Chapter 887
A few days later, on the west bank of the Volga River, there were many camps and camps.Looking at the past from the top of Mingwei Fort, the back road of the Tsarist Russian army is full of grain and supplies.Looking at it like this, it is considered a huge momentum.If it is a normal battle between the two armies, the impact on the morale of both sides will definitely not be small.

However, the Ming army, as Racine thought, was irrigated with victory, so how could it be so easy to be intimidated by the enemy's momentum.

In addition to the Ming army, they originally thought it was the headquarters led by the governor, but they did not expect that after arriving at Mingwei Fort, there would be the Turhut troops here, and their strength would increase greatly.Because, the Ming army, up and down, is very confident.

On this day, there were nights and nights from the north that did not receive returns.Finally, the Tsarist Russian army, which detoured the upper reaches of the Volga River, had already headed south and was about to approach Mingwei Fort.

Of course, the Tsarist Russian army on the other side of the Volga also saw the advance of the Cossack cavalry.Immediately, they all cheered.

After Tsar Alexei heard the sound and saw it, he also beat the drums and gathered the generals. The soldiers and horses stood on the bank of the Volga River, posing in a posture, as if they were going to cooperate with the Cossack army to attack from the shallows.

After a few days of confrontation, the Mingwei Fort battlefield, which seemed a little calm, suddenly became tense.


The Cossack army marched forward. Beside the commander-in-chief Bogdan Khmelnytsky, a general looked at Khmelnytsky's profile for a long time, hesitating to speak.

Khmelnytsky soon discovered this, and turned to the general and asked: "Rasin, are you in trouble?"

After hearing this, Racine did not hesitate any longer, and replied, "Our army across the river only has [-] troops in total, but the Ming army must have at least [-]. With such a difference in strength, I don't know how much the commander has." He Liangce?"

After hearing this, Khmelnytsky frowned and said: "What good strategy is needed? It's just waiting for the opportunity and not confronting the Ming army head-on!"

After hearing this, Racine glanced at the generals around him, and then asked Khmelnytsky again: "This battle is not easy. The Cossacks from all over the country, except for those in Moscow, have almost all arrived here. .If there is any problem, it will be a disaster for us Cossacks!"

Hearing this, Khmelnytsky immediately became unhappy, and immediately asked, "What do you mean? Are you scared?"

"No!" Racine immediately denied it, "I'm just thinking about our Cossack tribe!"

Khmelnytsky let out a "hum" when he heard it, and then said coldly: "Your Majesty has stationed a large force on the west bank. If the main force of the Ming army dares to move in disorder, Your Majesty will definitely send a large army to attack it. If we support our army in this way, we can have How much danger?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to see that the other generals did not agree with him, frowned, and added: "Furthermore, there is no one who is immortal in a war! But as long as we finally defeat the Ming Jun, His Majesty will definitely look at us Cossacks differently. We Cossacks will surely have a good life in the future!"

Hearing this, Racine couldn't help but asked back: "Does the commander think that as long as we win this battle, we will be the same as the Cossacks in Moscow in the future?"

When he said this, he also glanced in the direction of the Tsarist Russian army on the West Bank.

Khmelnitsky listened and nodded as a matter of course.

Seeing him like this, Racine stopped talking.In his heart, he was completely disappointed with Khmelnytsky.Even if he wanted to fight the Ming army wholeheartedly, the strength of the Ming army lay there, and the army that crossed the river would definitely suffer heavy losses.

This is why the Tsar did not send his direct troops, but sent them these miscellaneous names.It's just a pity that Khmelnytsky couldn't see this.Or rather, he saw it, but he ignored it.

That being the case, Racine has no guilt whatsoever.


The Ming army at Mingwei Fort finally moved, and a cavalry army of more than 3 people headed north to meet them.Judging from their clothes, more than half of them should be members of the Torgut tribe.Because these people have not yet been reorganized and do not have so many military uniforms.

At this time, the center of gravity of the battle was obviously on the east bank of the Volga River.Seeing the response of the Ming army, Khmelnytsky also immediately dispatched troops to see if there was any opportunity to take advantage, and if not, they would withdraw and use the tactics that their Cossacks were good at against the enemy.

And on the west bank of the Volga, the Tsarist Russian army was also cheering there.Of course, this was the only thing they could do about the upcoming war.Unless the main force of the Ming army on Fort Mingwei came out to fight, they would attack from the shallows.

The one who can judge this and make a decision, of course, can only be Tsar Alexei.At this time, he was on the west bank of the Volga River, paying close attention to the situation on the other side.

