Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 152 The Underworld Prince and the Good Girl (10)

Chapter 152 The Underworld Prince and the Good Girl (10)

Cheng Shuyao's dizzy head also began to wake up slowly, she turned her head to look at the place where the sound came from, although she couldn't see Qin Ximing's person, she knew in her heart that he was here, so she couldn't help but feel relieved.

She wanted to rub her neck, it hurt too much from being beaten by that man just now, but when she moved, she found that her hands and feet were tied.After twisting her neck slightly, she couldn't help but let out a "hissing" sound. She was sure that she must have been injured internally by that man, it was too painful.

"Where are we?" She asked hoarsely.

"Not sure, but we are on a ship." Qin Ximing's steady voice sounded unexpectedly reliable in this dark space.

No wonder she was shaking and shaking. She tried to sit up from the ground, but because her hands and feet were tightly tied, she could only move little by little.She accidentally touched Qin Ximing's hand. The cold, hard touch and the strange sticky liquid made her heart sink.

"You are chained." She simply stated the facts, trying to suppress the anger rising in her heart.It was probably because Qin Ximing showed his amazing fighting power in the sewer before, which made this group of people afraid, so they chose to tie him with iron chains.But Qin Ximing himself did not hesitate to hurt himself in order to break free from the iron chain, so he got the blood on his hand.

"En." Qin Ximing responded to her indifferently, without any complaints, and she really admired her calm and breezy attitude at this moment.

"Then the locator on our body..." She asked with a hint of luck.In a family like theirs, everyone will install a locator on their body, including themselves who don't know where it is, just to deal with this sudden situation.

"This group of people is very experienced, all signals should be blocked." Qin Ximing answered her inferentially, he could probably guess that this group of people came for his house.Since he was able to capture him at the cost of blowing up a section of the road before, it must have been a well-designed plan, and the locator must have been considered in it.

Well, in fact, she didn't hold out hope.She turned her hands and thanked the heavens. This group of people probably didn't treat her as hard as Qin Ximing because she was a girl. They only used ropes to bind her. She planned to start with herself.

Tell Qin Ximing about this, but he refuses with disapproval, and tells her: "The rope on your body is specially made, and the binding method is very sophisticated, the more you move it, the tighter it will be."

After Cheng Shuyao finished listening, she calmly said, "Can you cut it off with a knife?"

When Qin Ximing heard it, he was a little surprised, "You have it?"

"Yeah." Actually not, but she has 0047.

The two decided to give it a try, and exchanged 0047 points with 5 for a sharp knife, and handed it to Qin Ximing to cut the rope in his hand.

Because they couldn't see anything, Qin Ximing first determined the position with his hands before starting to cut the rope.Because of their posture, the two were very close, and the girl could even feel Qin Ximing's hot breath hitting the side of her face, and his cold fingers wandered around her wrist to determine the exact position of the rope.

One is hot and the other is cold, which makes people especially concerned in this closed and dark space.They started a tug-of-war with the rope. As Qin Ximing said, the rope is specially made, so it is very tough. The dagger she exchanged with 0047 is definitely very sharp, but after cutting for a long time, it only made a small cut.

During Qin Ximing's movements, Cheng Shuyao felt liquid dripping on her hand.She twisted it lightly and found it was blood.She couldn't help but blurt out and asked: "Did your wound break again?"

Qin Ximing paused for a moment, said "Yes", and then told her not to move around, and be careful not to touch her with the blade.As soon as Cheng Shuyao heard it, she sat down obediently and did not move around.Since she was in the dark, the girl didn't have a concept of time, she only felt that after a long, long time, the rope was finally cut.

Cheng Shuyao struggled hard and untied the rope. She took the dagger and began to cut the rope on her feet.Qin Ximing told her: "Be careful, don't cut it all off."

As soon as she heard it, she understood what he meant. They were drifting in the vast ocean now, and there was no way for them to escape from the cruise ship.It is better to continue to show weakness and wait for the best time.

After cutting it off, she reached out and touched the iron chain on Qin Ximing's hand.At this touch, she bit her lower lip.This group of people is really ruthless, the iron chains that trap Qin Ximing have nothing to do with it.

The side that sticks to the flesh is full of sharp and dense points, which means that every movement of Qin Ximing will be tortured by these things.

Qin Ximing was still wondering why she suddenly fell silent, and felt liquid dripping on him in the next second.

The tears had a warm heat, warmer than his bare skin, so he felt like he was being burned.He said hoarsely, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Shuyao shook her head, did not speak, but tears flowed more wantonly.Tears hit Qin Ximing's body along with her movements, he couldn't help but raised his arms, held her in his arms, and comforted her in a low voice: "Don't cry."

She also felt that it was hypocritical for her to cry now, but the tears just didn't obey her orders.Those sharp iron thorns were like a switch, opening her tear ducts.

The two depended on each other like this, and she even felt that the system's affection notification sound was a little too confusing, and she didn't really want to hear it now.Cheng Shuyao, who was held in Qin Ximing's arms, suddenly felt Qin Ximing's body tense up. He lowered his head, put his ears on the floor, and said to her in a low voice, "Someone is here."

Cheng Shuyao understood, and handed Qin Ximing the rope at her feet, and he tied her up very quickly with his hands and feet. It looked similar to just now, but it was actually a slipknot.

Not long after they finished these, the door was suddenly opened.Qin Ximing quickly stood in front of her, this action caught the eyes of the person who opened the door, and they even made fun of them.

They roughly covered their eyes with a black cloth, and dragged them out.They seemed to have come to an island, she could even hear the cries of seabirds, and what greeted her was the wet smell of sea water.

Not to mention her, even Qin Ximing frowned, it seems that it is really hard to get out now.They can be taken to some private waters soon, in this case, they are difficult to be found.

While they were still guessing, the two were thrown directly off the cruise ship.Cheng Shuyao was in so much pain that she wanted to kill someone. This was the second time she came to this face and fell headfirst. Although this time there was still soft sand under her body, she really felt that she was thrown stupidly.

The black cloth from her eyes was taken away, facing the glare of the sun, she saw Qin Ximing.What's more frightening is that she saw them being thrown on a deserted island, and there was a mail ship on the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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