The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 108 Alchemy Apprentice Eddie

Chapter 108 Alchemy Apprentice Eddie
Snape sat at the far right end of the professor's chair, staring blankly at something below with indifferent eyes.

What Dumbledore had said to him during the summer vacation echoed in his mind.He knew what Dumbledore meant, but when he saw those eyes, he still couldn't restrain his anger.

Anger at James Potter, at Voldemort, at Dumbledore, at...his own.

Dumbledore, who was smiling on the side, seemed to have noticed something, and turned his head to look at him.Snape is a well-deserved master of Occlumency, but Dumbledore is even more a master of Legilimency.

Even if Dumbledore didn't deliberately use Legilimency on Snape, he could still be sensitive to his strong mood swings.

Not only Dumbledore, but another person also noticed something was wrong.

Harry, who was secretly observing the professors, happened to look at Snape, and Snape's eyes were as deep as pools.


Harry clutched the scar on his forehead and let out a cry of pain.

"what happened to you?"

Holding a chicken leg in his hand, Ron gnawed on it happily, and asked vaguely.

"It's nothing."

Harry shook his head, the feeling of being struck by lightning just now came and went quickly, and his forehead had returned to normal.

"What's the name of that professor?"

Harry pointed to Snape, who was looking away.

"Old Bat, his name is Snape."

George looked in Harry's direction, and his cheeks twitched, "It's the Potions professor, who is extremely unfriendly to Gryffindor, as if the Gryffindors robbed him of his money. We were detained last year." He did half of the points."

Harry took a second look at the professor, silently keeping him in mind, and made up his mind to stay away from this professor in the future.

After eating and drinking, Dumbledore clapped his hands, picked up his wand and silently pointed at his throat. The next moment, his voice resounded through the auditorium:

"Tonight's banquet is coming to an end. Before everyone returns to the dormitory to rest, I have a few things to explain to you.

First off, this year we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Quirrell. "

Quirrell, who met at the door of the Ravenclaw common room, stood up and smiled shyly at the students.

The little wizards subconsciously compared him with Professor Krell in their hearts, and found that Quirrell was far inferior in terms of appearance, clothing, and temperament, and they couldn't help curling their lips in disappointment.

There was only sporadic applause in the auditorium, but Quirrell was not embarrassed. After standing up and saying hello, he sat down and remained in a daze, pretending he didn't see it.

Dumbledore didn't care about the little wizards' dislike of Quirrell, and then said with a smile:

"Regardless of the grade, entry into the Forbidden Forest is prohibited. If you are discovered, it will not be that simple."

George and Fred shrank back under the table guiltily when they saw Dumbledore glance over at Gryffindor.

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, tells me every year to remind you not to cast spells in the corridor between classes. I hope this year can save him some worry."

The little wizards except the new students all snorted.

"This year's Quidditch selection will still be held in the second week. Those who want to win honors for the academy can apply to the captain first and report to Mrs. Huo Qi."

Zhang Qiu was gearing up, eager to try.

"Finally, I have to tell everyone that those who don't want to suffer accidents and die in pain should not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor. Well, the prefects will take everyone back to rest. I wish you a happy new semester."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot again, the last item for tonight, let's sing the school song together!"

Almost everyone's face tightened, even the professors were not interested in the school anthem, only Dumbledore had a soft spot for it.

At the end of the song, the prefects took the freshmen back to the common room, and introduced the origin and story of the common room to them as usual.

After Pekassy Mandy graduated, the person who took over her position as prefect was Penelope Clearwater, a senior senior with the same outstanding appearance.

Norin and the others don't need to follow her, they can go back to sleep first.

Professor McGonagall was handing out timetables when Noreen came to the auditorium the next morning.After posting, she disappeared.

Norin glanced at it, and the first session was her Transfiguration class.Smith checked the time while eating breakfast. He didn't want to be late for this serious professor's class.

On the long table in Gryffindor, Harry and Ron were asking the twins about something.For him, this is the first lesson to officially enter the magical world, which is of great significance.

However, he glanced at the class schedule and found that the first period was Potions class, which was the class that Professor Snape was in charge of yesterday, and he became a little nervous again.

Last night, George and Fred smeared Snape with embellishments, saying that Snape was the most evil big devil in the world, which made Harry, who had just come into contact with the wizarding world, feel terrified.

Even though he knew that the truth should not be what they said, but the sudden sharp pain yesterday was still lingering in his heart.

Hermione was sitting next to them with a thick book spread out on the table.

George and Fred sighed one after another:

"It's exactly the same as Norlin last term. Hermione, maybe the Sorting Hat has put you in the wrong place. You should go to Ravenclaw."

Hermione wrinkled her nose, snorted and said:
"It's the same everywhere."

Noreen touched Smith's arm, reminding him not to eat in such a hurry, it was still early before class time.There was a voice in my ear:
"Long time no see, Norlin."

Noreen looked up to see Eddie Warren standing behind him, smiling.

"Long time no see. I really didn't expect you to enroll this year."

Noreen smiled, the Eddie Warren in front of him was completely different from the silent man half a year ago.

His every move is filled with self-confidence, and there is a kind of tyrannical and unconcealable magical fluctuation faintly exuding from his body.

"In any case, I want to say thank you sincerely. If you hadn't told Professor Dumbledore, I would definitely not be able to go to school like a normal person like now, and I don't have to worry about accidents all the time."

Eddie sat down beside him and said with emotion.

"Where did Dumbledore send you?" Noreen asked curiously.He really wanted to know who could make such a big change in a silent person.

"The greatest alchemist in the world, Nicole Flamel." Eddie Warren said with a smile,

"He saw where I was coming from right away, and it took a long time to stabilize me. After that, I was apprenticed with him for a while until Mr. Flamel said I had reached the point of entry. age."

"So you are now a student of M. Nicole Flamel?"

Norin sighed in his heart that Dumbledore had found such thick thighs for him, and asked aloud.He was very curious about Nicole Flamel.

"It can be said that he usually teaches me about alchemy."

Eddie spoke with respect.

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(End of this chapter)

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