human journey

Chapter 307 Extracting the Original Substance

Chapter 307 Extracting the Original Substance
This is a conjecture drawn by scientists of various disciplines based on the existing situation. It may not be completely correct, but it should be close to the truth.Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, they didn't expect the source of the energy field to be so complicated, it was actually related to the core of the earth.But how can the pyramid with a very simple structure make the energy field generated by the earth's core pass through the earth for nearly [-] kilometers and act on the metal?
The magic of the universe is beyond human imagination, and many common phenomena are incredible when you think about it carefully.The most important thing now is not to figure out its principle, but to make good use of it.

"Is there any change in the super-strong energy field of the original mechanical substance in the body of the soul-devouring rat guard?"

Lu Yu asked after digesting these speculations.

"There is no experiment yet. After the golden pyramid is built, it will be transported to Mount Kailash. Because it is considered that you will need to investigate the soul-devouring rat guards, so we will wait for the black ball to come back."

said X, who had also arrived at the Golden Pyramid.

Lu Yu nodded, and immediately asked the staff to bring the body of the soul-devouring rat guard over, and at the same time observed the black ball closely, but it remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, and it was the same when it entered the steel pyramid.

The mind ability is still useless to it, including the successful mind teleportation that was used before, and it is invalid again, as if it will choose independently.

Soon, the corpse of the soul-eating rat guard arrived. According to existing discoveries, when it is in a strong energy field, various unknown compounds in the body will combine into original substances similar to genetic structures.Relevant personnel have extracted some samples, but they have no idea how to use them and they are stored in other experimental pyramids.

The staff decomposed and sampled the corpses of these Soul Eater guards, and quickly found the original substance with advanced equipment.They are too small, and Lu Yu's sensing ability can't find them. They can only be observed with advanced microscopic instruments, and they are also very vague, and only the structure can be judged.

Different from the double helix genetic structure of carbon-based life, the original material is a multiple helical structure. The specific number cannot be seen clearly under the microscope. It is conceivable that the complexity of life that can be born from a more complex structure is far greater than that of carbon-based life. .

In addition to having a variety of compounds, its formation conditions also need to be in the strong energy field initiated by the earth's core, which is much harsher than the conditions for carbon-based life genes to be born in chemical reactions.

There may be mountains with a pyramid-like structure in nature, but the probability that the location where the energy field is strong happens to form the original material compound and there is enough space and material for it to grow is too low.

Near the earth's core, although it can be directly covered by the energy field, the temperature is too high and the pressure is too high, making it difficult to form complex and stable compounds, and there will be no original matter.

But it may be possible on other stars, such as some gaseous planets. If its core is also in a high-temperature and high-pressure metallic state, the energy field generated can cover a long distance in the gas.Complex gases are likely to produce various complex compounds under the action of external forces such as lightning and meteorite impacts. They will be shrouded in energy fields and combined into original substances, thus producing mechanical life.

This kind of life is more complex and diverse than carbon-based life from the genetic level. If it can evolve smoothly, it will develop a huge world of mechanical life.If there are souls of universe-level life involved in it, the beginning is the end of ordinary carbon-based life, and the gap is too great.

"Have you found out what the basic compound that makes up this original substance is?"

Lu Yu observed for a while and asked.

"Not yet. Their molecular structures are very complex. There is nothing similar to the known molecular structures. We only know that their constituent elements are a large number of non-organic organisms. The carbon content is very rare, which is very different from the genes of carbon-based life."

A researcher replied cautiously.

Lu Yu thought about the situation of using the original substance in the alien planet. The original substance can be produced by the mechanical life itself, and can be extracted from other mechanical lifeforms.The speed of self-production is very slow, probably because the compounds that make it up are too complex, and its structure itself is too complex.

Moreover, it needs to be formed in a special energy field. Mechanical life should be able to do this. It can generate energy fields independently, so it can produce original substances, and the pyramid structure is just a simple way to generate energy fields.

"Why don't you try to extract all the original substances in the soul-devouring mouse guard and put them together to see if there will be any changes."

Lu Yu thought for a moment and suggested.

Naturally, everyone has no opinion. The research on the original matter is not a day or two. Someone has proposed such a method, but this pyramid with a super-powerful energy field has not been built yet, and I have not tried any changes in the super-powerful energy field. Just haven't done that yet.

