Chapter 442 The Finale
Im died, the battle was over, and everyone cheered violently. After all, they could all be said to be hovering in front of the gate of hell now.

After completely losing Im's breath, Rist also retreated from the state of Ultimate Instinct, feeling quite exhausted physically and mentally.

The war is over, which means that the world government that has informed the world for 800 years has completely become a thing of the past, which means that everything will start again.

Drago established a new world government, and Rist officially disbanded the NEO Navy. All members of the NEO Navy either retired directly, or joined Akainu's new navy.

Today's navy and the world government are no longer superiors and subordinates, but out of an equal status. Although there are still pirates emerging from time to time, they are all ruthlessly suppressed by the navy.

Since then, a new profession has appeared in this world, called adventurer.

Rist also returned to Windmill Village, and lived a happy life with Makino without shame or impetuosity.

Perhaps there may still be conflicts between Drago's world government and the navy in the future, but these have nothing to do with Rist, and he no longer wants to get involved in such things.

Even if there is another war between the two forces, there is no one who is right or wrong. No one knows whether Dorag's revolutionary army will become like the previous world government after hundreds of years.

Now that there is a new sea king on Murloc Island, the murlocs and mermaids on Murloc Island can finally live on land in a fair and honest manner, and no one dares to pay attention to them anymore.

After all, no one wants to be swallowed up by a huge sea king one day.

Today, there is no system of hard work in this world. Although everyone is still not equal, the revolutionary army is working hard to develop in this direction.

Zefa, Garp, and Sengoku have all retired in Windmill Village. After all, Rist has always treated Zefa as his father. In order to make up for Makino, Rist specially prepared a grand wedding for Makino. Law is participating as Rist's father.

And also personally found a powerful devil fruit for his child, the animal department, the phantom beast species, and the Suzaku fruit.

Because at a very young age, Rist had already seen ambition in his child's eyes, and he knew that his daughter was also a master who was unwilling to be peaceful.

In the future, he will definitely become an adventurer who resounds all over the world, and he is also an adventurer with a tough background.

So in order to train her children, she has received very hard training since she was a child. Karp and Zefa are the guides in physical arts, and Sengoku is the guide in the development of devil fruit abilities.

After Luffy collected all the historical texts, he finally arrived at Ralph Drew, although Ralph Drew's hidden secrets are useless because of the disappearance of the previous world government.

But the Straw Hat Pirates, or the Straw Hat Adventures, are also honored as the Adventure King, and they are the idols of all future adventurers.

After several years, Sauron finally defeated Hawkeye. Of course, Rist did not observe the battle of the world's number one swordsman on the spot, so he didn't know whether Mihawk would let go.

But relying on Rist's intuition, Mihawk must have let the water go. Find a swordsman with similar strength to inherit the title. This is probably Hawkeye's sincere thought.

Luo also became the most powerful doctor in the world by virtue of the ability of the fruit of the operation, and jointly opened a medical clinic with Qiaoba, where almost all patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases can be effectively cured.

When the Warring States Period was fine, he would go to see his godson, Rosinindi.

Although life seems to be very peaceful now, the war is not over. From time to time, there will be visitors from outer space, and some of them can be solved by relying on the navy and the world government without Rist's action.

But some of them require Rist to do it himself. Sometimes, even he who has mastered Ultimate Instinct will go through a fierce battle. Fortunately, he can win every time.

Luffy is indeed worthy of being the son of luck and the protagonist of this world. Even if he has not experienced any difficulties, he still cultivated the domineering domineering, armed domineering and knowledge-like domineering to the world's top level.

And the rubber fruit has also been developed to the limit.

Sure enough, when a world is facing a crisis of life and death, there will be a protagonist who can save the world and turn the tide.

It's just that in this world, Rist stole the limelight.

After Luffy's strength reached its peak, Rist seldom made shots.

As time went by, people around Lister began to grow old one by one, and passed away one by one.

After about 50 years, finally his Makino also lay weakly on the hospital bed.

"Sorry, I can't stay with you anymore."

Makino wiped the tears from Rister's old eyes, and his tone was full of reluctance.

"Don't worry, I will go back to accompany you soon."

Rist's heart was filled with sadness.

Finally, under Rister's reluctant eyes, Makino closed his eyes and never opened them again.

"Goodbye, Makino, it's nice to meet you."

Rist leaned over and kissed Makino's forehead.

Suddenly, the surrounding time seemed to stand still for an instant, and Rist's appearance began to slowly regain his youth.

"Is it still an illusion after all?"

Makino's figure slowly disappeared before Rist's eyes.

At this moment, a virtual dialog box appeared in front of Rist.

"After accepting the inheritance, do you want to exit the simulation?"


As Rist's voice fell, everything around him changed.

When he opened his eyes again, a relatively modern capsule cabin appeared.

When he sat up, there was a group of people in white coats coming up. Looking at these people, Rist instantly felt a little strange, but he still had the memory of everything.

"How is it, Mr. Li, has the inheritance succeeded?"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses asked eagerly.

"Well, what's going on in the outside world?"

"It's getting worse and worse. It will be completely occupied by Zero Beast soon. Now you are our hope."

"I understand."

At this time, he noticed that there was another young man lying in the next cabin.

"Is this a new experimenter?"

"Yes, Mr. Li."

 The ending should be quite unexpected.

(End of this chapter)

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