Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 130 Mission 3

Chapter 130 Task Three

"Mission [-]: According to the combination of the information given by Sandersonia, the deputy head of the Nine Snake Pirates, and the information held by the Navy, the Navy initially concluded that the Moonlight Pirates are suspected of having some kind of cooperation with a group of extremely powerful organizations. secret cooperation"

Aokiji stared at Luffy with a hint of threat in his eyes, but he didn't know whether the threat came from the World Government or the Navy.

After a pause, Aokiji's voice suddenly became low, and he continued to say to Luffy and the others: "Task requirements: Stop the possibility of the big pirate Moonlight Moria cooperating with anyone, otherwise task two will be invalidated immediately, and we will start to deal with it." The Moonlight Pirates and their collaborators carry out the highest level of wanted hunting, and hunt them down with all their might!

at the same time"

Hearing Aokiji's words, Moriah, Robin, and Brook became alert again, and their aura instantly rose to the highest level.

Qingzhi didn't pay attention to it at all, and still said in a low tone: "At the same time, execute the collaborators on the spot."


Aokiji's tone suddenly raised, and said: "However, as long as the partner agrees to cooperate, the navy can make concessions and make some additional compensation, including the quota of Qibuhai!"


Everyone fell into silence. They couldn't intervene in these things, and everything had to obey Luffy's orders.

"Seven Wuhai"

Luffy was also silent for a while.
But it's not because of the Qiwuhai incident mentioned in Aokiji's words, but the attitude of the world government towards Moria, which really makes Luffy feel strange.

In the original book, after the top war ended, the world government sent Doflamingo to lead a large number of pacifists to besiege and kill Moria.

Moria has been Shichibukai under the eyes of the world government for so many years, the first thing to rule out is his race and the reasons why he knew something he shouldn't know, otherwise Moria would have entered the government's sight so early , it is impossible to let him live that long
Then, among the remaining possibilities, the most likely one is Moria's fruit, the shadow fruit.
By naming Moria as the Qibuhai, the world government can control his whereabouts at any time.

If there is an accident that the world government does not want to see, as long as a high-strength combat force is dispatched in time, Moria can be controlled.

In this way, not only can Moriah be controlled so that there will be no abnormal behavior, but also the shadow fruit can be prevented from flowing into the sea and being used by those who want to.

Luffy glanced in Moria's direction.

What is the function of the shadow fruit that makes the government so nervous.
Moreover, Moria is not allowed to cooperate with anyone. Does such a resolute attitude mean that the world government knows what information, has an ability to combine with shadow fruits, and can cause special effects?
Or, the government has already mastered this kind of power, but it is not fully prepared now, so it will need the ability of the shadow fruit at some point in the future, so it will support Moria like this.

Behind all this, there are too many layers of fog wrapped in the truth, and Luffy still has no way of knowing it.

However, although the government asked him to terminate the cooperative relationship with Moria.
Luffy didn't intend to just accept it like this, after all, he didn't have enough gold coins yet.

However, some concessions must be made, otherwise the experience plan will not proceed smoothly.

Anyway, when I become stronger in the future, I don’t want to do what I want to do.
And Qiwuhai does have many conveniences.

What's more, the most important point, Luffy has always thought that being Qi Wukai is quite fun, although he doesn't know who will be squeezed out of the position, but that doesn't matter.

What is the freedom that pirates pursue?You can do whatever you want, the most important thing is to be happy.
During the period of Aokiji's narration, Luffy has recovered a little bit of energy, at least normal uprightness can still be easily done.

He patted Robin's wrist lightly, indicating that Robin could stand up by himself.

After that, Luffy directly pulled his arm away, left Robin's support, and walked straight to Aokiji.

There is obviously a huge gap in strength, but Luffy doesn't care. He looked at Aokiji calmly, and said slowly: "So, Lieutenant General Aokiji, if I choose to reject the government's proposal, what will you do? ?”

After hearing what Luffy said, Aokiji rubbed his head anxiously.

