human journey

Chapter 352 Spaceship

Chapter 352 Spaceship
Soon, Lu Yu saw the golden meteor flying towards him, which was in the shape of a regular sphere as a whole, with slight bumps on the surface, which was off-white, and faintly golden.

He began to slow down, and then landed smoothly on the surface of this huge meteor, feeling the slight gravitational force exerted on him by this star.

Its volume is not too large, with a diameter of only about three kilometers, but it can produce obvious gravitational force on Lu Yu. It is said that its mass is very large and its density is very high!
"Is the whole star made of gold?"

Humans haven't discovered it for a long time, and they are busy fighting against universe-level life, so they don't know much about it.

The gray material on the surface of the star should be dust adsorbed by it during its long-term space voyage, as well as fragments of small stars that hit it.

After Lu Yu used telekinesis to dig up the layer of dust dozens of meters away, he was surprised to find that the ground was directly filled with gold. It was very smooth and bright, and it didn't look like it was produced naturally.It can be confirmed that it is gold. In addition to looking golden, Lu Yu also confirmed it with the detector on the spacesuit.

It contains 90% gold, and several other elements, but I can't analyze what they are.This is obviously not a natural product, and it cannot be human. Is it an alien spacecraft?

Thinking of this, Lu Yu was startled, fearing that some cosmic life would appear again.He quickly concentrated his mind and used various sensing abilities to probe its interior. His telekinetic ability covered a range of up to twenty kilometers, completely covering the entire star.

Lu Yu was right. This star is actually a man-made spaceship. Apart from the [-]-meter-thick gold shell, the internal structure is extremely complicated. It seems to be made with a lot of gold, which is obviously carefully designed and planned.

He found no living things inside, and it seemed to be an unmanned spacecraft.However, this discovery, which caused a huge sensation in the past, is not important to humans now. Only its large amount of gold is useful.

Lu Yu didn't teleport to its interior to investigate, and was going to change its orbit to bring it closer to the earth.So he used all his telekinetic power to try to change its flight path.

Although this star has a huge mass, it does not move very fast and its flight inertia is not strong. Lu Yu's super telekinesis was enough to change its trajectory. The moment its orbit changed, a strange scene appeared!

In the opposite direction of the force exerted by telekinesis, a circular hole with a diameter of several hundred meters opened on the surface of the star, from which a powerful stream of high-energy particles was ejected to counter Lu Yu's telekinesis.

Lu Yu always used various detection capabilities to discover the changes inside the unmanned spacecraft at this time.First, a high-energy reaction occurred in its center, and then a burst of energy spurted out from a channel.

When he stopped using telekinetic power, the ejection of high-energy particles stopped immediately, and the high-energy reaction in the center also disappeared.It seems that it only wants to maintain its own flight path, no wonder it was not captured by the super-strong gravity of the sun, and it was not attracted by the huge Jupiter when passing by.

"This is difficult to handle. The energy of its particle propulsion is not small, and it can compete with my telekinetic power. It seems that it can't move near the earth without destroying its interior.

But it would be a pity to destroy this seemingly complete alien spaceship. Just go inside and have a look, maybe you can shut it down, or directly operate it. "

Judging from the internal structure of this spaceship, it has nothing to do with cosmic life or mechanical life. It is just an interstellar spaceship built by intelligent creatures. It is estimated to be controlled by an intelligent system and fly along a specific trajectory.

Technology is very advanced for human beings. The strength and hardness of the gold alloy used for the shell alone exceeds any material known on the earth. Lu Yu's mental power at this time can only slightly deform it.Moreover, it is also very resistant to high temperatures. The high temperature capability of the reading sent by Lu Yu has reached [-] degrees, and it has no signs of melting. It is a very magical material.

The central energy center is also amazing. The super powerful energy starts when it is turned on, and stops when it is said to stop. It feels like lifting a weight as if it is light. Its strongest power must be far beyond the level it just displayed.

After thinking about it again and again, Lu Yu decided to teleport it in for a look. If he could control this spaceship, it might be used by humans. Among other things, the space inside it can hold at least tens of millions of people.

Teleported to a seemingly large space inside the spacecraft, Lu Yu used telekinesis to empty a large circle of matter around his body at all times, and the same was true after entering the interior.

After he came in, he immediately discovered that there was gas inside, and the air pressure was higher than on the earth. He used telekinesis to control a detection instrument to fly into the gas for analysis.

The instrument was very advanced and it quickly detected the composition of the air here. When Lu Yu saw the test results, he was surprised to find that all the air here was helium.

Helium is one of the inert elements, and its molecular formula is He. It is a rare gas, colorless, odorless, and tasteless.

The chemical properties are very inactive, and it can neither burn nor support combustion.Helium is the most difficult gas to liquefy and the only substance that cannot solidify at standard atmospheric pressure.Its specific heat capacity, surface tension, and compressibility are all abnormal, and it is a magical element.

(End of this chapter)

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