Chapter 873

As soon as the battle where Emperor Chongzhen covered Li Laiheng's actions ended, internal strife broke out on the Persian Empire.

I saw Aurangzeb leading his army to the Persian Empire barracks aggressively. After seeing Abbas II, he asked loudly, "Why hasn't the rations been delivered today?"

"You have the nerve to come here to ask for rations?" Abbas II sneered immediately when he heard it, "The Ming army attacked just now, why didn't you defend? Why didn't you restrain the Ming army?"

"Can I defend it with just these few men?" Aurangzeb didn't feel wrong at all, and immediately replied, "I'm sure that the Ming army will not dare to attack by force. Otherwise, I will be able to attack from the side." Attack it and defeat the Ming army!"

In fact, it was he who had a lot of resentment towards Abbas II.Not to mention anything else, this ration is only limited to one day, and only one day's portion is given, which is tantamount to tying him to death.

For the unruly Aurangzeb, this was the kind of thing that made him feel great shame.If there was a chance to trick Abbas II, he would never hesitate.

At this time, Abbas II heard Aurangzeb's answer. Although the result was indeed the case, the Ming army did not get any advantage, and retreated seeing that there was no opportunity to take advantage of it. However, he knew very well in his heart that Aurangzeb Then there is a high probability that Bu will only pick up cheap ones.

It is not so easy to take advantage of this cunning hungry wolf, Abbas II thought in his heart, and then he made a decision, and immediately said to Aurangzeb: "I don't have much rations, so I just need to use them." This, I still squeezed out to help you. If you see you retreat without a fight, don't blame me for not talking about alliance!"

Seeing the promise of food, Aurangzeb immediately softened, and immediately agreed with his chest.

Being able to bend and stretch is the true qualities of a hero!

Abbas II seemed unwilling to see Aurangzeb again, so he immediately turned his horse and went deep into the camp.

Looking at his back, Aurangzeb showed a sneer on his face, but said nothing and returned.

But what he didn't know was that when Abbas II returned to the central military tent, he asked his subordinates, "The batch of military rations that I gave earlier was to be banned from croton water. Have you ever prepared it?"

"Return to Your Majesty, we are ready!"

"Okay!" Abbas II listened, with a hint of ferocity on his face, "Just send that batch of grain to the Mughal army."

He understood that Aurangzeb would not do what he wanted, so he would be useless.Therefore, I am ready to use the means I have prepared.


On the side of the Ming army, Emperor Chongzhen was observing the messages in the wiretapping system. What he saw made him a little speechless.

Because he saw that Aurangzeb's opponents were explaining that they ran away immediately after getting the food.The reason is that Aurangzeb has saved the daily rations.He didn't want to be pinched by Abbas II's neck anymore, so he wanted to run away.

On the other hand, Abbas II gave Aurangzeb food soaked in croton water, hoping that Aurangzeb would not be able to move quickly, so that he could quickly withdraw his troops and let the Mughal army who were not moving fast It became a stumbling block for the Ming army to pursue.

The reason for choosing this time was not only that Abbas II had had enough of Aurangzeb, but also because the army rations were about to arrive, and he had to put enough distance between himself and the Ming army and expand his troops so that he could complete his plan to cover the rations. Tao deployment.

"It's strange to win with such an intrigue!" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but shook his head and sighed secretly after watching it.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that if I didn't have this wiretapping system in my hand and could keep track of the enemy's movements at any time, I wouldn't be so easy to fight!
After feeling for a while, Emperor Chongzhen decided to ignore Aurangzeb's side, seize the main contradiction, and defeat Abbas II's army first.

Therefore, he immediately began to deploy based on the actions on the other side.


By the evening of the next day, the army of the Persian Empire finally stabilized.Seeing the loss of at least 5000 people, Abbas II couldn't help scolding his mother even though his status was so noble, and cursed Aurangzeb to die!
He never expected that Aurangzeb would run away immediately after getting the food, leaving a gap on his side, which was used by the Ming army, so that he was caught off guard and ate it very much. A big loss.Although he managed to stabilize the situation in the end, in the chaos, the Ming army raided the rear camp and burned part of the food.

"But fortunately, the follow-up food will arrive soon. As long as there is no shortage of food and grass, I still have the confidence to bring the army back. The only difference is the length of time it takes!" Abbas II thought so in his heart, seeming I am also confident.

