Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 129 7 Wu Hai

Chapter 129 Seven Wuhai

The deterrent force of two Yanya spiral pills exploding at the same time is far greater than that of two separate Yanya spiral pills, just like one plus one will produce an effect greater than two in many cases.

After a long time, the world finally returned to peace.
"Cough cough cough!"

Amidst the crushed ice in the deep sea, Aokiji suddenly turned over and pulled out his face stuffed into the ice.

At this moment, Aokiji no longer had the indifferent look he had at the beginning.

There were scorched marks on the clothes all over his body, and even more burn marks on his skin, an injury that could not be healed even by elementalization.

Not to mention the serious internal injuries caused by the violent explosion and the crazy pressure on Aokiji's body.

Since practicing with Lieutenant General Karp, Aokiji's physical fitness can be said to be increasing day by day.

He has forgotten how many years he has not experienced such a high-intensity battle.

Although the two sides are still not evenly matched, but he is only a little careless, and the other party has caused him to suffer such serious internal injuries, which is really a bit too crazy.

However, what shocked him the most was far more than that.

The cold air under the feet was released slowly, continuously raising Aokiji's body.

Due to the explosion just now, this sea area once again became a state of ice and water mixing.

Standing on a high point, Aokiji also easily found Luffy floating in the icy water in the distance.

"Ice Road."

A solid road of ice extends along the foot of Aokiji, connecting to where Luffy is.

The shattered ice balls attached to Luffy's body, and the biting cold breath instantly woke up the vigilant Luffy from his coma.

Lu Fei suddenly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. Except for some burnt marks on his clothes, there was no injury on his whole body.

It's just the crumbling figure, which shows to Aokiji that Luffy's state at this time is not as healthy as he saw.

"Are young people nowadays so strong?"

Aokiji shook his head as he walked towards Lu Fei along the ice path.

Luffy stood there, staring at Aokiji with confused but extremely firm eyes.

If he continues to fight, Luffy will immediately use the four growth capsules in the backpack.

He is confident, and the strength he has acquired in four years of instant growth is enough for him to fight Aokiji to death.

Aokiji's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a throbbing emotion rushed into his heart, as if he would die if he took another step forward.

Although it was ridiculous, he trusted his intuition.

When he was young, he used his keen intuition to escape from the evil big pirates countless times.

maybe today is no exception

Exhaling a breath of cold air from his mouth, Aokiji said in surprise again: "It's really scary, young man!"

"Colossal purple and red. Four trees!"

Just as Aokiji was about to continue to say something, Robin who came running from a distance activated the fruit ability directly.

Although she was stepping in the sea water, the boots that cut off the sea water did not make her weak.

The petals glowing with purple flames soared into the sky in an instant, converging on the ice to form four huge arms.

The four arms clasped two by two, forming a huge punch, and slammed down on Aokiji's position, bringing a howling gust of wind in the air.


Before the giant fist landed, a sheet of frost rushed straight to the top along the root of the arm in an instant, freezing the four arms into beautiful ice sculptures, no longer under Robin's control.

Robin frowned, his eye sockets were shaking constantly, as if he was enduring extreme pain, but he still chose to activate his ability again
"A thousand purples and reds. Two trees!"

"Hey~ tell me to finish my sentence!" Aokiji glared in Robin's direction dissatisfied.

A string of ice thorns burst out from the soles of Aokiji's feet with a swish sound, rushing towards Robin at a high speed.

"Revenant Song. Ice Prism!"

With Brook's low growl, a colorful light suddenly appeared in front of Robin.

When the ice thorn hit the colorful light, it was instantly assimilated by the energy of the other world in the light, and the colorful light spread along the ice crystals on the ice thorn to the soles of Aokiji's feet again.

The bright light slowly dissipated and turned into a layer of restrained crystal film, covering the ice of the green pheasant, wrapping it in it, completely unable to spread forward at all.

At the same time, the castration continued unabated, and the green pheasant was directly frozen on the ice road.

Crack. Crack.
The ice crystals only stayed for a second, and then began to break apart.

Aokiji's armed-colored body slowly stepped out of the shard-like ice crystals.

Unexpectedly, he looked down at his left foot, which was still covered with colorful ice crystal fragments, and looked in Brook's direction.


Robin hurriedly took the opportunity to run to Luffy's side, and supported Luffy who was already a little unsteady.

"Robin, first... don't be impulsive."

As time dragged on, Luffy's mental strength slowly recovered, and he spoke intermittently to Robin.

He could feel that Aokiji no longer had the will to fight.

Possibly, the idea of ​​arresting Robin also faded away.

And just now Luffy had put in all his strength and beat Aokiji badly.

But relying on Moria and others alone, it would be a bit too strong to defeat Aokiji.

So Luffy stopped Brook and Robin who were still about to fight, and was going to see why Aokiji came here this time.

Step. Step.
Aokiji kicked his long legs, approached Luffy again, and suddenly said, "Why don't you run away like you used to?"

"The giant who died fighting for O'Hara more than ten years ago, Haguvar D. Saron, is my good friend!"


Aokiji's words finally stimulated Robin's nerves. Although the vigilant expression did not change, there was a little surprise on his face.

After all, she watched Aokiji freeze the good friend he called little by little.

Aokiji didn't care about the change in Robin's expression, raised his head, and continued to say flatly: "That day... I followed his advice and released you from the island.

I think that I have an obligation to monitor your life, but you haven't found a place to live for more than ten years.

For those who have been hiding from XZ, you are a ticking time bomb for the world government.

This unexpected encounter made me decide not to let you go, I planned to end everything about O'Hara this time, but I didn't expect it."

"Didn't think of anything?"

Robin, who was supporting Luffy, suddenly asked.

Although Aokiji's words reminded her of the bad memories again, Robin remained calm.

Qingzhi slowly closed his eyes, like a father who saw his daughter grow up, and said with relief: "Have you finally found a place to live?"

"Is it right or wrong for Saron to let you survive?
Will you let me see the answer in the future? "


"You'll see!"

Before Robin could speak, Luffy suddenly said: "You will see...the one you want to see...the answer you think is wrong!"

"I will eliminate the things that make Robin unhappy"


Aokiji looked at Luffy, clenched his palms slightly, as if hesitating whether to destroy these future seeds here
For a moment, he didn't know what to say.
"Forget it. Leave him alone~ Let the higher-ups decide. I'll finish my task today."

Aokiji's laziness, or some kind of seeds of justice, made him choose to turn a blind eye to this matter, thinking silently in his heart.

Then, Aokiji put his hand into the pocket of his clothes, and took out a document that for some reason, his body had been destroyed countless times in the previous battle, but still had no damage, and pointed at the A total of four people in Moria said: "I have three tasks for coming here."

"Mission [-]: Guarantee the safety of Boa Hancock's life;

Task [-]: Recruit the once-famous great pirate Moonlight in the New World. Moria and his pirate group officially became a member of the Shichibukai under the World Government and enjoy the right to plunder freely, but they need to turn over part of the plundered property to the navy. At the same time The original arrest warrant will be stopped, and the world government will no longer pursue all crimes committed before, but must accept the compulsory convening of the world government if necessary;
As for task three:"

Aokiji suddenly raised his head and stared at Luffy
 In the past two days, the family gathering and the tomb sweeping in the Qingming Festival have delayed a little time, and it will definitely return to normal tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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