Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 228 Wind (Please recommend a monthly ticket!)

Chapter 228 Wind (Please recommend a monthly ticket!)
Hawkeye, who refused to accept the life potion treatment, simply used the medical equipment in the restaurant on the sea.

Under the careful stitching of several chefs who look like big and three thick, but are actually more big and three thick than they look.

Finally, the bleeding wound was stopped, preventing it from continuing to overdraw Hawkeye's life.

It was just a short time for a simple rest, and Hawkeye felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, a little embarrassed to continue to stay here.

Looking at a group of such young dreamers, discussing a worldview that is even more magnificent than what he has seen and heard.

Hawkeye suddenly felt that he was old and couldn't keep up with the trend.

With complicated feelings, he set foot on his canoe early, regardless of Luffy's repeated attempts to keep him and Bharati's food temptation.

Just let Luffy convey a sentence to Sauron for him:
"I'm waiting for you in the new world!"

after that……

Riding a lonely sail, facing the scorching sun, and drawing a black knife, he left this place that left him with too many bad memories.



Sauron's sword spirit world.


boom! ! !
Another hill was smashed into countless pieces under Sauron's venting.

The gravel immediately flew around.

Finally, it seemed that the venting just now had an effect, and Sauron, who was covered in cold sweat, gradually calmed down.

The protruding beast-like eyes gradually returned to their calm appearance.

A gust of blood blew by.


Shura's figure suddenly appeared in front of Sauron, and said softly.


From Sauron's throat, a roar-like affirmative sound came out fiercely.

The bent waist suddenly exerted force, and instantly straightened up, shaking off the sweat on his forehead, and the whole person returned to that stable and convincing deputy captain again.

"everything is normal!"



A ray of breeze picked up.


Kuina who still looked like a child suddenly appeared, looked at Zoro worriedly, and shouted.

The situation just now really made her very worried.

With these worries written on her face, Kuina looked at Sauron silently.

As if he knew what Kuina wanted to say, Sauron did not let Kuina ask about the worries in his heart. After regaining his composure, he spoke directly, and said in a gentler tone:

"Ha... alright alright...

"I know I was wrong..."

"You don't have to worry about me."

"With Luffy here, I won't have any problems!"

As if he felt that his guarantee was not formal enough, Sauron thought for a while, and lifted Luffy out again, proving something to the sword spirits who were worried about him.

Seeing that Guina still had that worried expression, Sauron felt a little embarrassed.

After all, he did do some reckless things today, and said quickly as if evading:
"Okay, now that it's over, I'm going out too!"

"You can't keep them waiting too long!"

He quickly waved his hand and said goodbye to his sword spirits.

Without giving them any time to react, Sauron's figure disappeared instantly, turning into a breeze and disappearing.

The wind gradually died down...

Only then did the beast slowly reveal its original shape, standing in front of Kuina and Shura, as if it wanted to say something.

But in the end, the huge animal mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing was said.

There is Luffy in...

The three sword spirits are clear in their hearts that some things are not just what they want.

after all……

In this world, you can't see it, it's so simple!



A wide room.

Everything in the room is so neat and tidy, and there are several sets of clean men's shirts on the hangers.

It can be seen from this that the owner of the room should be an extremely refined man in life.

After Zoro woke up in a daze, he slowly sat up from the bed.

Looking around, he took a good look at the environment he was in.

It's not that I'm in the bedroom of the Meili, it seems that I should still be in the restaurant on the sea.

In this case……

It seems that Luffy has made a decision.


The door of the room was opened suddenly, and Sanji walked into the room wearing his well-fitting black suit and carrying a steak.


Seeing Zoro sitting on his bed thinking, Sanji was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly, put the dinner plate on the small cabinet next to the bed, and said to Zoro:

"Just now Luffy said that you might wake up, and asked me to bring this to you..."

While speaking, it can be seen that Sanji's language is slightly restrained.

After all, he was the audience who saw the entire battle just now.

The person in front of him is a truly daunting powerhouse.

The current Sanji has never thought that one day, he can also become such a person.

In Sanji's view, the appearance of Luffy and others is just a fragment of the growth of others, just to let him know the real world.

However, starting today, his life trajectory is destined to deviate drastically from what he thought.



Glancing at the steaming steak, Zoro instantly understood what Luffy meant.

There is such a unique tacit understanding between the two of them.

With one move, one behavior, one will immediately understand the other party's intentions.

Before bringing the steak over to him, Zoro sat on the bed and began to eat it, regardless of whether the sauce would get on Sanji's white sheets.

Seeing Zoro eating so happily, Sanji also relaxed inexplicably, without the restraint at the beginning.

Walking to the window, he pushed the window open.

Gently lit a cigarette, looking at the vast sea that will never change, with starlight in his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

The weak sea breeze blows into the room, causing the little flowers on the window sill to dance from side to side.

The breeze blew through Sanji's golden hair, and the smoke he exhaled was blown back into the house again.

For a moment, the whole room was only left with the sound of the slightly agitating curtains and the appetizing chewing sound.




"Dahai, are there many people like you?"

After a cigarette was smoked until only the butt was left, Sanji suddenly asked.

"Huh? What..."

Zoro, who was still enjoying the delicious meal, did not hear Sanji's words clearly.

Needless to say, although the strength of this curly eyebrow is not very good, the cooking skills are really worth mentioning!

Although I feel a little sorry for Robin Nami and Kebi who have been cooking for them, Sauron still feels that what they cook is just called food.

Only what Sanji cooks can be called gourmet food!

Sanji turned around, looked at Zoro enjoying the steak he made, with a smile on his face, and continued to repeat:

"Isn't this sea wonderful!?"

"Of course……"

He swallowed the last piece of beef full of sauce in one bite and began to chew.

Put the empty dinner plate back on the cabinet just now.

Zoro also stood up, and found his three Zanpakutō hanging on the white wall beside the bedroom.

Pinning them back to his waist, Zoro replied to Sanji:
"It is because the sea is wide enough that it can hold so many people with dreams..."

"Dream... Do you want to..."

Sanji turned around again, facing the sea, whispering softly, as if he was thinking about the dream that hadn't been said for a long time, but never forgotten.


Zoro suddenly spoke again, interrupting Sanji's thinking, and said apologetically to him:

"The things before..."



Sanji, who was attracted by Sauron's words, turned his head in an instant, curiously raised doubts from his nose, and looked at Sauron in puzzlement.

Sauron scratched his head, the loose kimono completely exposed his chest, and continued to speak softly:

"I laughed at you before..."


"Sure enough, everyone will have dizzy moments..."

"Really, for some beliefs, if you are not careful, you will give up your life."

For the sake of faith... giving up life...

Zoro's words, like a ray of light, suddenly lit up in Sanji's heart, illuminating the magical sea he just remembered.

It seems that there is a burst of vitality that has been poured into this dim and silent dream world for a long time.

"It's really good..."

"For this dream……"

Sanji stared at the sea, unconsciously sighing.

Zoro suddenly leaned over and stood beside Sanji, enjoying the caress of the sea breeze with him, looking at the boundless sea, and said:

"Do you want to come with us to see this vast world!!?"

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  The following books are recommended: Female Channel "My Lord, Please Respect Yourself"

  As a single dog, I have done indescribable things with these female writers for some kind of pleasure... Please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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