As the Ming army on the opposite side got closer and closer to the Cossack army, but the Ming army on the side of Samara Fort still had no follow-up movement, Alexei knew that there would be no follow-up Ming army to fight. .

After clarifying this situation, he turned his attention to the battlefield where he was about to fight.In terms of military strength, the coalition forces of the Cossacks and other tribes totaled about 3, while the Ming army was only [-]. Many of them were servants of the Turghut tribe. Is it possible to bite the Ming army hard and see if the Ming army on the Samara Fort will send a follow-up army?
Judging from the distance between the upcoming battlefield and Samara Fort, the Ming army has not yet dispatched follow-up troops, so the Cossack army will have enough time to fight hard and clean up the Ming army that is facing it.

For this situation, Alexei is very happy to see.However, he also didn't understand. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the commander of the Ming Dynasty not to see that the troops he dispatched were far less than his opponents, right?Then why did he send so few troops?Did he think that with this army alone, he could defeat the [-] Cossack army?Didn't he know that the Cossacks have always been famous for being brave and good at fighting?
If it is said that all the [-] cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty were from their own army, and there was no Turghut army, Alexei felt that it was really possible.But he is still clear about the combat power of the Torghut Special Department, it is definitely not strong.

Thinking of these in his heart, Alexei came to a conclusion.The only explanation is that the commander-in-chief of the Ming army came from the east and didn't know that even if the equipment of the Cossack army was not elite, they could make up for it with their bravery and combat skills.It seems that this battle, my side will win, this is a good start!

Thinking of this, after so many days, Alexey finally showed a long-lost smile.

On his side, there are many people who have the same thoughts as him. They are judged that the Ming army must be defeated. Even if the Ming army is a cavalry army, they can escape after suffering a loss, but as long as they are defeated, it will be the first battle. Winning is definitely a morale booster.

Amidst their optimism, the noise of cheering became louder and louder.

Finally, on the other side, the two armies met together.

The Ming army didn't know if it was a cramp in the head, but without making any adjustments, it directly took the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty headquarters as the spearhead, increased the speed of the horse, and directly slammed into the position of the Cossack commander-in-chief's flag.

Seeing this, many Tsarist Russian leaders on the west bank couldn't help pointing out the battlefield, saying that as long as Khmelnytsky defends the main formation and then deploys flanking troops to attack the middle of the Ming army, then the battle will be won. Balabala, and so on, spoke very vigorously, as if they were in charge of the first battle.

For their discussion, Alexei saw it in his eyes and was also happy in his heart.Then he turned his attention to Samara Fort on the opposite bank.Because if the Ming army over there is defeated, it is likely that they will be forced to send troops to respond. In this way, the defense line on the Samara Fort will definitely be weakened. I wonder if there will be a chance for a strong attack?If the Ming army in Samara Fort can be determined in such a battle, it will be the luck of Tsarist Russia!

"Hurry up, hurry up, the Ming army will attack Khmelnyts' basic formation immediately!"

"Quickly adjust the flanking troops, you should teach the Ming army a lesson!"

"Hey, why are you still not moving? What is that Khmelnytsky doing? What's going on if you haven't mobilized your troops yet? Are you going to let the army suffer more casualties and leave all the Ming troops behind? ?”

"What's going on, it seems something is wrong!"

"What's the matter? The left wing of the Cossack army, why is it messed up?"

"Hey, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty is so powerful that they are unstoppable and have entered the basic formation of Khmelnyts!"

"Are you crazy? Or am I blindsided, why did the Cossack army fight by themselves?"

"It's not good, the Cossack army is about to be defeated!"


Alexei, who was originally observing the movements of the Samara Fort on the opposite bank, heard the voices of the discussion nearby, which seemed to be getting worse and worse, so he was taken aback, and quickly shifted the direction of the telescope, looking at the battlefield that was already fighting .

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, your face turns pale immediately, it's hard to believe what he saw.

On that battlefield, Khmelnitsky's flag had fallen, and the charging Ming army was about to penetrate the Cossack army.At the same time, the left wing of the Cossack army was also in chaos. The Cossacks turned out to be fighting among their own people!
What exactly is going on?

Alexei couldn't help shouting in his heart. Suddenly, he saw that some of the Cossacks in the mess had white belts tied to their left arms.Seeing this, he suddenly understood that those people were the internal agents of the Ming army, and they suddenly mutinied before the battle, which is why this result occurred.

Knowing this, Alexei didn't even bother to identify where the Cossacks had rebelled. He just felt a pain in his heart and yelled "I'm dead!", and fell off his horse with a "plop".

(End of this chapter)

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