human journey

Chapter 306 The Power of the Earth's Core

Chapter 306 The Power of the Earth's Core
After that, Lu Yu and the others took the transport plane non-stop to Mount Kailash, where the mysterious "glass" ball is likely to be the key point for human beings to break through the current predicament.

The golden pyramid has already been transported to the road near Mount Kailash. Its total weight exceeds [-] tons. Even if it is broken down into small pieces, each piece weighs dozens of tons.After being transported to the nearby airport by several heavy-duty transport planes, it was transported to the nearby road by special heavy-duty transport vehicles and assembled.The assembled pyramid is ten meters high and heavy, so it is impossible to transport it back by plane, and it can only be transported by car.

The five hundred tons of gold in country Z cannot be produced for a while, and the total output in a year is not so much. With the rapid development of various high-tech, many places need to use gold, a metal with excellent physical and chemical properties, and there are not many reserves. .It was the country M, a large gold depositor, who provided most of it. They were not only for the future of mankind, but also to thank Lu Yu and country Z for their help.

When Lu Yu and the others arrived near Mount Kailash in a transport plane, it was already late at night, the mountains were pitch black, and only the countless stars in the sky were shining.

The moon also came out, emitting a cool white light. Because the altitude here is high enough, the moon looks much bigger, especially in the night sky.

This satellite originally represented circles and a beautiful satellite. From the perspective of those who know the inside story, there is only fear and loathing left. The enemy behind the scenes that has caused many killings and sufferings over the years is on it.

When Lu Yu jumped out of the transport plane with everyone, he saw the moon hanging in the sky, and immediately made everyone invisible.There is no one around Mount Kailash at night, so there is no need to be invisible, but the enemy behind the scenes is on the moon, maybe watching them, although I don’t know what the “glass” ball is, it’s best not to let it find out. in order to avoid adverse consequences.

Lu Yu used telekinetic power to control the crowd to come out of Mount Gang Rinpoche. There is a passage dug out by him last time and sealed the entrance. He used telekinetic power to remove the ice and snow that sealed the entrance of the cave, and let the passage have air flow. , and everyone entered it.

Lu Yu used the motion sensor to detect the cave and found no change, so he teleported in.He turned on the flashlight and saw that the "glass" ball was still lying quietly on the ground, so he was relieved.

But instead of taking the "glass" ball, he teleported it back into the tunnel, and took Mu Xiaofly to the heavy transport vehicle on the nearby road to teleport away.For places he has never been to, Lu Yu can only teleport within his detection range, which is more than 200 meters, so he teleported several times before arriving at the golden pyramid.

The space inside is not small, and it is also pyramid-shaped. There is a golden cylinder in the middle, and a groove on the top, which is used to put the "glass" ball.This position is the center of gravity of the golden pyramid, where the energy field is strongest.

Lu Yu brought Mu Xiaofei here for the purpose of positioning. You can try to send the "glass" ball over at once, so that there will be no situation where there is no pyramidal energy field coverage.

Then they teleported directly back to the cave. With Lu Yu's awakened soul, even if he used the teleportation ability with Mu Xiaofei, he could teleport several kilometers, which was enough for the distance.

Lu Yu picked up the "glass" ball, he suddenly thought that he tried teleportation last time, but it didn't work for it.But this time, he didn't know how to get it. His subconscious thought that he could send it to the golden pyramid, so he was ready.He only now remembered that he tried it last time. Could it be another hint from the ancestor of the soul?
If teleportation is useless, he can only fly over quickly with the "glass" ball, without covering it with an energy field, and it may break directly.

Therefore, Lu Yu tried to activate teleportation inside the four-dimensionally marked golden pyramid, but he did not expect to succeed directly!Lu Yu, Mu Xiaofei and the "glass" were all brought into the golden pyramid, and he placed the "glass" ball in the groove on the top of the circular platform.

"It's strange, how did teleportation work this time? Is it because there is a powerful energy field at the teleportation place?"

Lu Yu shook his head, getting rid of distracting thoughts, these are not important.He then teleported everyone into the Golden Pyramid, and the heavy transport truck immediately started moving.

It is nearly [-] kilometers from here to the base on the outskirts of City H. The golden pyramid is too heavy. Even if this most advanced heavy-duty transport vehicle travels at high speed and is escorted by vehicles, its speed can only reach eighth. Ten kilometers per hour.

The heavy-duty transport vehicles were transferred by several drivers, and it took fifty hours to arrive without stopping.If there is bad weather during the period, rain, snow, or strong wind will affect the speed. It is estimated that the real time will take three days.

The golden pyramid was covered with a three-color tarpaulin. Others couldn't see what it was, and thought it was a sculpture or some kind of equipment.For these three days, Lu Yu and the others couldn't go anywhere, they just stayed in the golden pyramid, and the big things were not as important as this black "glass" ball.

