Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 229 Nine mountains and eight seas, there is nothing I can't break! (Please recommend ti

Chapter 229 Nine mountains and eight seas, there is nothing I can't break! (Please recommend tickets!!!)

"With...and...with you!!!?"

Zoro's invitation instantly shocked Sanji, who was watching the sea view wholeheartedly.

He was so scared that he immediately yelled like a cat with fried fur.

In his opinion, something that was absolutely impossible happened, but it happened!
See the previous battle between Sauron and Hawkeye.

As a man of flesh and blood, he has never imagined...

One day, like Sauron and the others, they can compete with the world's top experts and leave an eternal reputation in this world.

However, he also knew...

The world they live in is completely two different worlds, and it is never possible for them to intersect.

With his ability, if he wants to squeeze into the circle of strong men who are always breaking the ground, the final result will only be torn apart!
What's more, he can't leave the store yet.

He hasn't finished repaying the old man's kindness.

Since this life was given by the old man, he will use this life to repay his kindness.

This is Sanji's decision after seeing Zeff's bag full of wealth!



Zoro didn't react at all to Sanji's aggressive attitude.

The warm sea breeze blew Sauron's green hair, causing soft waves to appear in the short straight hair.

With piercing eyes, he continued to stare at the calm sea, and instead of answering Sanji's question, he said approvingly:
"The food you cook is delicious..."



Hearing that Zoro didn't say anything about it, Sanji was silent for a while.

In my heart, there was an inexplicable feeling of melancholy, as if I had lost something.

Lit a cigarette again, leaned against the window, looked at the same sea as Sauron, and asked suddenly:
"You... do you know [ALL BLUE]?"


Zoro looked at Sanji suspiciously.

"what is that?"

"ALL BLUE huh!?"

No matter how ordinary the daily life is, there are always some things that can make Sanji's eyes shine.

"It is said that there is a sea area that can gather all the fish in the four seas separated by the great sea route and the red earth continent! —— [ALL BLUE]!"

"That is, the paradise that all chefs dream of!"

"It's my dream too!"


Sauron whispered curiously.

"Since you have a dream... why don't you try it?"

Seeing the glint of hope in Sanji's eyes, Zoro could feel his persistence in his dreams.

In Sauron's view, the only thing that can stop a man from pursuing his dreams is himself.

Looking at Sanji who was silent in his imagination, Zoro continued:

"Wouldn't you regret it if you didn't even try?"

"Sorry... maybe..."

Smoke covered Sanji's eyes.

The gentle sea breeze blew his long golden hair, and his tone was a little regretful, but nothing changed.

Seeing Sanji's confused look, Zoro couldn't help persuading him:

"you need to know……"

"This world has infinite possibilities!"

"Dream! It is to pursue these possible processes!"

"And the only one who can realize these possibilities is you..."

"Sitting and waiting to die is always the worst decision!"

"You cook delicious food..."

Zoro suddenly turned his body sideways, facing Sanji with a straight posture, and said in a serious tone:

"I—Roronoa Zoro!"

"In the name of the deputy captain of the Star Pirates! I officially invite you!"

"go together!"

"Go and have a look! There is a world wider than this sea!!!"

When the scabbards collided, there was a sudden scream!
"Nothing can stop a man from pursuing his dreams!"

"There is a mountain in the road ahead, just split the mountain!"

"There is a sea ahead, just cut the sea!"

"Nine mountains and eight seas, there is no one who can't break through!!!"

Buzz! ! !
Following Sauron's bold words, the three Zanpakuto suddenly let out a violent buzzing sound!
Sauron's soul also underwent drastic changes.

More than ten years of kendo foundation, the power of Zanpakuto, the understanding of fighting with Hawkeye, the copied extreme sword intent...

All the power began to merge into his own power under the guidance of Sauron's mentality!
The world's top aptitude has been withdrawn to the fullest at this moment!
Do your best every time!

It is the next starting point on the road to the future!
The body transformed by the spirit child instantly erupted with a powerful coercion that was as strong as the substance, and suddenly crossed Sanji's body and spread to the surroundings.

Bang! ! !
The aura of being above the rest of the world stirred up all directions, making the entire restaurant on the sea tremble!
Luffy raised his head in surprise, a stronger aura instantly blocked Sauron's domineering arrogance.

Prevent him from accidentally killing Balati's cook.

Their dinner wouldn't be there without these lovely chefs!




Sanji's room was in a mess in an instant.

The sea facing directly outside the window became the first victim of this momentum.

The waves that had just risen were pushed back into the sea by this powerful, pervasive force.

Get ready to go, waiting for the next accumulation of power to make it form a bigger wave.

"ALL BLUE, is it!?"

With this breathless momentum, Sauron had a rebellious and arrogant smile on his face.

In the eyes, there is a self-confidence that is called Aoshi!
"If the red earth continent blocks the sea, then break the red earth continent!!!"

"If the great route blocks the school of fish, then connect the great route!!!"

"If there is, go after it!"

"If not, build it yourself!!!"

"You don't even dare to imagine your own ambitions. Do you really want to stay in this small restaurant and be a chef for the rest of your life!!?"

The momentum was slowly taken back by Sauron.

The repelled seawater instantly turned into a violent wave and hit the wall of the restaurant.

The sound of the waves hitting the hull was also hitting Sanji's heart.

After hesitating, a steel pillar hit Sanji's heart hard.

The splashing waves of water flowed along the open window and fell into the bedroom in a crystal clear and perfect shape.

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

Through the clear liquid beads, Sanji firmly remembered Sauron's posture at this second.

Sanji's heart was completely opened.

It turns out that pursuing dreams is such an exciting thing! ! !
The dusty memories flooded Sanji's mind again.

In the Kingdom of Germa 66, the emotionless childhood he experienced appeared before Sanji's eyes one by one.

I don't know when, Sanji's heart has been shackled.

It locked his confidence, trapped his courage, and blocked his life.

But now, under Sauron's bold ambition, a crack appeared in this shackle.

One crack is enough to destroy the entire lock!

unknown silence...

Dreams and love are separated in Sanji's heart at the same time at this moment.

Some things, it's not the time yet!
Although the dream heart was successfully aroused by Sauron, Sanji did not give Sauron an answer immediately.

The second cigarette, also turned into a cigarette butt amidst the sound of rushing waves, the last gleam of fire flashed, but went out again, which seemed to represent Sanji's decision at this time.

"I'm very happy..."

"Being able to get an invitation from someone as powerful as you..."

The black patent leather shoes suddenly turned around and walked towards the door.

"But, I'm sorry!"

"This restaurant has a special meaning to me!"

"I can't give up my persistence because of my selfishness!"


On the edge of the leather shoe, a teardrop fell to the ground, instantly soaking the wooden floor.

Those are... the tears of a man...

Tears appear only in special circumstances.


"terribly sorry!"


The door was quickly closed by Sanji.

In the house, only Sauron was left with a smile on his face, and continued to watch the end of Zhonghai.

Just like being able to see the beautiful scenery on the other side of the sea, I feel the wonder of this world.

 Thank you Rin for remembering that the opposite sex has no future rewards!

  Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

  The following books: "Marvel's One Punch Man"

  From now on, the earth will be guarded by me

(End of this chapter)

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