Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 151 The Fire of Life

Chapter 151 The Fire of Life
Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't speak, the burning of his life force almost wiped out his lifespan in the form of a hundred days per second.

But at the same time, it also brought unprecedented multiplied power, and the soul power instantly suppressed the invasion of the dark power at the wound.

At this time, it seemed that there was a rain of petals in the sky, and the golden chrysanthemums were slowly floating, looking so poignant and beautiful.

There was a look of resentment in Ghost Douluo's eyes.

"Chrysanthemum Pass, the two of us have worked hard for the Wuhun Palace for so many years!"

"However, they refused to reward us with a single soul bone. On the contrary, Hu Liena, with the title of saint, can get several soul bones!"

"I can not be reconciled……"

Ju Douluo just looked at him, and smiled disdainfully: "I didn't expect to reach this level, you still miss these things?"

"Sure enough, people's greed will expand infinitely!"

"But, don't forget, without the resources and cultivation of Spirit Hall, you and I wouldn't even be Titled Douluo!"

Wan Duo's beautiful and elegant chrysanthemums accelerated instantly, like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, revealing the terrible murderous intent.

An indescribable force suddenly shattered the black hole in Ghost Douluo's hand, and the ghost flew out like a meteor, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouth full of blood.

With such overbearing power, Ju Douluo shattered his ninth soul ability with one move, but it consumed precious life force.

In two minutes, Ju Douluo's original blond hair paled a lot, and his delicate face like a beautiful woman was greatly haggard.

It seems that the immortal products and spiritual grass maintenance that I have taken before can't resist the fading power of time.

As the saying goes: the loss of time and the short-lived good times are the most terrible things in this world!

At this moment, the battle between the giant holy dragon and the huge blood demon over there has also reached a critical moment.

The time for peak duels is often very short, and the energy consumption is massive.

The holy dragon still couldn't resist the power of the temple powerhouse Assassin Star for a long time, and the strong pressure kept pushing his body back.

Gullies more than ten meters deep were rubbed along the way, and some hills, ancient trees, and boulders were kicked over and smashed like toys.

"With a mere level 93 soul power, you want to fight against this deity?"

"I'm a Level 95 Title Douluo!"

Assassin star laughed wildly, half of the devil's face showed a fierce look.

Controlling the two-headed Gorefiend to stride forward continuously, suppressing the opponent's high-temperature beam of light.

At the level of Titled Douluo, the advantages and disadvantages of Wuhun no longer seem so important.

At this time, it is the level of soul power to look at, because every time you increase one level, your soul power will be 20.00% more than the current level.

The farther to the back, the gap in soul power between the two is getting bigger and bigger, which is why a high-level Title Douluo can fight against several low-level Title Douluo.

"What about level 95?"

A voice came from not far away, and Assassin looked over subconsciously.

But he happened to see Ju Douluo whose hair was already half gray.



Before he finished speaking, the tornado carrying the chrysanthemums with huge lethality rushed straight up.

Like a huge mallet, it was thrown at the walking Gorefiend.

Because of the inertia, the huge body fell to the side, stumbled to the ground in embarrassment, slid for a certain distance, and at the same time stopped the output of the beam of light, giving Shenglong a chance to breathe.

"I am also level 95!"

The golden flames burned, and the Wuhun Avatar kept spinning in front of him, the petals gathered together, exposing the sharp points, and the strength of the whole body formed an obvious sharp diamond around Ju Douluo's body.

Boom, boom, boom!
The air was so shaken that it made a noise, protruding layer by layer, like an electric light poisonous dragon drill, piercing through the paper-like space.

The speed is not fast, but the momentum is so huge.

"Let's work together to kill her first!"

The huge wings of the holy dragon were constantly fanning, setting off a violent gale, and the lift force continued to increase.

After a while, the giant body soared into the sky, rushed to the sky and began to spin rapidly.

The clouds in the sky were stirred by this force, forming a turbine-shaped cloud.

Ninth soul skill: Breath of the Holy Dragon, activate again.

The flame light beam with a higher temperature than before shot down from the height to the bottom, and two powerful forces attacked the target.

The Gorefiend finally came to his senses at this moment, facing the full blows of the two Titled Douluo powerhouses, he was captured without holding back.

No one who can reach this level is a fuel-efficient lamp.

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Assassin's mouth, her strength has not been fully displayed yet!
All the dark power merged into the sword body.

The flesh and blood began to move again, and a ferocious and terrifying third head grew out, which was full of evil spirits and extremely ugly.

The two blood-colored sword shadows condensed at the same time, released instantly, and faced the attack head-on.

Chrysanthemum Douluo and Shenglong only had a slightly strange look in their eyes, but they did not give up their offensive.


The power of the three peaks contended, and the sky directly displayed the brilliance of three colors.

Light, sound, temperature, and fluctuations all reached their maximum within a few seconds.

Although it was the joint attack of the two, they felt the erosion of that evil force.

The horror of evil soul masters is reflected in the soul power that can infect ordinary soul masters.

So much so that at the same level, they are often restricted by them, and the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be.

"Quick solution!" Ju Douluo winked at Shenglong above.

Because they faced more than one enemy, once the Ghost Douluo who hadn't recovered from the pit "woke up", they would face back and forth flanking attacks.

And there are still two level 95 Title Douluo, the two of them are just a level 92 plus an injured level 95, so they are at a disadvantage no matter what.

Time seemed extremely tense at this time.

Just as the two of them were thinking, a sharp howling of bats unexpectedly came from the deep pit.

Ghost Douluo recovered, his wings vibrated, and he soared into the sky.

Black mist lingered, wrapped in a large group of black matter, and swooped down beyond the speed of sound.

"So fast?"

"not good!"

The two were shocked, but they didn't have the strength to fight against Ghost Douluo separately, because the opponent's dark soul power seemed to have a strong sticking force, and they couldn't get rid of it easily.

"Hahaha! You're all going to die!" Assassin Xing fought against the two with one man's strength, and he was able to laugh arrogantly.

In her opinion, being able to crush the number of titled Douluo in the Wuhun Temple is also a good blow.

Facing Wuhundian in the future, the pressure will be easier.

Ninth Soul Skill: Ghostly Devour

Released the strongest blow again, but this time it was different, instead, the power centered on Ghost Douluo's whole body swirled, forming a forward "black hole!"

If it was hit without any resistance, it would be severely damaged or even completely torn apart by the terrifyingly distorted force field.

The situation was completely reversed, Ju Douluo suddenly had a trace of regret, he shouldn't have softened his heart before, beat the dog in the water and completely crippled the ghost.

Now that this situation is reached, there is no way to recover!
Do you still want to burn the power of life?
(End of this chapter)

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