Chapter 886
When choosing a site for the expansion of Mingwei Fort, Hong Chengchou made a good plan, so that the Tsarist Russian army from the east would have a headache about how to attack Mingwei Fort.

Moreover, Hong Chengchou also knew that since Tsarist Russia was at war with Poland, even if he could lead a large army to attack Fort Mingwei, his way back would definitely be unstable.

Even if Tsarist Russia had no choice but to sign an agreement with Poland, if there was a chance, it could severely injure its mortal enemy. Hong Chengchou believed that even if the agreement was torn up, there would be nothing to be surprised about.

Therefore, based on Hong Chengchou's experience as an official for so many years, he immediately saw the weakness of the incoming Tsarist Russian army, and made targeted deployments.

At this time, when he heard that Punchuk was obviously flattering, he just smiled slightly: Yes, a favorable situation has been created, and with Racine as the internal support, this battle has not yet been fought, and the odds of winning are already very good big.

"Whether this battle can be won easily or not, the Khan's effort is also the key!" Hong Chengchou is a man who knows how to behave, so he did not show that kind of superior attitude, even though he is the biggest official of Ming here, The same is true of the power of words.

Calling Punchuk the Great Khan made Punchuk feel very comfortable. Even though he shied away a few times and wanted to call himself Hong Chengchou's subordinate, he finally had to accept the title of Governor.

According to Hong Chengchou, if Peng Chuke has not obtained the emperor's will, then he is still sweating profusely.In the future, if there is no accident, Peng Chuke will become the Duke or Marquis of Daming, and that status is also honorable.

All these words made Punchuk feel very happy. Correspondingly, he did not hesitate to speak his own words, and flattered the governor whenever he had the opportunity.Between each other, but also happy and harmonious.

After a while, Pengchuk was still active, clasped his fists and challenged Hong Chengchou: "My lord, why don't you lead the army to the north to block the possibility of the Tsarist Russian army's eastward march?"

Although Hong Chengchou called him a profuse sweat, he still had to be modest, and he couldn't really call himself a profuse sweat. He still had this self-consciousness after being a profuse sweat for so many years.

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou shook his head and said with a smile: "Just let them cross the river. After arriving at Mingwei Fort, defeating the enemy who crosses the river in front of the enemy on the opposite side will severely damage the morale of the enemy. The battle of Fort Minwy is almost over!"

Hong Chengchou's goal was not to wipe out the invading Russian army, but to gain a firm foothold in Fort Mingwei.On this basis, it would be best to win more points. So far, there is no problem.

After thinking about it for a while, Pengchuk patted him up again, showing that kind of surprised and joyful expression, and said: "What the governor said is very true, while talking and laughing, he took the odds of winning in his hands, and he will be convinced in the end." Take it orally!"

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou smiled slightly as a response, then raised his binoculars and continued to observe the enemy on the other side.

Of course, although the detoured enemies were to be allowed to cross the river, the necessary precautions were still required, and they had already been released if they were not collected at night.

On the other side of the Volga River, except for a part of the Tsarist Russian army who was on guard by the river, the rest of the troops were shouting and neighing, those who camped and those who went out, it was very lively.

After watching for a while, Hong Chengchou thought to himself, let's let you have a good time.

Afterwards, he put away the binoculars, and when he really wanted to turn back to the governor's mansion, there was a movement behind him, and someone came over to report: "My lord governor, the reinforcements and supplies have arrived again."

Before that, a batch had already come.The current batch, according to the weather, should be the last batch this year.Because from the Tianshan Mountains to here, it is likely to snow next, and it will become difficult to transport reinforcements and supplies.

Even the railway from Guannei to Luntai will have to be suspended.We have to wait for the next year, when the ice and snow melt and the railway is overhauled, the trains will be reopened.

That is to say, the next time the supplies will be delivered to Fort Mingwy, they will have to wait until the ice and snow melt next year.

If it were before, Hong Chengchou must have been worried about issues such as logistical supplies when he was fighting so far in the west.However, the surrender of the Torgut tribe actually solved this problem to the greatest extent.Therefore, at this time, Hong Chengchou was no longer worried about logistical supply issues.

However, now that reinforcements and supplies have come again, he is of course happy.

Turning his head to look at the Tsarist Russian army on the other side, Hong Chengchou turned his head and ordered: "So, send someone to meet them, make it louder and more lively."

"Obey!" Hearing this, his subordinates quickly complied and left.

Penchuk on the side turned his head to look at the other bank, and immediately understood the Governor's intentions in his heart, so he couldn't help but smile.