Afterwards, the relevant staff took action, and all the corpses of the soul-devouring mouse guards were transported here, as well as a large amount of equipment.The original substances are too tiny, and it is not an easy task to separate them all. Fortunately, they are the heaviest compound in the soul-devouring rat guard, and they can be separated by a centrifuge to allow them to gather in large quantities.

There is also a lot of metal in these instruments, and the computer chips are still made of silicon, but they are not affected by the energy field, and they can still work normally, and even the machines work better.

During this period, the corpses of the Destroyer and the mother were brought in to see if the original substances that had formed various tissues in their bodies could return to their basic forms.But the fact is that they can’t, they have undergone certain changes and combinations, and become new substances, and the energy field cannot make them decompose.

However, they all have compounds and compounds that constitute the original substance in their bodies, and under the action of the energy field, they are also synthesized into the original substance.There are more mother bodies, but few destroyers, which are reserved for growth or transformation.

"It seems that in the future, we must find a way to capture more of the mother body and soul-devouring rat guards, and extract more original substances. We haven't found a way to directly synthesize them yet."

Lu Yu looked at Black Ball and said.

"The ball didn't react at all. It couldn't be broken. After all, it has been in the mountains for at least 4000 years. Could it be knocking it open?"

Da Da Zhuang also came to the black ball, looked at it and said.

"I have tested its surface hardness just now, and it is harder than any substance we know. It cannot be knocked open. Other tests were not done for fear of damaging it."

X explained.

"It needs to stay in the energy field. I think if we can make it change, we still have to start from the energy field. Could it be that the energy of the pyramid here is not strong enough."

"This steel pyramid is 100 meters high, and with the golden pyramid in the center, the energy field strength generated at the center of gravity is estimated to be more than a thousand times that of Mount Kailash. If this is not enough, then how big must be built? Yes, let alone the resources consumed, the construction time will be too long.”

"We can discover the black ball and build this pyramid, probably because of the intentional arrangement of the ancestor of the soul. It affects our subconscious to do these things. As long as we follow the existing conditions and methods, we should be able to unlock it secret."

Everyone started a discussion when the staff separated the original substance, and they felt that their fate had been arranged in their hearts.I used to think it was a coincidence, but since Lu Yu talked about his experience in the alien planet, everyone also understood that they are just an extremely small part of the ancestor of the soul, a pawn that he can control.The development of human society to what it is today is probably the result of His manipulation behind the scenes.

After a day and a night of layer-by-layer separation, I finally got a small bottle of colorful powdery substances, which are almost all original substances, with only a very small amount of impurities.Obviously, even if they were all extracted and put together, nothing changed.

"Does it mean that if you eat it directly in the energy field, you will become mechanical, and if you eat a little more, you will become a mechanical life!"

Pang Pangzhuang said a method that everyone thought of but also thought was impossible.

"It should be useless. Our bodies are still carbon-based life forms, and we can't use them directly. Most of them will either be poisoned to death after eating it, or they will be pulled out from the stomach after going through it."

Zhuang Wenying retorted.

"Try pouring it on a black ball, maybe it just needs the original substance."

Yuan Pengcheng, who had been silent all this time, said something abruptly.

Lu Yu nodded. He also felt that he should give it a try, because this mysterious black glass ball is likely to be a part of mechanical life, but he doesn't know if it belongs to the ancestor of the soul. Mechanical life needs the original substance.

He came to the black ball and gently poured it on top. He stared at it with his eyes fixed on it. At the same time, he imitated Yuan Pengcheng's neural reaction. The super strong neural reaction made him feel that time passed much slower and he could observe more. Lots of details.

A miraculous scene appeared. Under the action of gravity, the original matter that should have slid down from the top of the smooth ball actually stopped, as if bound by some force.

Afterwards, the original matter unexpectedly passed through the extremely hard surface of the black ball and entered it. It really needed the original matter.

After the black ball swallowed a little of the original substance, there was no change. This must be because the amount was not enough.Lu Yu poured some more original substances, and said after seeing that it was still absorbed.

"It has absorbed the original substance. It seems that the ancestor has pointed out the direction of our future efforts. It is to get more original substance and feed it to the black ball to see what it will eventually become."

"This is easy to handle. Let's catch the mother body and the soul-devouring rat guards. Fangzheng is going to deal with them. There are still a lot of them in the world. It is estimated that the original substance that can be extracted is more than a hundred times that of this bottle."

"What will this black ball turn into in the end? Is it like when Lu Yu was in Alien Star, it grows a small mechanical life body. Then Lu Yu's soul can enter it to fight against the enemies behind the scenes."

(End of this chapter)

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