Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 195 I Have a Date with an Orc (1)

Chapter 195 I Have a Date with an Orc (1)

When she woke up, Su Haoran held her hand and asked softly: "Are you awake?"

"Yes." She nodded and couldn't help but smile at Su Haoran, "Based on the physical time, we have been together for more than three years."

"Are you satisfied?" Su Haoran rubbed her head in a funny way. In fact, for the two of them, only a moment passed, as if they were reading a novel together.

"Then I'm going home. You should go back quickly. Take care of yourself when you get back to the company." She warned him, and then reluctantly waved goodbye to him.

Back home, Ms. He Siyuan was watching TV. When she saw Cheng Shuyao coming back, she didn't take her eyes off the screen and said, "Yaoyao, go change quickly. Your father will come to pick us up for dinner later."

"Okay, but why do you want to go out to eat today?" She walked towards her small bedroom.

"We're having a treat at your dad's work."

Not long after changing clothes, Cheng's father returned home, and then the family set out for the hotel.

There were a lot of people. This was Cheng Shuyao's first feeling. She couldn't help but secretly wonder what happened to her father's boss to invite so many people to dinner.Many of the people sitting at the table were family members of employees, so the atmosphere was very relaxed and pleasant. He Siyuan and Cheng Shuyao quickly found a seat where there were acquaintances from their families.

While the adults were chatting in full swing, she was happily eating a cup of ice cream alone.At this moment, someone suddenly tapped her shoulder. She immediately turned her head and saw a handsome guy smiling at her.

His hair is quite long and slightly curly. It was originally a very challenging hair style for a person's face and temperament, but he managed it easily. He smiled like a spring breeze on his face, which made people feel good.He was dressed casually in casual clothes, but it couldn't hide his good figure. His legs were really long.

Cheng Shuyao stared at his face for a second, making sure she had never seen this person before, and couldn't help asking: "Hello, may I ask...?"

"Hello, my name is Baili Ji." He smiled calmly and explained calmly.

"Baili?" If she remembered correctly, her father's boss seemed to have this last name. Not many people would be called this name in daily life, so she couldn't help but glance at the dining table where her father's boss was.

Bailiji saw the look in her eyes, nodded approvingly, and said, "Very smart. Bailiyang is my father."

"Hello, nice to meet you." After all, he is the son of the big boss. For her father's sake, she couldn't be too rude, so she also smiled and said friendly to Bailiji.Although she was very confused in her heart, what did this person want to see her for.

"Are you Uncle Cheng's daughter?" Bailiji asked.

"...Well." She also didn't know what he was going to do with this question.

"It's okay." Bailiji looked her up and down, left this sentence and ran away.

"???" She was at a loss, "I don't know why!" She scooped a scoop of ice cream into her mouth, and couldn't help being surprised by Bailiji's weird behavior.

"What's wrong?" It turned out that Ms. He, who was chatting happily, turned around and showed concern for her.

"Mom, it's okay!" She bit her spoon and shook her head. The son of her father's boss came to "accost" her. What should I say? She would not narcissistically think that he was really here to chat with her, and she didn't bother to ask. .

This was just a small episode, and she quickly forgot about it until one day when Su Haoran called her and they were chatting, she suddenly remembered it and mentioned it to him.

Su Haoran was excited to come back when he heard this.

"What are you doing when you come back? You won't be tired after the plane comes and goes. Besides, I don't know you. I haven't seen him since I said these few words that day." She persuaded Su Haoran funny , he had not been in the branch for a long time, so he asked for leave to see her. She was worried that this would give him a bad reputation in the company.

Anyway, Su Haoran finally agreed not to come, but asked her to call him immediately if there was anything unusual in the future, and he would find a way to help her deal with it.

Cheng Shuyao pursed his lips and smiled. He was so nervous that he obviously had nothing.

"Let's make an appointment tonight, let's do the task together." Su Haoran said suddenly.

"Okay, let's keep in touch before going to bed. You can call me if you have a rest." Cheng Shuyao said with a smile. Although they were far apart, they could still get together in this roundabout way.

So when late night came, the two of them entered the mission together.

This time, Cheng Shuyao woke up on a tourist bus. Before she opened her eyes, she heard noisy voices around her, people chatting, playing mobile phones and playing cards.I think it was the same when she and her parents went on a trip. The people in the car were very lively, and everyone was in high spirits, enthusiastic, and it was fun.

She said to 0047 in her mind: "77, merge."

After merging the memory and soul with the original body, she couldn't help but wonder, so what task is this plane asking her to do.I used to be a clerk in a company. This time, I signed up for this trip because I broke up with my ex-boyfriend who I had been with for four years. In order to relieve my sadness, I signed up for this trip.

So is she going to get her ex-boyfriend back?She thought about it, and her ex-boyfriend was indeed good-looking and capable, but she still felt that something was wrong, so she simply gave up and opened the panel.

Mission name: Guess?
Main task: Raiders guess? (Completion: 0)

Side quests: none
Points: 223
Host: Cheng Shuyao (Place: Guess?)
Appearances: 50 (out of 80)

Intelligence: 120 (80)

Stamina: 80 (40)

This attribute was quite average, except for the appearance, which was not as high as her own, so she replaced Ruyi Ruyi with her own value, feeling a little more at ease.

After a while, it seemed that we had arrived at a scenic spot. The bus stopped and the tour guide's loud voice rang out.

"Okay, all tourists, we have arrived at one of today's scenic spots, Yulongwan Waterfall!" Cheng Shuyao opened her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

Under the instructions of the tour guide, everyone started to pick up their bags and get off the bus.There is a long mountain road away from the scenic area where the parking is located. Tourists need to climb up it themselves. It is a very steep mountain road, and there is no other means of transportation. They can only rely on their own legs.

After doing this, looking at the majestic mountains, some people retreated and stayed at the foot of the mountain, while Cheng Shuyao chose to follow the big team and climb the mountain!

After two hours, she began to feel lucky that her physical strength was not bad, because they had only climbed three-quarters of the way, and were still some distance away from the final attraction, Yulongwan Waterfall.

When they finally climbed to the top of the mountain, an old woman in the same team couldn't help complaining: "I'm so old, and after all the effort, I only saw a big pool when I climbed up! It's really embarrassing!"

Everyone laughed for a while, but the laughter didn't last long, and a sudden change occurred!
(End of this chapter)

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