Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 196 I Have a Date with an Orc (2)

Chapter 196 I Have a Date with an Orc (2)

A strange feeling suddenly flashed in Cheng Shuyao's heart. She looked around cautiously. She didn't know when it started. Her instinctive prediction became more and more accurate, and it was reflected in several aspects. She suddenly panicked in her heart. She can be sure Bad things are going to happen here.

So she made a decisive decision to leave here.Regardless of the weirdness, she stopped the tour guide's chattering commentary and said, "Let's get out of here!"

"Huh?" The tour guide didn't know why, and he thought this girl was weird. After all, Cheng Shuyao didn't look happy all the way.

"It's dangerous." She frowned and said helplessly, but it was too late.

Several old people who had been taking pictures at the waterfall suddenly screamed, and everyone immediately turned their heads to look over.

I saw a vortex in the pool below the waterfall, like a toilet, sucking water in continuously.

"Is there a landslide below?" A girl not far from Cheng Shuyao murmured to herself. Cheng Shuyao glanced at her and she looked very cute.

"Go!" she yelled.

Everyone started screaming and running down the mountain, but this place became more and more weird. The center of the vortex seemed to have endless suction, swallowing everything present mercilessly. A century-old pine tree would Eight roots rise up.

Not to mention humans, before Cheng Shuyao lost consciousness, she asked 0047 to exchange for a defensive cover for herself, and she was still thinking in confusion, what exactly is this plane doing? ? ?

"Yaoyao, wake up! Wake up!" She vaguely heard 0047 calling anxiously, she bit the tip of her tongue desperately, and finally forced herself to wake up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was taken aback because she was lying in a very strange place.

The red land, the red trees, the red fruits, if it wasn't for the blue sky and white clouds, a sun so bright that she couldn't look directly at it, she would have suspected that she had come to hell.

But these are not the most important. The reason why 0047 woke her up eagerly was probably because they thought that there was a big pure black snake not far away from them. His eyes were fixed on her without moving, and he was crawling towards them rapidly.

It is said that snakes with triangular heads are highly venomous, but what about this one?

God, she hadn't heard of a snake with a hexagonal head!In addition, she hates these reptiles, and now she wants to vomit again, and her palms are still sweaty.

Cheng Shuyao forced herself to calm down, and then she heard herself tremblingly asking 0047: "77, can I exchange for some offensive weapons?"

"It's already been changed, you should destroy it!" 0047 hastily transferred the weapon to Cheng Shuyao, "Just pull the trigger!"

Sure enough, in her hand was a gun-like weapon, but it was bigger than the pistol Cheng Shuyao had seen on TV, she pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a flash of blue light, the snake was exploded!
"Not bad, not bad!" 0047 praised her, "It was a success the first time I used it."

Cheng Shuyao fell to the ground, her hands and feet were really weak, God knows how much she hates that thing.Hearing 0047's words, she smiled and said, "You made a good choice. This thing doesn't seem to require much accuracy?" This was her own feeling when operating it, and it was very subtle.

"Wow, you've seen it all! This pistol is much easier to use than ordinary ones, and the points are not expensive. It's a pity that you can only use it 5 times. You should cherish it."

"En." Cheng Shuyao solemnly put away the pistol, and then began to look around reassuringly, and suddenly saw a fainting girl under the red tree, which was the one who said the landslide.

As she strode over, she asked 0047, "What the hell is this place?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupu, this question is not within my authority, and I can't answer you."

"Oh, I won't embarrass you, let's go see that girl first."

While talking, they came to the girl, Cheng Shuyao carefully looked around, and after making sure there was nothing unusual, she carefully picked her up.

But as soon as she touched her, the girl groaned in pain, her delicate and lovely face was twisted into a hideous shape, Cheng Shuyao frowned, and said in a low voice, "Are you uncomfortable?"

In fact, she was still in a coma and couldn't hear what Cheng Shuyao was saying at all. She just eradicated her own feelings and murmured in a daze, " leg hurts so much..."

Cheng Shuyao lightly touched it with her hand and sighed, "Both her legs are broken."

She couldn't help feeling rejoicing, luckily she asked 0047 to put a protective cover on her, otherwise she would have to be added to the broken leg now.But the environment here is very strange, and it is really difficult for her to take a girl with handicapped legs, she frowned and thought.

And so far, I haven't seen anyone else. Most of the tour group this time is elderly people. Thinking about a young girl who broke her leg, the life and death of those old people may be unpredictable, and her heart can't help but feel heavy.

But now I don't care so much, I want to save my own life first.

Cheng Shuyao put the girl down gently, and then groped around. It was lucky that she found her and this girl's backpack.

She didn't care about anything, so she opened the backpacks of both of them. First, she found their mobile phones, but there was no signal!She sighed and gave a wry smile.

Then he found out the clothes that the girl had brought with her and wrapped them up for her.The most important thing now is that the girl's leg is broken. Dragging it is extremely bad for her health and will cause trouble for herself. She pondered for a moment and said, "77, how many points do you need to treat her fracture?"

"50 points for complete cure, 5 points for simple treatment. It will take at least 3 months for her to slowly return to normal."

"Let's deal with it simply." She confessed, otherwise when he wakes up, how will she explain this weird healing process.

She took out a Swiss Army knife from her bag, better than nothing, she looked at the short blade and smiled.

"77, are these trees dangerous?"


So Cheng Shuyao picked up some relatively dry trees and lit a bonfire, and then used a Swiss army knife to look at some relatively thick and strong branches.

The thinner ones were tied to the girl's legs to help her fix the bones.And the two thickest ones are reserved for her as crutches.

After finishing all these tasks, her physical strength had already dropped considerably. She sat down by the campfire and drank the mineral water in her bag.It's a pity that there is nothing to eat in the backpack, only some snacks, she stared at it sadly, it is impossible to fill her stomach at all!

So she raised her head, looked at the red fruit hanging on the tree by the light of the setting sun, swallowed, and said, "77, can this thing be eaten?"


"..." She is so sad!

(End of this chapter)

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