In the past, he felt that Tsarist Russia was very powerful, so he could not resist being bullied by Tsarist Russia.

What I didn't expect now is that since the Ming army came, why do you feel that the Tsarist Russian army is actually nothing more than that?

Haha, it seems that I made the right choice!With this in mind, Peng Chuke followed Hong Chengchou down the wall.


From Smolensk to Moscow, there was no rest, and soon led the army eastward, all the way to Samara Fort, the whole journey was nearly three thousand miles.For such a long-distance march, there are still various situations to worry about. To be honest, Alexei is actually very tired.

After the military order was passed down, the troops were divided and set off. Those who stayed behind were doing what they should be doing, so Alexei went to rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he lay down, he felt something was wrong.The noisy movement outside seemed to be a lot quieter.

Alexei didn't think it was because he was going to rest, so the movement outside was much quieter.Because the order he gave was to make his subordinates set up camp as soon as possible to rest and rectify those matters, it was impossible not to make a sound.There was no movement at this time, which could only mean that they all stopped.

Could it be that they are all tired and lazy?

Thinking of this, Alexei became annoyed, and sat on the camp bed with his clothes on. Just as he was about to call for someone, he saw the commander of the guards rushing into the tent and told him with a serious face: "Your Majesty, it's not good, The Ming army on the other side has come to reinforce them."

Hearing this, Alexei was shocked immediately, and his expression suddenly became ugly.However, his movements were not slow, and he immediately put on his clothes and left the tent to see the situation.

Sure enough, all the subordinates outside stopped what they were doing, and each of them looked at the situation on the other side with a little ugly expression.In this case, no wonder it was quiet!

At this time, Alexei didn't care about it, and immediately found a place with a good view to watch the situation on the other side.On the east side of Samara Fort, there are teams coming one after another and arriving at Samara Fort.Among these people, there are teams of Ming army soldiers wearing red uniforms, including cavalry and infantry, as well as carts of supplies, flocks of cattle and sheep, etc.

From the Ming army on the other side, bursts of cheers came from time to time.The sound was so loud that even across the Volga River, the people here could hear it clearly and could feel the excitement of the Ming army on the other side.

This time the battle was not easy to fight, but now the Ming army has even sent reinforcements and supplies, which seem to be quite a lot.Under such circumstances, everyone knows that this battle will become more difficult to fight.In other words, whether this battle can be won or not is a question mark!

Alexei's face also became very ugly. Did he never expect that the Ming Kingdom was so determined to win the Samara Fort?Why did you send so many troops and deliver supplies? This is because you are determined to occupy Samara Fort and stretch your hands so far away?Is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who made the decision a lunatic?
At this time, he didn't expect that it was the same on Tsarist Russia's side. They stretched their hands to Siberia and all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Isn't this hand long enough?

Of course, the eastward expansion of Tsarist Russia was not as large-scale and formal as the Ming army.At that time, they didn't actually think about conquering the East and turning the East into the territory of Tsarist Russia.All they thought about was looting.But there was no opponent, and in the end the land they plundered became part of Tsarist Russia.

Fortunately, Alexei is also a hero. He quickly came to his senses and found that he was actually influenced by the Ming army and became so worried about the war. This is a very bad sign.

He turned his head and looked around. Not surprisingly, his soldiers had suffered a stroke. Many of them had expressions of fear or despair, as if they had no hope for the upcoming battle.

Seeing this, Alexei knew he couldn't go on like this.So, he took a deep breath, then laughed loudly and said: "Our army will win this battle!"

Hearing his laughter and confident conclusion, his generals were immediately puzzled, and some quickly asked about the situation.

In fact, they are also looking for a hope. At this time, of course they want to get the affirmation of the war from their tsar.

After Alexei heard the question, he immediately smiled and pointed to the other side and said, "Did you see that? I heard that I led the army to come, and the Ming army immediately bluffed. Pretend that reinforcements are coming to boost our morale and intimidate us, this is a strong outsider!"

Speaking of this, he even asked his subordinates loudly: "Just imagine how far the Ming country is from here. How could they send so many troops and deliver so much supplies? If the commander of the Ming army didn't use this trick, How can they still fight me?"

Hearing this, thought his general, he had to admit that their tsar had a point.Feeling the Ming army's external strength, the morale of the Tsarist Russian army immediately rose.

Seeing this scene, Alexei finally felt a little better in his heart, but he couldn't relax because he knew that his inference was not necessarily true.Maybe there were so many people in the Ming army!
This battle is not easy to fight!

(End of this chapter)

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