The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Two Sides in the Mirror

Chapter 130 Two Sides in the Mirror
After Dumbledore finished speaking, he waved his wand, and a gorgeous mirror appeared out of thin air in front of the podium.

Norin's eyes froze, and it was the Mirror of Erised.

Dumbledore tapped his wand on the mirror.Under the horrified gazes of the young wizards, the mirror surface suddenly rippled like water, and then became hazy for a while, as if it was a tempting hole, which made people want to go deep into it involuntarily.

"This mirror is called the Mirror of Erised, and it can reflect what a person desires most in his heart."

Standing beside the mirror, Dumbledore said slowly, "However, there is another world in the mirror, and that world is completely opposite to the effect of the Mirror of Erised."

The excitement on the faces of the little wizards was beyond words.As expected of Dumbledore, he came up with such an interesting thing in the first class.What Qi Locklear is not at the same level as him at all.

Norin looked suspiciously at the ripples in the Mirror of Erised. He remembered that the last time he stood in front of this mirror, there was nothing in it and it was blurry.

"I hope that every student can come out with their own strength after entering."

Dumbledore looked around the classroom and said with a smile, "Then who will come first?"

"I come!"

Gryffindor's John Scott stood up first, walked to the mirror excitedly, and touched the mirror with his hand.

The mirror surface is like a real water surface, with ripples.

John Scott swallowed nervously and asked:
"Go straight in, Professor?"

Dumbledore nodded with a smile: "Yes. Good luck, child. If you can't hold on, you can come out at any time."

Excited by Dumbledore's encouragement, John Scott strode into the mirror with his head held high.The mirror distorted for a while, and his figure slowly disappeared.

The little wizards in the classroom were all looking forward to the Mirror of Erised, silently guessing when he would come out.

John Scott didn't keep them waiting long, and a few minutes later he stumbled out of the mirror, panting heavily, sweat soaking his robes.

He said with an ugly face, "I'm sorry, Professor."

There was no disappointment on Dumbledore's face. He tapped his wand lightly on John Scott, and a holy white light surrounded his body.John Scott flushed visibly.

"No need to apologize, Mr. Scott. This is not an easy task. Go aside and rest first."

"Who's next?"

He shouted loudly, and Zhang Qiu came out in response.

Her footsteps were firm, and when she walked to the mirror, she looked back at the many little wizards who were staring at her, and lingered on Norlin for an extra second.Then, she strode into the Mirror of Erised.

When she came out again, her face was extremely pale, with deep resentment and a faint trace of relief.White light also gushed out from Dumbledore's wand, and Zhang Qiu walked to the edge of the classroom without saying a word.

Norlin and Smith looked at each other. Even though they wanted to know what happened to her in the mirror, it was not a good time to ask her.


Dumbledore shouted in the same tone, and for some reason, Noreen heard a feeling of "the next victim".

"I'll do it." He thought for a moment and stood up.

There was a commotion in the crowd.Many young wizards want to see if Norin can come out safely and safely. Of course, there are not a few who want to see him make a fool of himself and gloat over his misfortune.

When Norlin walked to Dumbledore, Dumbledore gave him a meaningful look in his blue eyes, and there was a look in his eyes that Noreen could not understand.

Noreen took a deep breath and stepped into the mirror.

It seems to have passed through a very shallow and thin layer of water, and it feels somewhat similar to the nine and three-quarters platform of King's Cross Station.

Norin stood still through the mirror, narrowed his eyes, and quickly surveyed the surrounding environment.However, with just one glance, he froze in place.

Here is a smoky battlefield, towering ancient trees fell to the ground and turned into ashes, countless corpses of creatures lay on the ground, giant dragons, phoenixes, giant pythons, giants...

Among the ruins, Norlin could barely make out a few logos, snakes, eagles, lions, and badgers.

His heart was terrified.This place had appeared in his dreams before!

Norin suppressed his shock and looked back. He could still see the mirror behind him, and saw the classroom on the other side of the mirror. The little wizards were all staring at the mirror.

Elena's eyes seemed to pass through a mirror, and fell directly on him.


A very familiar voice sounded in his ear.Nuo Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned his head, looking ahead with sharp eyes.

On a broken city wall, a figure slowly solidified from virtual to real.

It looked like a 12-year-old boy, with a handsome appearance, but his face was hidden in the shadows, and he looked a little depressed.He has black hair and black pupils, a tall and straight figure, and his bronze and sky blue robes flutter in the wind.

Norlin suddenly had a ridiculous feeling that he was really looking in a mirror.Because that person is exactly what Norin looks like.

"Here I am, waiting for you for 12 years... Noreen Davis."

The man walked down the city wall step by step, with a smile on his face, but there was a bone-chilling coldness in his voice.

Before entering the mirror, Norin guessed many things that he might meet, but he didn't expect that there would be another self appearing in front of him.Not only that, he had a faint feeling that something was going away in him, something important but neglected by him.

"who are you?"

After being silent for a while, Norin spoke.

"who am I?"

The man seemed to have heard some absurd words, and when he walked up to Norin, two completely similar people stood facing each other, indescribably strange.

"I'm just someone you've stripped of everything... Noreen Davis."

The man smiled and said, "Even this name is yours, I have nothing."

Nuoling saw his own appearance in the opponent's pupils.

"You are just a despicable outsider, but you enjoy everything that belongs to me with peace of mind..."

The man stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to gently caress Nuo Lin's face. The next moment, there was a muffled sound in the air, and he flew upside down, and his body hit a broken wall, causing a cloud of gunpowder smoke.

There is an invisible barrier around Nuo Lin's body, which is the preparation he made before stepping into the mirror.

In almost a second, the figure popped out of the gunpowder smoke, seemingly unharmed.It's just that the calmness and elegance on his face disappeared, replaced by an unforgettable hatred that was so thick that it couldn't be melted away, as if it wanted to swallow Nuo Lin quickly.

"I was born into this world and died... you bandit."

The man's face was ferocious, and he walked up to him step by step again.

Nuo Lin lifted his eyelids slightly, and looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes indifferent.

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(End of this chapter)

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