a The moving gold powder box leaves a trail of light wherever it goes, which is very eye-catching.

The reminder of the Xianyuan system also sounded, she clicked on it, and it read: "Congratulations on receiving the blessing of the flower god, and the luck value has been permanently increased by 50 points."

Her eyes are straightened, adding a permanent 50 lucky points, she will be the koi king in the future!

You must know that the lucky value is about the drop rate of the monster baby in the game. The full value is 100 points, and she has a lucky point in her own character. Adding this 50 points, she is not the koi king.

Trembling, Cheng Shuyao clicked on the character attribute of ketchup, couldn't help but hugged 0047 and screamed!
"Is there any mistake? I'm going deaf!" 0047 pulled the girl's hand away with his tentacles, and then leaned in front of the screen. Seeing the ketchup's lucky value of 120 points, he couldn't help sighing: "Yaoyao, your dog luck is always good."

The girl rolled her eyes at it, would she be able to speak? How could she be called a dog's luck? She was clearly a koi's life!

Excitedly, she took a screenshot and sent it to the game group.

Teletubbies: "Please call me Koi from now on! / Picture"

Yanyan's male ticket: "...Damn, I'm still building characters, what's going on / I'm curious"

Fireworks Yi Leng: "I'm still pinching people, by the way, my dear male ticket, don't forget our agreement / Blow kisses"

Smokey male ticket: "Daughter-in-law... please let me go/cry loudly"

Teletubbies: "You two are showing affection again/smile/smile/smile"

Yanyan’s male support: “Yanyan asked me to model the character to look like Daniel Wu, otherwise she won’t marry me in the game/crying/feeling aggrieved.”

Teletubbies: " squeeze slowly/sweat"

Lu Jingchen and Tao Xinghe just walked in.

Mouth: "Apprentice good evening / touch the head"

Pretty boy under the moon: "Aerial, what are you busy with today, you keep knocking on you and you don't answer me/angry"

Teletubbies: "I've only been home for a while/sorry"

Then she went to look through the news that Fanyue placed an order and knocked on her. It probably said that Xianyuan OL will be tested tonight, what character she wants to play, and so on, and then posted some links, which are all publicized by some players analyze.She felt warm in her heart, Yuexia was still very enthusiastic and often helped her, but she didn't know if he was Tao Xinghe or Zheng He'an.

Because the girl had read the script and knew that Lu Jingchen had three roommates, namely Cai Rong, Tao Xinghe and Zheng Hean.

Because Cai Rong has a girlfriend, she doesn't have to guess. It's Tao Xinghe and Zheng He'an. I don't know what their IDs are.

She carefully looked at the players' analysis. Anyway, the top 100 rewards have been obtained, so she can play the game slowly.This look.It turns out that the masters are among the folks. The analysis of some players is indeed similar to the news revealed in the script. I admire it.

When she returned to the QQ group, she found that her name had been changed by the group administrator to Koi King Ketchup.

Koi King Tomato Sauce: "...Why did I change my ID, I still like Teletubbies/Watching the Sky"

Fireworks are easy to be cold: "Men's ticket, the koi is out, come and see the koi!"

The smoky male ticket: "Film!"

Pretty Boy Under the Moon: "Film!"

devil: "Film!"

Anyway, a bunch of people in the group ran out to line up, film koi!
They just saw Lu Jingchen's explanation about the use of luck in the game, and the fact that the full score is 100. What kind of creature is this 120 lucky!

(End of this chapter)

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