Pirate, my talent beats everything

Chapter 441 God's Skill, Im, Death

Chapter 441 God's Skill, Im, Death

The destructive energy directly swallowed Rist, the terrifying energy has exceeded the limit that the dark fruit can bear, but the explosion also produced a relatively good result, that is, everyone else All of them were safe and sound, only Rist disappeared. After the explosion, even Rist was nowhere to be seen, as if he had completely disappeared from this world.

"No way."


"Is it impossible?"

Everyone couldn't believe the scene they saw just now. That Rist, who was invincible in an era, disappeared just like that.

"Did that guy die so easily?"

The eyes of Sengoku and Garp were dull for a moment. After all, they could be said to have watched Rist grow up.


At this time, Zefa uttered a roar, which directly awakened Garp and Sengoku.

Then I saw Zefa uttered a roar directly, and rushed in the direction of Im.

"Stop Zefa."

Sora ordered immediately.

But even without the terrifying order, Garp and Sengoku held Zefa down from left to right. After all, they couldn't watch Zefa ruin his life in vain.

"Garp, Warring States, let go of the old man, the old man wants to avenge Rist."

"Zefa, we will not let you go up to die for nothing."

Warring States' tone was full of determination and irrefutable meaning.

"Damn, hate, hate."

Zefa let out an unwilling roar, but apart from this roar, he had no choice, and he couldn't do anything now.

And Im just watched this scene with a smile on his face from high in the sky. In their eyes, these people below were like monkeys in a circus, and they had already been slaughtered by him.

"Ants, let's witness the destruction of the world together today."

Suddenly, Im said loudly, and a terrifying aura erupted with Im as the center, and everyone was struggling to resist this aura.

At this moment, a beam of light carrying terrifying heat suddenly rose from the deep pit where Rist disappeared, the expression on Im's face changed instantly, and in the eyes of Garp and the others appeared A glimmer of hope.

I saw that in the eyes of everyone, a black shadow gradually appeared in the white light that soared into the sky, and the light dissipated, and the figure of Liszt appeared in front of everyone again, but it was different from before. At this time, there was a special aura from Rist's body, and this aura seemed to be the difference between man and god.

"Have you finally reached this realm again, Zizai Ultimate Instinct?"

Rist clenched his fist, feeling the abundant power in his body, and looked at Im again, feeling that he was not so invincible.

And Im, who was stared at by Rist, instantly felt a chill down his spine.

"This is why I can't feel Rist's aura anymore, and I can't even capture the aura of knowledge and domineering."

Someone suddenly exclaimed, and only then did everyone realize that they could only see Rist with their naked eyes, but they couldn't perceive Rist through their knowledge and arrogance.

"But in any case, Rist at this time gives people a feeling of being unrivaled."

On Garp's face, the expression finally showed a little relaxation.

And the tears on Zefa's face had dried up.


Zefa whispered Rist's name softly.

"How is it possible? Impossible. How can you master the skills of God."

Im suddenly seemed to have gone crazy, roaring like a wild beast, and the self-confidence just now was completely gone.

"Are you scared in your current state?"

Rist asked softly.

"Afraid? What are you kidding? How could I be afraid?"

Im roared again, but at this moment his words were not convincing. Everyone could see that Im was just bluffing.

"is it?"

After all, Rist punched out directly. Although there was still a long distance away from Im, Rist's fist seemed to hit Im on the body.

And it seemed that he was hit by more than one punch. In the eyes of everyone, Im kept flying backwards, and his body was shaking all the time, as if he was being hit all the time.

However, Rist didn't give Im a chance to breathe, because he didn't know how long his state could last. He had to completely get rid of Im before this state disappeared.

"You bastard, how is it possible."

Terrifying elemental energy erupted from Im's hands, rushing towards Lister.

But when these attacks were about to hit Rist, his figure disappeared instantly, and then immediately appeared in front of Im, and punched again.

Im wanted to dodge, but he didn't know how to dodge at all. His knowledgeable and domineering attitude couldn't perceive any of Rist's movements at all.

Just like that, Im was sent flying tens of meters away again.

"Damn, how could this be, how could I lose to one person twice at the same time."

Im gritted his teeth and said, blood froth already appeared in his mouth.

He didn't understand, he couldn't understand why such a thing happened.

In the next second, when Rist reappeared in front of Im, he was already holding Fengyin in his hand.

With a swing of the knife, the sky has already been opened, but Im's body was directly separated, and the knife did not hurt directly.

"Fragmented fruit? Looks like you can only use your fists."

Rist threw the knife on the holy land again, and before Im's split body was reassembled, he directly held down his head with one hand, and then kept hitting his body with the other hand.

"When you bring your idea to this world, it's already doomed to your defeat."

"why why why?"

Im let out an angry roar.

"The answer to this question is left to you to go to hell and ask Hades."

In the next second, Rist's fist directly pierced his chest, pinched his heart directly, and then squeezed hard, crushing the opponent's heart in an instant.

Afterwards, Rist noticed that a green soul flew out of the opponent's body.

"Is it the fruit of the underworld? But it's just a soul without any ability, how can it resist the skills of God."

Using the ability of the dark fruit, Rist instantly grasped the opponent's soul. After all, the soul that appeared from the fruit of the underworld is also the ability of the devil fruit.

"Forgive me, forgive me."

Im kept begging, but how could Rist spare him, and directly used the ability of the dark fruit to devour the opponent's soul.

Afterwards, golden light shot out from Im's body continuously, and fell into the bodies of those who were originally capable of devil fruit. This is what they should have originally.

(End of this chapter)

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