The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 131 Questioning

Chapter 131 Questioning
The scene was strangely silent for a while.

The smell of charred corpses in the air permeated the battlefield, carried by the wind continuously, which made people a little upset.

Nuo Lin quietly looked at the face that was a few steps away from him, which was exactly the same as his, and only sighed after a long while:

"So you... are the darkness in my heart."

While speaking, he raised his wand, and another Norin flew backwards again.This time, he even broke a large tree branch leaning against the city wall.

"Is that all you fear of me, Noreen Davies?"

Another Nolin roared, and rushed out of the smoke again.Wings sprouted from his back, and his black hair grew several times longer, falling loosely behind his head without the wind.A black mask was put on at some point on his face, and his eyes shone with golden light.

With his wings flapping in the air, he stagnated in mid-air, looked down at Norin from a height, and said sarcastically:

"What are you afraid of? Afraid that I will come back for revenge?"

Norin looked at his decoration with great interest, and said with some difficulty:

"Can you change back? This ghostly shape looks a bit awkward to me."

The other Nolin was unmoved, he shook his head, with cold disappointment in his tone, and said:

"Familiar and cheap diversion... What are you avoiding?"

"Do you still have such a tiny bit of guilt, as a remorse for taking everything from me, and then enjoy it with peace of mind?"

Norin frowned, watching the man in midair step down again step by step, standing in front of him, and asked in a cold voice.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

The other Norin looked straight into his eyes, stared at him fiercely for a long time, then suddenly changed his tone and said:

"In fact, the matter has come to this point, and I have no objection to you living in this world as me. To some extent, the two of us are one."

Norin frowned even tighter, and asked strangely:

"Then what are you doing out there?"

"I just want to know, what is your purpose in life? No, right?"

Another Norin was pressed against his forehead, and Norin could even feel the icy temperature of the mask on his face.

Before Norin had time to speak, the other one continued to speak:

"From the second you were born, you have a mature soul. For 12 years, what have you been living for?"

"For magic? For parents? Or...for myself?"

Norin pushed him away and said impatiently, "None of your business."

Obviously Norin didn't use much force, but the other one backed away again and again.The man's figure gradually faded into the darkness, and Norin could see that the corner of his mouth that was exposed outside the mask raised a strange arc, and a babble echoed in his ears:

"Wait for me, Noreen Davis...we'll see you again..."

Noreen stood where he was, not saying a word.It wasn't until he couldn't see the figure of that person that the impatience on his face gradually faded, and deep in his eyes was a hint of bewilderment.

He took a deep look at the dark battlefield, only sporadic magic remnants scorched and burned, emitting wisps of black smoke. .Norin felt that his heart was also cast a shadow.

Norin pursed her lips, turned and walked out of the mirror world.

Norin didn't know how long he stayed there, but when he came out, Dumbledore was the only one sitting in a chair in the classroom, watching him come out with a peaceful expression.

The other little wizards had disappeared.

"It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble, and the get out of class has been dismissed."

Dumbledore stood up and walked to the Mirror of Erised.He didn't ask Norin what he encountered inside, but tapped on the mirror frame with his wand, and the ripples on the mirror surface gradually disappeared, like a pool of stagnant water, and returned to the appearance of an ordinary mirror.

Noreen watched quietly, knowing that the mirror world had been closed by Dumbledore, and the Mirror of Erised had returned to its original function.

He turned his head suddenly, staring intently at the smooth surface of the Mirror of Erised.However, there was still nothing inside, a total chaos.

Another burst of irritability welled up in my heart.Noreen bowed slightly to Dumbledore, and said quickly:
"Professor, then I'll go first."

Dumbledore nodded with a smile.After Noreen walked out of the classroom, Dumbledore looked at the Mirror of Erised and said to himself:

"There is another child who can't find his way like me back then, Arianna..."

In the magic mirror, a little girl smiled sweetly and stretched out her hand, as if to smooth the wrinkles on his face.


Dumbledore served as the next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, causing an uproar in the school.So much so that in the next few days, the popularity of this course remained high in the school, which was far from comparable to when Quirrell was teaching.

The other professors couldn't help complaining that in their class, the little wizards were still discussing what the next lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts would be about, which made their class efficiency a bit lower.

But Zhang Qiu and Smith both found that Norlin's recent state is very wrong.His eyes were always out of focus, and he seemed to be thinking about something. When the professor asked him questions in class, he was dazed for a long time before he could react.

Or just holding a book that no one can understand, it takes a long time to read it.

A similar abnormality was just one or two months into the last semester.

"What happened to him recently? Broken love?"

George clung to Smith's ear and asked quietly, looking quietly at a corner of Slytherin.

"Professor Dumbledore hasn't been quite right since his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Smith shook his head, and also answered in a low voice.

"Harry and Ron will be locked up soon, and I haven't seen them like this."

Fred gasped.

Harry and Ron have been in a bad mood lately.On Christmas Day, Harry received an Invisibility Cloak of unknown origin. According to the letter from the sender, it was the Invisibility Cloak left by Harry's father.

Since then, the treasured Harry and Ron have been traveling in the castle at night every day, and even borrowed the Marauder's Map from Nolin, and went in and out of various places in the castle, having a great time.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. During the night tour last night, Ron accidentally knocked down the lights in the corridor, and was caught by Filch on patrol. He announced on the spot that they would be sent to the Forbidden Forest for confinement.

"I haven't been locked up a few times, so how dare I say it's from our Weasley family."

George raised his eyebrows and said complacently.Then he quickly changed his tone, and said strangely, "Of course, except for dear Prefect Percy."

Patsy attached great importance to this aspect of reputation, for fear that others would say that he was extraordinarily fair to the Weasley twins because of public favoritism, and he had deducted a lot of points from them.

So that now when the twins mention him, they have to get rid of the yin and yang first, so that they can feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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