The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 109 The Shapeshifting Club

Chapter 109 The Shapeshifting Club

Noreen asked a few more questions about Nicole Flamel, some of which Eddie told the truth, and some of which Eddie made circles with Noreen.

Norin didn't care too much, it's normal not to tell others some secrets.He glanced out the window with anticipation, and Hua Luo flapped his wings to deliver the daily newspaper.

“The latest report on the Gringotts break-in:
The investigation into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July is still ongoing.It is generally believed to be the work of an unknown dark wizard...

The goblins at Gringotts reiterated today that nothing has been stolen.The underground vault, searched by the intruders, was virtually emptied earlier in the day..."

On the "Daily Prophet", the most conspicuous typesetting is this news.

Norling thought back, it happened to be Harry's birthday, the day they went to Diagon Alley.Calculated in this way, Gringotts was stolen not long after they left.

I don't know if they still dare to fool customers with the signboard that will never be stolen...

Norlin naturally knew what was stored in Gringotts, and now it is estimated that Dumbledore placed it in the forbidden corridor on the fourth floor.

He had no interest in the Sorcerer's Stone, which had exhausted its magic power, and only that hapless Voldemort tried his best to get it, only to find out that it was a well-packaged trap after he got it.

Of course, it would be a different matter if the Philosopher's Stone still worked, and Norlin could steal it tonight.

"It's time for class. Your first period is Snape's class, so you'd better not be late."

Norin looked at the time, stood up and said to Eddie.

Smith was flipping through the newspaper. Hearing what he said, he quickly rolled up the newspaper and planned to take it to the classroom to read again.

When he came to the classroom, Professor McGonagall was standing on the podium, pursing his lips and scanning the classroom seriously.After the class bell rang, she cleared her throat and said:

"It's a great pleasure to see you again in the new semester. After studying in the last semester, you must have realized how complicated and profound knowledge Transfiguration is."

"In the first grade, I taught you how to transform an object into another object of similar size. This is the most superficial and simplest content in Transfiguration. However, there are still many students whose grades are not satisfactory."

Professor McGonagall paused, and Smith lowered his head in shame.In the final exam of Transfiguration, he lost one of the legs of a desk, almost hitting John Scott who was taking the exam.

"In fact, Transfiguration is an all-encompassing magic. The purpose of Transfiguration is that everything can be transformed."

Professor McGonagall talked eloquently about the brilliance of Transfiguration, while Norlin was moved, thinking that Animagus had to learn it as soon as possible, so that things would be much more convenient in the future.

He was also a little curious about what kind of animal his Animagus form would be.

After class, Nolin made a request to learn Animagus from Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall was a little surprised, and stared at Nolin for a few seconds. After all the little wizards left the classroom, she organized her words and said:

"Mr. Davis, I know that your learning progress is much higher than that of your peers, but it is still too early for you to learn Animagus in the second grade..."

No, the four Animagus of Gryffindor learned it in the first or second grade more than ten years ago.

Nolin retorted silently in his heart, and said with a smile: "Professor, I think I am ready for the transformation of Animagus, whether it is in terms of magical power or psychology."

Animagus is different from Tonks' Disguise Magus, the latter is a gift, while the former can be mastered with practice.But very few have mastered it.

There are two major problems in the transformation of Animagus, one is the long preparation period.The conditions of time, action, and weather were outrageously harsh.

The second is a psychological problem.In the first transformation of animagus, man will become an animal, and the bestiality will inevitably erode sanity.If the animal nature cannot be suppressed, the human consciousness will sink forever in the darkness, and the body will permanently change into the appearance of an animal.

Therefore, before transforming, people with unstable minds will inevitably have more or less fear.After all, no one knows what will become.

Professor McGonagall looked at him suspiciously, and was about to refuse again, but saw Nolin's wrist flicked, and a stream of light came out of his wand, which landed on a desk.

The desk seemed to shake for a moment, and then silently changed into Nolin's appearance, growing taller and taller until the hair touched the ceiling.

Professor McGonagall's eyes were fixed, knowing that the boy was showing her his transformation level and strong magic power.But more than ten years ago, a girl made the same request to her here.

More than ten years later, that girl has grown up and gained a great reputation in the magic world, and her son is now standing in front of Professor McGonagall.

"Come with me."

The serious lines on Professor McGonagall's face softened a bit, he sighed inwardly, and walked out of the classroom.With joy on Nuo Lin's face, he changed the desk back to its original form, and hurriedly followed.

After arriving at her office, Professor McGonagall accurately pulled out a book from the bookshelf and handed it to Noreen.

Professor McGonagall's office is more like owned by a Ravenclaw, and the bookshelves are densely packed with books.And all of them have traces of flipping, rather than putting them on the bookshelf for pretense.

It seems that Professor McGonagall's title of "hat embarrassment" is not groundless, and Ravenclaw is also suitable for her.Norin thought to himself, and glanced at the title of the book, "The Metamorphosis of Animagus".

He opened the cover, and any page was filled with Professor McGonagall's notes.

Nolin was overjoyed.He also saw this book in the library, but there were only steps to practice Animagus on it.In Professor McGonagall's book, there are extremely detailed precautions and methods to improve the success rate, which is what he really needs.

"Go back and read this book carefully. After reading it, you must tell me in advance when you start practicing. I will follow you all the way to ensure your safety."

"Okay." Norin nodded obediently.

"Since you decided to learn Animagus, you can join the Transformation Club I organized, which must be very helpful to you."

Professor McGonagall smiled and extended the invitation, "There are some of your senior seniors who are excellent in transfiguration, and they will exchange and learn more advanced transfiguration together. The time is usually every Saturday afternoon."

"It is my pleasure, Professor."

Noreen bowed respectfully and walked out of Professor McGonagall's office.

The moment the door closed, Norin glanced back.Professor McGonagall sat on a chair with dim eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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