human journey

Chapter 339 The Ultimate Battle (5)

Chapter 339 The Ultimate Battle (5)

When Lu Yu and the others came to Qingshi, thousands of cloned beasts were already aggressively attacking humans.Fortunately, all human beings are now powerful awakeners, and the population of Qingshi is nearly ten million.

Although the clone beasts are powerful and can defeat most humans, humans are cooperative creatures, backed by powerful weapons, which restrained the clone beasts for a while.

However, once this kind of rapidly replicating killing machine cannot be controlled, their number will increase to an extremely large number in a short period of time, which will threaten survivors.

Although two universe-level beings are likely to wipe out all human beings, and they will die sooner or later, but after all, we haven't reached that point yet, everything is possible, and we can do what we can.

Accepting death calmly is the practice of the weak, and the strong will fight to the end even if they know they will die!
The intelligence system of the clone beasts seems to have been transformed by the Wisdom Destroyer even more powerfully, and all of them have become masters of tactics.Not only is his own attack extremely sharp, but he can also cooperate with his peers to perform various exquisite attacks.Electromagnetic guns, lasers, missiles, and even melee attacks all work together just right.

In contrast to human beings, although everyone is a powerful awakener, they have not received systematic combat training, and have only participated in a few training camps.

Not to mention a head-on confrontation with the clone beast, many timid people were afraid of death and simply turned around and ran away.In addition to the soldiers stationed nearby, the only people who can participate in the fighting are the police and some enthusiastic citizens.They could only slow down the attack of the clone beasts, but they could not destroy them. Their own side was still being killed continuously.

The Intelligent Destroyer hides underground, using its powerful ability to burrow into the ground, to cruise at the forefront of the battle, devouring the souls of dead humans.

Lu Yu saw the tragic situation of human beings being slaughtered, and the anger accumulated in his heart for a long time was ignited.He has nothing to do with the Demon God and the Thorn Ball, he can only watch them launch a powerful attack to destroy the city and wipe out human beings.

Now that there were finally enemies to defeat, he would unleash his unending rage on them.The long-range attack ability of these cloned beasts is very strong, but the defense power is relatively weak, after all, they do not have a repulsive force field.

And Lu Yu's long-range attack ability is not strong, he can only throw objects with telekinetic power, or attack directly with weapons, but neither of these can effectively kill the cloned beast.

Therefore, if Lu Yu wants to kill the cloned beasts quickly, he needs to get close to them, at least within 200 meters. This is the range of Lu Yu's mind ability, and the cloned beasts are as fragile as tofu here.

It is also easy to get close, just use telekinetic power to fly over quickly, but it will be discovered by the cloned beast.Its long-range attack is quite sharp, but Lu Yu is not afraid, to the extent that he is afraid that everyone in the King Kong team will be injured.

But as long as they are teleported directly, the cloned beasts will not be able to find them in time.However, the teleportation ability is limited, and it can only be teleported to the places you have been to, or within the envelope of the ability to read.

According to these characteristics, Lu Yu flew a few hundred meters before the direction of the cloned beasts, and then let the fighters who resisted them retreat.He also hid hundreds of meters away, and when the cloned beast chased him, he took everyone to teleport there.

At the moment of appearance, all the replica beasts within 200 meters nearby were destroyed by his telekinetic power.Although there are powerful nano-robots in the replica beast, which can repair most of its body organs, the structure of the chip is too complicated for the nano-robots to repair. This is the information provided by M country.

After killing this wave of cloned beasts, Lu Yu took the crowd to another place, and then killed the cloned beasts within 200 meters.There was no trace of him being teleported like this, and it was covered by buildings. Although the cloned beasts in other places knew that someone was attacking them, they couldn't locate Lu Yu to launch an attack.

After several times of teleportation, Lu Yu had an unexpected joy. He discovered the Wisdom Destroyer hiding underground.But it has a repulsive force field to protect its body, and Lu Yu didn't bring an electromagnetic interference bomb, so he couldn't kill it for a while.

Lu Yu didn't launch an attack rashly to startle the snake, he teleported back to the soldiers, they were carrying electromagnetic interference bombs.He took a few pieces and teleported back to the original place, but the Destroyer disappeared. It seems that it also found that Lu Yu had fled directly, so it was really cautious.

The most important thing at this time was to deal with the clone beasts, so Lu Yu continued to teleport and quickly killed the clone beasts.Thousands of replicating beasts are quite scattered, and Lu Yu needs to spend a lot of time and mental ability.

Maybe there is no need to rush in terms of time. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. There is no way to deal with the two cosmic-level beings. I can only pray that the little ancestor can create a miracle.

But Lu Yu's mental ability was lacking. He took everyone all the way to teleport and fly, and the consumption of hundreds of kilometers was astonishing.Zhuang Wenying helped Lu Yu regain his mind ability, and she was almost exhausted.Lu Yu also relied on the strength of his awakened soul and his strong recovery ability to persist until now.

Lu Yu already felt dizzy and in a trance, and the recovery of his mental ability was getting slower and slower. It seemed that when the fuel was exhausted, he needed to rest and take a good sleep.

But there are still many cloned beasts killing humans, only he can quickly eliminate the cloned beasts by relying on his imitation ability and super soul power.

And he was afraid that after falling asleep, he would never wait to wake up again.The world is destroyed and all human beings perish.Anyway, after death, he will sleep forever, so why sleep now.

persist in!persist in!persist in!Even if you die, you have to die from exhaustion, and die in battle!
"Ancestor of the soul, are you still sleeping? Humanity is about to end, and the little ancestor can't stand it anymore. Please let me awaken more soul power, even if I can only live for a day or an hour, it's enough!"

Lu Yu kept shouting in his heart that he wanted the ancestor of the soul to help him awaken all the power of the soul, reaching the level when he used the pyramid amplification before.

In that way, all the clone beasts in Qing City can be cleared out in an instant, and the Destroyer can also be found and destroyed!
As before, in the cry of Lu Yu's soul, the ancestor of the soul responded to him, greatly increasing the power of his awakened soul. At the same time, Lu Yu's body, which can live for a thousand years, is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, Lu Yu's hair was gray and his face was wrinkled.Everyone in the King Kong team was shocked when they saw this scene and didn't know what happened.But Lu Yu's next performance told them the answer. The frequency of his transmissions greatly increased, and the range covered by his telekinesis ability also expanded a hundred times, reaching [-] kilometers!

In this way, all cloned beasts can be wiped out with only seven or eight teleportations, which is also the case.Even the Destroyer was discovered by him, and he sent a few electromagnetic interference bombs to its side to detonate, making its repulsive force field disappear, and then tore it into pieces with his mind ability.

(End of this chapter)

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