human journey

Chapter 340 The Ultimate Battle (6)

Chapter 340 The Ultimate Battle (6)
"Brother Lu, what's the matter with you, is it like in the novel, burning life to increase strength?"

After Lu Yu wiped out all the clone beasts in Qingshi, Mu Xiaofei couldn't help asking.

"Let's put it this way, I let the ancestor of the soul forcefully stimulate a lot of my soul power, and the body couldn't bear this huge soul power, and suddenly entered a state of aging.

Anyway, today is probably not going to get through, so why not use your remaining energy and fight against the intruders! "

After listening to Lu Yu's words, everyone agrees with this point of view, and everyone prepares to go to the little ancestor to help him fight against the universe-level life.Although he knew that he would die if he went there, in the current situation, it was a good result to be able to die in battle.

Everyone's family members have already been transferred to a strategic nuclear submarine in the deep sea, and there is nothing to worry about.Originally, the superiors also wanted them to hide, but as soldiers fighting on the front line across the world, everyone in the King Kong team was unwilling to live.And if they fight hard, there may be hope, they have been creating miracles.

On the entire planet, the best hiding place for human beings is in the sea. Not only is it covered and protected by the vast sea water, but it can also keep moving to prevent the enemy from discovering the specific location.

Many countries have put many minors in submarines as the last fire for mankind.There are also some powerful or special people in the submarine. If they can survive in the end, they will be able to lead the survivors to continue to reproduce.

X and the gourd team were among them. Originally, X didn't want to escape alone. She wanted to follow the King Kong team and live and die with Lu Yu.But her ability is unique in the world, it is too important, she must go on the submarine, and Lu Yu also told her to go on the boat.

For the last hope of mankind, X tearfully entered the largest and most defensive submarine a week ago, away from the human world, and went to the deep sea of ​​the polar region.

The number of human submarines is still relatively small. Even if each submarine is full, only tens of thousands of people can enter.

When the King Kong team was about to set off, a "missile" small universe-level life came.Its huge cylindrical body with a length of one hundred meters was flying at an inconceivable high speed.

It had just harvested a certain nearby city, and was attracted by this Qingshi with nearly ten million people. It wanted to continue killing and devour the souls of everyone here!
"We don't have to go, let's fight it!"

Lu Yu said as he looked at the "missile" hovering over Qingshi and launching an attack.

"it is good!"

The crowd answered in unison.

Although everyone already has the heart to die, they cannot die in vain.If you want to eliminate this powerful small universe-level life, you can only outsmart the invincible.

Lu Yu has secretly tried to use the ability to attack, but it also has a special energy field protection, immune to relatively low-intensity ability.

Various types of missiles from country Z have tried to attack them long ago. Although most of them were destroyed halfway, there were also a few that hit them through saturation attacks, but it was useless. They can shield electromagnetic interference.
"How can we attack it? The mind ability is useless, and electromagnetic interference is useless. Ordinary attacks are definitely useless."

"You see, when it launches an attack, it has to open a piece of armor. Can the exposed part of the weapon be used to attack?"

"It's useless, it's also covered by a special energy field, it's probably an energy layer that surrounds the whole body, and there are no loopholes."

"Wow, it's perfect!"

"There must be weaknesses. There can be no truly perfect things in the world."

"That's right, it's like never being able to draw a perfect circle."

"Yes, when it absorbs the souls of dead human beings nearby, not only does it open a round hole with a meter width in its body, but the energy field surrounding the whole body will also have a very short-term flaw. But the time is too short, my mind ability There is no way to cause fatal damage to it.

But I should be able to teleport into the round hole that devours souls when the flaw appears, and I should be able to enter its body there. If there is no energy field in its body, I can kill it! "

"Okay, let's do this. Your current telekinetic ability has a range of [-] kilometers. You don't need to take it with you, and you won't be discovered by it just because you get close."

"come on!"

Everyone in the King Kong team secretly observed ten kilometers away from the "missile", and found a feasible way to kill it.This is the advantage of small creatures, and even if the small ancestors discovered this flaw, they would not be able to take advantage of it.

When the "missile" changed its position again, killed thousands of people, and began to absorb soul power, Lu Yu immediately activated the teleportation ability.It was teleported in from the opening that appeared in the energy field covering its whole body. This opening was at the newly opened round hole, and Lu Yu flew in directly.

"Missile" obviously also found that a human had entered his body, stopped his movements, hovered in the air, and began to control the internal organs to force Lu Yu out.

But these physical attacks, such as extrusion, high temperature, electric shock, etc., are no threat to Lu Yu at this time.

As expected, there was no special energy field in the monster's body. Lu Yu unceremoniously activated his telekinetic force, turning all the organs in its body into powder, and it couldn't die any more.

Lu Yu then teleported back to everyone, and the monster body in the distance suddenly lost the ability to hang in the air, and fell down with a loud noise, causing a large number of buildings to collapse.Fortunately, all the humans near it have been killed, so there is no need to worry about manslaughter.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew the result without asking, and immediately rejoiced and was very excited.Since the appearance of two universe-level beings, human beings have retreated steadily and been killed all the time.At this time, the situation was finally saved a bit. Although there was still no hope of victory, at least the dignity of intelligent life was restored.

"Lu Yu can create miracles every time he is in crisis, and this time it really is the same. The surviving staff members said in the communicator that they saw from the satellite images that the little ancestor couldn't deal with this monster!"

"Brother Lu is mighty and domineering!"

"I knew you were the child of luck, the protagonist of this world!"

"Let's help the little ancestor get rid of this enemy. The thorn ball shouldn't care about our small number of humans."

"Okay, I'll take you to teleport there directly, even if I take you, the distance I teleport at a time is more than [-] kilometers, and I will be able to come to the vicinity of the little ancestor in a few times.

There are many cities between us and the little ancestor, so we can teleport beyond the scope of our ability.When I got to the place closest to the place where the little ancestor had been, I then teleported with the range of [-] kilometers of thought ability. "

Naturally, everyone had no objections, and Lu Yu immediately started to act. If the "missile" entangled in the little ancestor can be solved, and the little ancestor can be freed, there may be a possibility of self-help.Now the ancestor of the soul was probably awakened by Lu Yu, it is impossible for him to sit still and wait for his soul to be devoured.

With Lu Yu's efforts, the ultimate battle has come to a turning point, and everything depends on whether his next actions go smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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