So, in the next few days, he didn't make any fuss anymore, he just retreated for stability.Without the intrigue with Aurangzeb, it allowed him to dispatch the army to retreat more freely.

On the side of the Ming army, it was still the same as before. If there is no chance, they will never attack hard. They just stare like hungry wolves, looking for opportunities.

On this day, when the Ming army was still more than 200 miles away from Lahore, the Ming army suddenly accelerated, and the whole army approached, and immediately approached the rear army of the Persian army. The army did not dare to cover and retreat one by one.

This time, uncharacteristically, the Ming army did not retreat to leave a safe distance to set up camp because the Persian army was sufficiently prepared.He has always maintained a stance of going to war at any time.Even if the sky gradually darkened, the Ming army had no intention of retreating.

Seeing this situation, Abbas II couldn't help scoffing.The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty really didn't know what he was thinking. If he had done this earlier and kept his side unable to march, he would definitely be worried because of the problem of food and grass.But now, although the grain and grass are almost gone, it is not far from Lahore, and the grain and grass are on the way again. I believe it will arrive in a few days.

On the contrary, the Ming army's supply line has become longer and longer. If the stalemate continues, who will benefit the most? The Ming emperor won't count?

Abbas II thought so, wishing in his heart that he would continue the stalemate until finally, when the Ming army cried.

However, what he never expected was that on the second day, there was movement from the west of the Persian army.At first, the Persian army thought that their food delivery team had arrived, but morale immediately rose.

Earlier, in order to boost morale, Abbas II had notified the entire army of the grain transport team.In this way, although there is not much food in the army and food restrictions will begin, morale will not be affected much.

At this time, Abbas II was also very happy after hearing the reports from his men and the calls from outside. Everything was developing for the better.

However, just as he was thinking about this, he saw a personal guard barging in again, and told him in a panic: "Your Majesty, it's not good, the Ming's the Ming army..."

Hearing this, Abbas II couldn't help but frowned, and immediately scolded: "What's wrong with the Ming army, can it still turn the world upside down? If you have the ability, let them come and take a look!"

Now that the morale is high, if the Ming army comes to fight, he can't wait for it!

"No, no!" The guard was so anxious that he rejected Abbas II twice in a row, pointed to the west, and said in a hurry, "There is no food transport team, it is the Ming army, and the Ming army came from Lahore. !"

"What?" When Abbas II heard this, a chill came down his spine, and he didn't even bother to ask any more, so he quickly stepped out of the central military tent to see the situation.

At this time, in the entire camp, the original cheers had become completely silent at some point.Everyone was staring blankly to the west.

As a result, Abbas II immediately heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the west, like thunder from the sky, rolling towards this side.

He looked intently and saw a red torrent coming in the distance to the west.Having dealt with the Ming army for such a long time, needless to say, he recognized it immediately, it was the Ming cavalry army!

Immediately, Abbas II fell suddenly and almost fell, but thanks to his personal guards by his side, he was supported in time.

When did the Ming cavalry go around to the west?They're coming from the west, what about the food delivery team?Also, did Lahore also fall?
At this moment, Abbas II thought of many possibilities.Every possibility is so fatal to him!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Smoke, smoke, there is smoke..."

That's right, at this moment, you can already see that at the end of your line of sight, even if there are hills across, you can still see smoke coming out.Seeing smoke from so far away, it can be seen that the fire over there will definitely not be small.

Looking at the smoke rising in the distance, almost all the soldiers of the Persian Empire had a very bad premonition: the food they were looking forward to was finished!
But even so, they still held the hope of just in case, and kept telling themselves in their hearts that it was impossible!The food must be fine!
After a while, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty came closer and closer.

At this time, the army of the Persian Empire no longer cared about panic, and immediately began to prepare for battle, and the cavalry also dispatched to support the defense of the infantry.

However, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty did not attack, but threw something over here outside the attack range.Almost every ride, throwing stuff.In just a short while, between the two armies, the ground was already covered.

The sharp-eyed soldiers of the Persian Empire, after seeing the things in that place, all of them suddenly turned pale with fright, and their faces were extremely pale.

Those things are all heads, and it can be seen that those heads belong to Persians or Mughals.Needless to say, all signs show that these heads are all from the food delivery team!

"Pfft..." After Abbas II saw everything in front of him, he felt a thud in his chest, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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