Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 74 Online Game Crush (13)

Chapter 74

A month has passed like this, and tomorrow is the time for the open beta of Xianyuan OL, so she took a day off as scheduled with coach Zhu Qian, and registration will open at midnight tonight.She remembered it very clearly. It was mentioned in the script that the first 100 players to enter the game tonight would have special rewards. She had been coveting them in her heart for a long time, so she was determined to fight until dawn tonight!
As for tomorrow's class?She thought guiltyly, she probably just went to roll call, and then fell asleep with her head covered. Anyway, after graduation, the original body would definitely go back to the family business, so she just wanted to pass the grades and graduate.

Cheng Shuyao is still very satisfied with the current situation. She stood on the electronic scale, looked at the 61kg displayed on it, and shed tears of bitterness.

Although 61kg is still quite fat...

But compared to the initial 75kg, I have lost 14kg! ! !Comrades, 14kg of pork is enough for you to stuff sausages! ! !

She held Coach Zhu Qian's hand excitedly and said, "Coach, let me treat you to dinner!"

Zhu Qian said with a smile: "How dare you go to have a big dinner even if you ask for leave tomorrow, eh?"

The girl shook her head like a rattle, oh my god, what scary eyes!She felt murderous!
Embarrassed, she took the paper bag from coach Zhu Qian and said goodbye to the coach.Inside the paper bag are small snacks that beauty prepared for her, they are all simple snacks that are good for weight loss, after all, weight loss is about eating less and eating more.

Cheng Shuyao took a taxi back to the downstairs of her apartment, walked into the corridor, and suddenly remembered that the paper towels at home were all used up. After thinking about it, she went back downstairs and went to the supermarket near the school to buy some paper towels.After all, it doesn’t matter when you don’t use it, but if you don’t have it when you want to use it, it will crash!This is her real experience, please don't ask her what she went through.

It's almost 11 o'clock, but the surroundings of the school are still very lively. After all, young people have endless energy to waste. Just now, she saw more than a couple of young couples getting bored at the nearby food stalls.Ahem, anger from a single dog!

When she stepped into the brightly lit supermarket, she heard the waiter in the supermarket shout: "Welcome!" She was quite energetic this evening, she thought, and when she looked up, she saw Zhou Mao!It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia. I didn't expect Zhou Mao to work in this supermarket.

Zhou Mao also saw that the customer who came into the store was the unpopular fat girl in the class. Well, she seems to have lost a lot of weight recently, and the lines of her face showed a clear outline, not as round as before , just looking at it makes me feel fat and disgusting.The face was still so ugly that it made him sick, but the hips and breasts were still so plump, Zhou Mao thought obscenely, showing a mocking smile that made the girl shudder.

Under Zhou Mao's gaze, Cheng Shuyao felt like a rabbit being targeted by a jackal. She was so frightened that she immediately took a handful of commonly used tissues and went to the counter to pay the bill.

"Hello, it's 32 yuan in total." Zhou Mao said in a casual tone, and looked up and down Cheng Shuyao's body with lewd eyes.

And Cheng Shuyao was about to cry, she forgot to bring her wallet!Because after the beauty gym, she changed her clothes, and the wallet was thrown in the pile of dirty clothes, and she forgot to take it.

She said embarrassingly, "No, no... sorry, I don't—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Mao's angry words, "Why, Cheng Fatty, you forgot to bring the money? I can help you pay!" Then his tone changed, with indescribable ambiguity: "Wait How about playing with me after I get off work, the money is—forget it." Then his eyes still stayed on the girl's chest, with a complacent look, which really made people want to vomit.

Hearing the girl's gentle voice, Zhou Mao was even more tickled in his heart. He hadn't noticed it before. This fat girl's voice is really good. I don't know if it sounds so good on the bed, so he laughed a few times.

I bother!Just mentioning 32 yuan of paper towels, you dare to flirt with good women, you hot chicken!Cheng Shuyao complained fiercely in her heart, she was anxious and angry, but she was always timid and often bullied by Zhou Mao, although it was the first time she was molested, she turned around and wanted to leave.

"Let me pay for her." A slender and elegant hand with well-defined bones stretched out from behind her, with round nails and a healthy pink color. The girl was taken aback. These should be hands playing the piano. Think so.

And the person behind him handed Zhou Mao a red one hundred yuan bill, and untied the girl.

When she turned around, she saw the face that she was thinking about, Lu Jingchen.

The line of his jaw was tight, as if there was a wave of anger, but this did not affect his handsomeness in the slightest, with good-looking eyebrows, high nose bridge, excellent lip shape, light pink thin lips slightly pursed, like There was a trace of impatience, but against his handsome face, there was an indescribable majesty.

Seeing that someone ruined his good deed, Zhou Mao was upset, and then he looked up. Isn't this the famous school grassroots Lu Jingchen? It's this kind of taste, I'll give you a good publicity tomorrow." Don't think he doesn't know, his girlfriend Zhuo Yixuan has been inquiring about the person in front of him a lot.

Then he jokingly said to Cheng Shuyao: "Congratulations Fatty Cheng, just because of your honor, the school grass is still willing to give you face—"

Lu Jingchen interrupted Zhou Mao's indifferent chatter with a cold face, and said, "This clerk, please give me the change quickly."

At this time, the owner of the supermarket also appeared in the supermarket. He rushed over and gave Zhou Mao a smack on the head, and handed over 68 yuan with a smile.

Lu Jingchen signaled Cheng Shuyao to go out with a tissue, and then the two left, while behind them the supermarket owner was teaching Zhou Mao a lesson.This part-time worker has a really bad temper. How many times have he been told by customers that he is still so rude. The boss made up his mind to let him go when this week is over!
Cheng Shuyao didn't expect her to encounter the event of the fall of the original body in the script, and it was a few hours before the start of the Xianyuan OL test.This can be regarded as meeting in the third dimension, but unfortunately she is still a 61kg fat man, she thought to herself, when we meet again next time, she must transform!

Lu Jingchen's slender legs took a step forward, and she trotted up to him, blushing, lowering her head, and whispered, "Thank you for helping me out, really, thank you very much! I will definitely pay you back. Can you give Shall I leave a call?"

Lu Jingchen looked at the awkward little fat man in front of him, smiled softly, and said, "No, alumni should help each other, just treat it like I'm inviting you to tea."

He had just seen a girl being molested by the slutty Zhou Mao in the supermarket, and he helped her out of resentment, not to get her to pay back the money.Moreover, the attentive Lu Jingchen also saw the school emblem of their school on the girl's coat. In other words, this girl's voice made him feel a little familiar. Have they seen it before?Maybe it was because of his alumni relationship. He smiled, waved to her, and left.Cheng Shuyao was left standing alone, feeling sour and sweet in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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