human journey

Chapter 353 Barnard Star

Chapter 353 Barnard Star
It is understandable to fill the space inside the spacecraft with helium, which can protect various instruments.

Lu Yu looked around carefully. There are many light-emitting devices here, making the environment quite bright.I don't know if the light inside the spaceship was always on, or it was turned on after Lu Yu came in.

The place he arrived seemed to be the driver's cab, and there were many screen-like devices on the surrounding walls, but the screens were all black.There are also rows of workbenches below the screen, with many physical buttons on them, and lights in some places.

There are many seats-like things beside the workbench. Judging from its size, this alien seems to be smaller than a human being.

Although he was lucky enough to find the suspected cockpit of the spacecraft in no time, Lu Yu's eyes completely darkened and he didn't know what to do.Some of the buttons on these consoles are engraved with characters, which should have evolved from a kind of hieroglyphics and do not belong to any kind of characters created by humans.

Lu Yu can connect the souls of all human beings. Except for some lost characters, he understands all the characters known to mankind.

"This spacecraft does not appear to be controlled by humans. It is probably driven by an intelligent system. I wonder how I can wake it up and communicate with it?"

Just as Lu Yu was muttering to himself, the largest screen on the wall of the several hundred square meters cab suddenly lit up, showing a picture of a golden ball flying in the starry sky, which should be referring to this spaceship.

There were also some voices coming from around the cab, saying something in an emotionless tone, but Lu Yu couldn't understand it. Maybe the intelligent system was asking who Lu Yu was.

"I don't understand what you're saying, can you understand what I'm saying?"

Obviously, the intelligent system couldn't understand it, but then a piece of information was transmitted into Lu Yu's brain, allowing him to understand many things instantly. This was an information flow directly transmitted by simulating Lu Yu's brain waves.

It is indeed the intelligent system of the spacecraft that communicates with Lu Yu, it is called "Hope".The spacecraft came from Barnard's system, the second closest to the solar system, and was created by a civilization born on one of the Mars-sized planets.

The star of its galaxy is named Barnard, which is a red dwarf star with very small mass. It is located on the northwest side of 66 Ophiuchus, only about 6 light-years away from the earth, second only to Proxima Centauri.

At 120 billion years old, Barnard's Star is not only older than the Sun, it may also be the oldest star in the Milky Way.

There are two planets surrounding Barnard's Star. One is about the same size as Jupiter and is also a gaseous planet. The other is similar in size to Mars but much more massive. It is an Earth-like planet with a thick atmosphere. The intelligent civilization of the spaceship was born on this planet.

Its diameter is about 60% of the Earth's and its mass is 30% of the Earth's.The tilt angle of the rotation axis and the rotation period are similar to those of the Earth.But the time it takes to orbit Barnard's Star is about ten times the time it takes Earth to orbit it.

A small half is the ocean, and the continents are connected into one, with rivers crisscrossing it, and the terrain is very flat.The mainland is also covered with green plants, and the central area has no rain for many years, showing desertification.The exposed surface is orange-gold due to the hematite and gold deposits on the surface.In the language of this intelligent race, their home planet is called the "Golden Star", and their own race is also called the Golden Clan.

The reason for such a name is obvious. The gold resources on this planet are extremely rich, and it is still in the shallow surface layer. If you stumble while walking, it may be a nugget of gold.

Not only is the surface of the earth full of gold, but even the core of the earth contains a huge amount of gold elements like the earth.In the high temperature and high pressure core environment, gold is excited out of the energy field.

And the various organisms naturally produced on the surface have gradually discovered and utilized the energy field in the process of continuous natural evolution.They absorb the gold elements on the surface, and form a small golden pyramid in their organs that touch the ground, and make their bottom surface touch the ground, and they can use the energy field to give themselves special abilities.

The entire natural world develops and grows on the basis of the energy field, and the race that produces intelligent life is among them. It has four arms and three legs, one of which is used to obtain the energy field, and its average height is about 1.3 meters.

A truly intelligent soul cannot be naturally produced in the three-dimensional world. This planet is full of life and has the conditions to develop intelligent life. In the billions of years since life appeared, no soul of cosmic-level life has arrived.

The location of Barnard's Star is too remote, and almost no universe-level life has appeared nearby.The life on the golden star lived peacefully until one day a seriously injured cosmic life dragged its body across the space and put its soul into the brain of the gold family, making it a truly intelligent life and began to develop its own civilization.And because they are born with the ability to use the energy field, they quickly developed into mechanical life forms. In just a few thousand years, mechanical life forms were created, and they flew out of the parent star to start exploring the universe.

However, due to the relatively weak strength of the escaped cosmic life, a large amount of soul power is still swallowed by powerful enemies, so that when all the individual souls of the entire race are released, they can only use the souls of humans before awakening, and the total number is no more than tens of millions.

(End of this chapter)

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