Originally, the hair roots were sparse, and the volume of the curly hair was always relied on to give people a normal feeling of the head. The more Aokiji rubbed it, the cooler it became, and it seemed that the middle would become the Mediterranean Sea.

After a while, Aokiji sighed and said helplessly: "If this is the case, then I can only go back to the Navy Headquarters and report to the superiors truthfully, including information about your strength.

As for how the navy and the world government will deal with you in the future, I have no way of knowing."

After finishing speaking, Aokiji sighed again, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "It's really troublesome."

"is it?"

Luffy smiled and said, he doesn't think that the world government has endured it for so many years, and because of a "misunderstanding", it will disrupt so many years of waiting.

What's more, including Luffy in the Qiwuhai under the king is not exactly what the government wants to see.

Qiwuhai is said to be freedom of movement, but every time the navy has something to do, it can always accurately find the location of Qiwuhai. What kind of freedom is this?

Therefore, if allowed, the government would also like to let Moria's partners join Shichibukai and join the government's surveillance.

Otherwise, Aokiji would not have told Luffy the condition of Qi Wuhai.

Looking at Aokiji's eyes, Luffy continued to smile and said, "You can go back and tell your boss that Moria and I will be completely separated in a year.

If you agree to this condition, you can ask someone to send me the title of Qiwuhai.

If you disagree.
Then let the navy give it a try, what kind of price will it have to pay to deal with me! "

As a weak person, Luffy has no self-knowledge, and stares at Aokiji without squinting, which makes Aokiji really puzzled
Obviously the difference in strength is obvious here, but Aokiji will feel a burst of creeps, an unreal sense of fear, constantly spinning in his mind.

a month later.
Marin Vanduo, in an office.

"He really said that?" Admiral Crane carefully looked at the paper report submitted by Aokiji.

Except for nothing about Robin, even details such as Hancock being seen off by Luffy and the others when Aokiji arrived were clearly written, which made Lieutenant General Crane feel strange for a while.

This is not at all like Lieutenant General Kuzan.
Thoughtfully putting the information back into Aokiji's hands, Crane raised his head and said, "There is nothing wrong with me, and the agreement with the Nine Snake Kingdom has also been signed.

Go and send the information to the Marshal of the Warring States Period, and leave the final decision to him."

Thinking of the eye-catching name in the information, Lieutenant General He couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Three days later, a newspaper spread a piece of heavy news throughout the sea.

After the Four Emperors and the Navy, there is another huge organization in the sea again, and the name of the organization is-Qiwuhai under the king.

The common people are not unfamiliar with this name. After all, several years ago, there were intermittent news about who became Qi Wuhai, and then what happened, what kind of rights they enjoyed, and what kind of obligations they had to pay. .

Almost every once in a while, the government and the navy have to publicize it.

However, today is destined to be different from the past, because
There is a name that is about to be resounded in the world, and it is the first time on this huge stage!

In the newspaper, the names of Qi Wuhai under the king were listed one by one and displayed in front of everyone.

"The World's No. [-] Swordsman" Joracle Mihawk;

"One Piece" Boa Hancock;

"Sand Crocodile" Sand Crocodile;
"Sea Man" is very flat;
"The Great Pirate" Moonlight Moriah;

"Ten Yasha" Don Quixote Doflamingo;

"Captain of the Star Pirates" Monkey D. Luffy! ! !

Bounty: 0
"Who is this guy?"

"I haven't heard of it!"

"Damn lackeys!"

"How about we go and kill him!" A pirate held a newspaper, pointed at Luffy's head and said, "In this way, we can also become famous!"

"Okay! Judging by his infancy, he is probably just a show!"

"Hey! Those who can be recognized by the government can't be simple people?"

"Never mind him! When have we ever been afraid of others!"

I don't know which pirate with a cramped head is constantly inciting everyone to challenge the authority recognized by the government
 Thanks to 525katherine, a new generation of outstanding college students for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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