Because the Golden Pyramid is tall and wide, most of the toll booths along the way cannot be passed through, so they have been demolished overnight. Vehicles taking this road will find that all the toll booths have been demolished overnight.

Three days later, the heavy-duty transport vehicle arrived at the base smoothly. During the period, everything went smoothly, nothing happened, and the foreign countries were considered peaceful.

The golden pyramid was hoisted into the [-]-meter-high steel pyramid by a super crane. After a day or two of finishing work, the pyramid with gold inside and steel outside was completely built.

There is currently no instrument that can detect the pyramid energy field, and we can only rely on the self-feeling of the awakened person.Lu Yu stood inside the Golden Pyramid and felt a strange energy pass into his body. Although he knew that this energy was extremely powerful, the real feeling was that his body was slightly warm and comfortable. His body had reached the level of carbon-based At the limit of life, the energy field is of no use to his body. Everyone in the King Kong team feels the same way.

But the seven members of the Calabash Squad felt different. None of them had received the transformation fluid to transform their bodies. They could clearly feel that the energy field was transforming their bodies. The awakened soul power increased accordingly, but it soon reached the limit. Reached the same level as Hufu.

They have been continuously strengthened by the energy field in the golden pyramid in the past three days, but it will take a long time to reach the limit.After the golden pyramid was embedded into the steel pyramid, it was stimulated by the powerful energy field of the steel pyramid and released a super strong energy field, which was more than a hundred times greater than before!Therefore, the body of the gourd team was strengthened to the limit very quickly, and they could live for more than 100 years.

Although the effect of this pyramid energy field on carbon-based life is not small, it is very tasteless, not as great as the transformation of the zombie virus.

The energy fields released by pyramids and gold are the same, but the energy fields released by gold are much stronger than other materials of the same mass.

"The structure of the pyramid is really amazing, and so is the gold. It can actually release the energy field in the pyramid. Do you think the gold is important, or the pyramid structure?"

Yan Liang said as he felt the energy field filling his surroundings.

"I think the pyramid is more important. Even if there is no gold, the energy field released by the steel pyramid alone is strong enough, and the size of the steel pyramid can also be increased to enhance the energy field."

"I think gold is more important. This energy field should be inherent in metals or other substances. The pyramid structure is just to stimulate them. If you can study the principle of energy release, maybe you can do it without the pyramid structure." Released. And the energy field released by gold far exceeds that of other metals, which explains its specialness."

"By the way, both the Khufu Pyramid and Mount Kailash are rock structures, and the main component of rocks is silicon dioxide. How can they release energy fields, and can also stimulate the energy fields in metals?"

"This has been studied. Although silicon is not a metal, it can release an energy field like a metal, but its strength is much worse than that of a metal. The energy field released by this 100-meter-high steel pyramid is higher than that of a [-]-meter-high steel pyramid. The Pyramid of Khufu is much stronger.

Also, you said whether the pyramid structure is more important or gold is more important. Relevant personnel have studied it a long time ago, and currently believe that the material is more important than the structure.

This starts with why metals can release energy fields. Now there is a point of view that everyone agrees with, which is related to the core at the center of the earth.

It has a diameter of about 10.7 kilometers and is mainly composed of metal elements such as iron and nickel, including silicon.The average density of the core material is about [-] grams per cubic centimeter, which is much higher than that of elemental iron.The temperature is very high, with an average of [-] degrees. It is in a state of high temperature and high pressure, and the energy contained is extremely amazing.

The mass of the earth's core accounts for more than 30.00% of the entire earth's mass, and its volume accounts for the entire earth's volume. Most of the metal elements on the earth are inside.

According to the changes of seismic waves, it is found that the earth's core also has an outer core and an inner core, and their interface is about [-] kilometers deep.

Since the shear waves of seismic waves cannot pass through the outer core, it is generally speculated that the outer core is composed of molten or nearly liquid materials such as iron, nickel, and silicon.Since transverse waves exist in the core, the core is solid, and it is likely to be gold with a high density and a large amount.

The liquid outer core flows slowly, and it forms a super "engine" with the solid inner core. Scientists speculate that the formation of the Earth's magnetic field may be related to it.

This dynamic action of the core is probably the source of the energy field, which not only generates the magnetic field, but also the energy field, but is blocked by the thick earth so we cannot feel it.

And all kinds of substances existing in the earth's core can transmit long-distance energy between the earth's surface and the earth's core under the action of the pyramid structure, thereby emitting an energy field.

As the core of a piece of super gold, its energy field is the most intense, so the energy field given to the surface gold remotely is much stronger. "

Zhuang Wenying explained in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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