Fast time travel game: Raiders of male gods

Chapter 151 The Underworld Prince and the Good Girl (9)

Chapter 151 The Underworld Prince and the Good Girl (9)

A small halo of light flashed across the two of them. These were the two basic defensive shields that Cheng Shuyao exchanged with 0047 yesterday, but they really came in handy.

Thanks to this primary defense cover, although the two were hit by the gravel on the broken road and had many scratches on their faces, they did not hurt their muscles or bones.However, the distance between the road and the sewer was higher than the first floor, so the two of them fell straight down like this, and they were still dizzy.

As expected of Qin Ximing's excellent consciousness, as soon as the two of them fell into the sewer pipe under the ground, he resisted the feeling of dizziness and nausea, immediately grabbed Cheng Shuyao, and retreated to a dark pipe mouth.

He asked Cheng Shuyao in a low voice: "Are you all right?"

"Yeah." She nodded, she really fell a little on her head, a little sick, and she was not very energetic.Also, the place where the sewer pipes stink really badly, if she didn't fall to her death, she would be stinky to death!But now is not the time to be hypocritical, both she and Qin Ximing tightly covered their noses and mouths with their clothes, because the smell is too strong, if the two of them are found out because of this noise, the loss outweighs the gain.

Sure enough, within a short while, they heard dense footsteps, about seven or eight people, walking towards the landslide.

I only heard one person swearing and saying: "Damn! Yang Laoliu is a piece of trash! He bombed the wrong place. He was asked to bomb the intersection of Linyu Street, but he bombed it one mouth earlier. Fortunately, the two places are separated. Not long, if you lose him later, I don’t think the boss will let him go.”

"Come on, come on, Kangzi, don't talk nonsense, take him away quickly." A calm male voice said, it sounds like he should be in his 40s or [-]s.

So the two of them heard the group of people looking for their traces in the rubble pile, probably they didn't see them hiding.

But after a while, they realized that the person was really lost. Kangzi, who had been swearing before, started to curse again angrily, and the middle-aged man who persuaded him also started to call, as if to confirm whether Qin Ximing was really lost. down.

"Okay, the people watching from above said that the kid did fall, and he brought a little girl with him. They shouldn't be far away, so look for it! We don't have much time, and if Qin Linkang's people realize it, we'll be in trouble. "

After finishing speaking, the group dispersed and began to search nearby.

Cheng Shuyao felt that her heart was in her throat, and she sat in Qin Ximing's arms, but found that Qin Ximing's heartbeat didn't seem to have changed, and she couldn't help admiring him, he really has a good psychological quality.

Kang Zai walked towards them with a dirty mouth, inspecting every pipe opening carelessly, Cheng Shuyao's heart sank, it seemed that they were in danger.

Qin Ximing obviously also noticed this problem. Although he had no serious injuries, his body was in severe pain. It was obvious that he had no chance of winning if he had to fight seven or eight good players.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered: "I will hold them back later, you try your best to escape, and don't look back."

The girl grabbed his hand with her backhand, Qin Ximing felt her cold and wet hand, and then heard her say stubbornly: "No."

Qin Ximing's heart softened suddenly. In fact, when he just said that sentence, he was not sure. After all, there were seven or eight strong men outside. If they were really discovered, they would basically have no chance of escape.But as an 18-year-old boy, he didn't want the people around him to be hurt, so he said such a brave word.

But the girl refused to accept his tricks. She was obviously afraid, but she held his hand firmly. He suddenly felt guilty. If he hadn't agreed to drive her with him this morning, he would not have let her encounter such a thing.

"Ding! Main task: Raid Qin Ximing (completion degree: +15)!"

After Kang Tsai checked many pipe openings, but found no target, he couldn't help becoming more impetuous, and his voice became louder and louder.Cheng Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief, she had already seen that he was impatient, so several pipes were not checked, it seems that as long as they are lucky enough, they may escape the catastrophe and wait for Uncle Qin's people to come.

Unexpectedly, a hand suddenly grabbed her hair and pulled her out of the pipe.It was so painful to have her hair pulled, she shed tears physiologically, she squinted her eyes, and saw that it was a middle-aged man who pulled her out, as soon as he opened his mouth, she knew that he was the one who called just now .

She saw a touch of white under the pipe opening, and she couldn't help sighing, she was really sold by herself.The white was the fabric from her school uniform, which might have been caught when it just fell off.

She kicked the man's crotch unceremoniously. The man reacted quickly and knocked her out.

After Cheng Shuyao was dragged out, Qin Ximing couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, so he jumped out and wrestled with the middle-aged man and Kangzi who were closest to him.Others also heard the sound, but in the end Qin Ximing was still knocked out.

A group of people hugged him and left through a hidden door in the sewer, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Qin Linkang and Cheng Fangfang, who got the news, both had a bloodthirsty killing intent in their hearts.

Qin Linkang took the initiative to call Cheng Yifang: "Yifang, I'm sorry, the person who came this time was probably for me. I didn't expect that Yaoyao would be implicated."

"Lin Kang, you don't have to say that. No one wants this kind of thing to happen. Let's not worry about it now, just get the children out quickly." In fact, when Cheng Yifang received the news just now, he suddenly turned to Qin Ximing. dissatisfaction.If it wasn't for his daughter to cling to him, how could this happen?
But who made her daughter just like others?There's nothing he can do as a father.

Qin Linkang felt even more uneasy when he heard what his old friend said. He said: "This group of people should contact me soon. I have also sent someone to investigate now, and I will notify you as soon as I have news."

"Okay, I'll put the news down too, we have news to contact."

After hanging up the phone, the two fathers braved their anger to investigate the matter.

Cheng Shuyao had a dream. She went on a spring outing with her classmates. The classmates built a hammock in the woods and asked her to try it.

She climbed up and fell asleep, and Qin Ximing, who appeared out of nowhere, kept shaking her, and she felt like she was about to vomit.

"Don't...don't shake it..." She frowned and muttered.

A joyful voice sounded beside her ear: "Cheng Shuyao, are you awake?"

She opened her eyes suddenly, but couldn't see anything, she couldn't help muttering: "Am I blind?"

"Don't be afraid, there is no light in this room." Qin Ximing whispered in her ear, with a gentleness and comfort that she had never heard before.

(End of this chapter)

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