Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 150 Battle of the Peak

Chapter 150 Battle of the Peak
The blood energy absorption force field was broken, and the giant blood demon was furious. Following the movement of the half-devil Assassin, a terrifyingly huge face and a pair of long horns formed.

Boom, boom, boom!
The earth seemed to have become a drumhead, which was pounded by a giant hammer.

The blood mist was torn apart by a strong force, and a giant-like blood demon rushed out.

The mighty prestige made the remaining soul masters on the surrounding surface tremble.

"Nana, let's stay away a little bit more!" Xie Yue glanced at her younger sister, raised her head and said calmly.

This kind of battle scene is too scary!If these young people are not careful, they will be annihilated in ashes!
But at this moment, Hu Liena seemed to have lost her soul, her self-confidence and pride were completely shattered, is the strength of the Title Douluo level so terrifying?
Although she claims to be the No. 1 of the golden generation in Wuhundian, the geniuses who have not yet risen are still the targets of "being slaughtered".

In front of the titled Douluo powerhouse, he is just an ant.

It is also thanks to the protection of the powerful Wuhun Temple, as well as the appreciation and care of the teacher.

What if there is a teacher to take care of it?Do you want to hide behind it for a lifetime?
For a moment, her thoughts drifted far away, and she almost forgot the current sinister situation.

"Let's go!" Xie Yue couldn't wait any longer, she pulled the girl who was still in a daze and left quickly.

"Yan, you hurry up too!"

Looking at the red guy who was still using rocks to resist the aftermath, he could only remind him that there was no more time to help him.

After using his soul power, he jumped a few times and left the area in an emergency.

With a bang, a huge boulder more than ten meters high hit the spot where they were, and in an instant, dust and gravel were flying.

However, this boulder is just an inconspicuous little toy to the huge blood demon who started to sprint.

The claws the size of a normal lake grasped the bloodthirsty soul sword in its real form, and slashed down with a force exceeding ten thousand catties.

Sweeping across, the wind whistling, reached the level of a nine-level typhoon in an instant.


The Sect Master of the Holy Dragon Sect in the real form spewed out a large amount of hot air from his nose, and his huge body began to stride forward, even if the ground collapsed, it could not stop him in the slightest.

Slowly breathing and accelerating into a sprint, the dragon's body is like a moving mountain, rampaging.

The giant claws covered with scales like hard armor swung out, grabbing the opponent's sword violently.

Under the sun, I saw a huge black shadow sweeping past, although the movement was slow, it carried the power that could shake mountains and rivers.

There was another loud bang, sparks from the explosion scattered and splashed, and the birds that flew over during the fight were frightened and screamed, fleeing away from this terrible place.

"very scary!"

The movement was so shocking that even the evil soul masters at the port several kilometers away could feel it.

The ground could clearly be seen shaking slightly, they were like ants on a hot table manipulated by a strong man.

A group of guys who usually slaughtered low-level soul masters and harmed ordinary people suddenly felt fear.


"Our fleet has arrived!"

An evil soul master who sent a letter flew down from the sky.

Faintly, one can see a flag rising slowly on the sea in the distance.

Returning to this battlefield, the collision of such a large size and strength, but the fierce blood can't cut through the dragon's armor at all, which shows how hard this guy's scale armor is.

The martial soul inherited from the ancient dragon clan is really powerful.

"What a hard thing!"

The half-devil Assassin snorted coldly, and formed a seal deep on the Gorefiend's forehead.

The monstrous blood energy suddenly rose, and the sound of countless howling ghosts and howling wolves continuously poured into the depths of the blood demon's big mouth, turning it into nourishment for its evolution.

Those were all people who had been slaughtered by the bloodthirsty soul sword, and the dead souls were imprisoned in it, and they would never be able to recover.

It is very similar to the vampire that Xiao Ning fought, and may be from the same line of the evil sect.


The moving flesh and blood split apart from behind, wings grew from behind the gorefiend, and at the same time a terrifying and ferocious ghost head appeared.

Covering the sky and spreading its wings, the storm was raging, and the climate of this world began to change rapidly.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks were flying, air currents roared, and the smoke and dust from the blowing enveloped the sky and the earth, even blocking the sun's rays in the sky above.

Caught in a black sandstorm, the interior is pitch black, almost beyond the power of nature.

In an instant, a dangerous red light illuminated, and the two-headed Gorefiend revealed the sharp teeth in its bloody mouth.

The power summoned before was condensed in the bloodthirsty soul sword, which once beheaded the inherited soul skill of the titled Douluo powerhouse with one move.

Enough to "comparable" to the real magic.

Thousand Soul Demon Blood Sword!
"Ghost Douluo will be handed over to you!"

The suzerain who had transformed into a giant holy dragon made a roaring sound.

As soon as he stepped out, the ground went into a big pit, and then the surrounding soil layer suddenly cracked a large piece.

The wings that can also cover the sky and the sun behind him spread out, and a little bit of energy particles appeared in the space, and quickly gathered in the slightly opened mouth of the holy dragon as the light appeared.

Ninth Soul Skill: Holy Dragon Breath

This move has completely reached the very terrifying level of the Dragon Clan, and the temperature rises like a rocket.

Nine Baidu!
[-] Baidu!

Three thousand degrees!
The dazzling light turned into white, and the airflow in the surrounding space was scalded by the high temperature, making it hazy.


The powerful recoil made the suzerain in the form of a dragon couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The fiery beam of light soared into the sky, and even the flying sand and stones were turned into glass.

It directly collided with the bloody sword shadow that fell down, and the start was a big explosion.

"Old ghost!" Ju Douluo's mouth was already overflowing with blood, and he tapped a few acupuncture points to stop the pain of the wound.

The golden tornado whizzed away, having been an old partner for so many years, although the speed was not as fast as that of Ghost Douluo.

However, Luo Yueguan's attack strength was much lower than that of Ghost Douluo.

Ninth Soul Skill: Ghostly Devour

The airflow and flying objects within the range suddenly began to flow backwards, and an extremely black hole was torn out of the air like paper.

The incomparably powerful suction field covered it in an instant, like a desperate black hole hidden in the universe, surrounded by countless ghosts, making a cry that shocked the world.

The power of the black hole overwhelmed the golden storm of Luo Yueguan in an instant, after all, he was injured.

"Juhuaguan, join our temple!"

"Aren't you most eager to be free? But in Wuhundian, it will never be possible!"

"Presumptuous!" Even if the wind is down, Ju Douluo is still supporting, this is the dignity of being a strong man.

"Wuhundian protects you and I have grown to this level, how can we be so ungrateful!"

"Today, I must kill you traitor!"

As the last resort was deployed, Luo Yueguan's vitality and blood suddenly decreased.

The golden tornado was several times larger again, and this time, even the real body of Qirong Tongtianju was completely split, turning into a raging giant python head.

At this moment, Ghost Douluo's expression was wrong.

"Burning the power of life directly!"

"Are you crazy?"

(End of this chapter)

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