Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 872 The Old Routine

Chapter 872 The Old Routine

Suffering from the limitation of troops, Li Dingguo was also tired. For him, both Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb were enemies, and any time he led the army south was a threat.

In this regard, he had to sigh with emotion that it was really tiring to fight in a distant foreign country.The language barrier, the customs are different, and everything is different anyway. With this little force in his hands, it is already difficult to control these places, not to mention, he has to face the enemy from the north who may suddenly move south at any time.

At this time, he had a clear understanding, why the emperor would lead the army to the east so soon, he must have encountered such a problem as him, so he couldn't hold his ground, right?

Without the containment of the emperor in the north, the Mughal enemies would definitely go south soon. Therefore, Li Dingguo began to make preparations to withdraw to Mumbai at any time.

The natives under his rule gradually became aware of his deployment.Then, the restless people appeared again.Even the Ming army is ready to leave at any time, which means that their future master is basically the Mughal Empire.Therefore, these restless people started to move again, trying to be in Aurangzeb. They probably think so, and they can have a meeting gift when they go south.The situation was getting worse and worse for the Ming army.

At this time, the morale of the Ming army gradually declined due to being overseas for a long time under such circumstances.

However, later on, instead of leading his army southward, Aurangzeb fled westward. The latest news said that the Ming Emperor led an army of one million people and fought from the east to the west.

This news shook the entire south like an earthquake.The low morale of the soldiers of the Ming army seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they were resurrected with full blood.And those natives were all dumbfounded, because according to the calculation of this situation, the entire Mughal Empire must belong to the Ming Dynasty in the future!
As a result, some natives began to betray those who were restless, and Li Dingguo was relentless and killed a large number of them.At the same time, he also reported the news to Yan Yingyuan in Mumbai.

Yan Yingyuan was overjoyed when he heard that, so he mobilized more than 5000 troops to lead the troops northward.In this way, Li Dingguo's troops were strengthened, so that Li Dingguo could finally cross the river and continue to expand northward.

Although the news from the north has been repeated, it is said that the army of the Persian Empire appeared and, together with Aurangzeb's army, besieged Delhi, which was occupied by the Ming emperor.However, before they had any ideas, the news that the Ming army defeated Aurangzeb and pursued the Persian Empire army fleeing westward spread southward at a faster speed.

This time, basically the overall situation of the Mughals has been settled, and the Ming army will rule the world in the future.In this way, Li Dingguo's actions became very favorable.At the same time, more specific news about the Northern Ming Army finally reached him.

When Li Dingguo heard it, he couldn't help being speechless for a long time.He didn't expect that the emperor didn't need the surrender of the rich and powerful, but instead ransacked their homes and distributed half of the property to ordinary people in order to attack the Mughal dynasty.

As soon as he heard it, he immediately thought of what he did when he was a thief.Immediately, he realized why the emperor easily controlled those Mughals, but there were still rebellions on his side, which made him feel the difficulty of ruling the place.

In such a comparison, Li Dingguo couldn't help feeling that the emperor is too powerful!
Afterwards, he immediately reported the matter to Yan Yingyuan.Needless to say, as soon as Yan Yingyuan arrived, and he was an official older than Li Dingguo, he immediately adjusted his strategy in Mughal and learned from Emperor Chongzhen.

Needless to say, the effect is immediate.With the support of the most classes of Mughals, Yan Yingyuan's power immediately expanded rapidly, and the situation became better.


Emperor Chongzhen was able to keep abreast of Yan Yingyuan's situation through the wiretapping system, and was relieved to know that they had adjusted their strategy.As a result, he also had a calculation in his heart.In future foreign wars, you must tell your courtiers to adopt this approach, so that you can truly gain a foothold in wars far away from the mainland.

If they only rely on the support of local dignitaries, under the conflict of interests, once the force of the Ming army is not enough to deter them, they are likely to rebel.On the contrary, those classes who have nothing, as long as they give a little more benefits, they will protect the interests of the Ming army.

This kind of thing is not only done by oneself, but also by others.For example, Yan Yingyuan's side, Hong Chengchou's side, Sun Chuanting's side, etc.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen made a decree to clarify his guiding opinions to all the officials in the frontier.Then, his attention returned to the present moment.

Although Abbas II is a capable king, he is just a mortal after all. Under the pressure of the enemy's pursuit, it is impossible to lead the army to retreat westward so fast!
Under such circumstances, Abbas II had many headaches.

First, low morale is inevitable.But everyone knows that at this time, we must persevere, otherwise, once the army is defeated, it will be over for them.

Second, the military rations brought by the previous eastward march were slowly consumed. With their current marching speed, they would not be able to hold on to the army back to Lahore at all.

No matter what it is, it is very fatal to the army.

Therefore, Abbas II also wanted to solve the problem, the most effective thing is to defeat the pursuing enemy.For this reason, he thought very hard and thought of many tricks, whether it was to feign defeat or set up an ambush, in short, he thought of all the tricks he could think of. Being able to deal with the chasing soldiers severely will also make the Ming army have some scruples, and it will not bite so tightly like it is now, so it can give him a breather.

However, the Ming emperor was really too powerful.The tricks Abbas II used did not work, and even a few times, the Ming army seemed to know that it would happen, and the targeted countermeasures made Abbas II suffer.

This situation made the morale of the army of the Persian Empire lower and lower, and it also made Abbas II regret going east more than once.However, at this time, he had no regret medicine to take, and could only forcefully continue to lead the army back to the west.

But there is one thing that he can't hold on to, and that is the constant consumption of military rations.Once the rations run out, the entire army will collapse.

Therefore, Abbas II sent his envoy to Lahore to send food and grass to meet him.

What he never imagined was that Emperor Chongzhen knew all these things he did.In addition, Emperor Chongzhen was also best at killing powerful enemies by attacking the enemy's food and grass supply.Jianlu back then is the best example.

Keeping track of the movement of Abbas II at any time, Emperor Chongzhen continued to maintain pressure on the Persian Empire, preventing them from going fast.In this regard, we have to thank Aurangzeb for his cooperation.

Aurangzeb, who was originally used by Abbas II to cut off his queen, had no real intention at all.After all, if all his troops were defeated, he would be finished.Therefore, Aurangzeb's passive response made the Ming army's pursuit easier.

It is not that Abbas II has not been angry, and even threatened.However, Aurangzeb is already a piece of hob meat, you can threaten it as you like, and he even threatened in turn, saying that if Abbas II cut off the ration supply of his army, he would turn around and attack the Persian army regardless of everything. Let's all die together.

Abbas II is not afraid of Aurangzeb, who has only about [-] troops, but he is so afraid that once the two of them fight, it will definitely give the Ming army an opportunity to take advantage of it, or he will be finished , Therefore, I can only hold back this tone, and prepare to settle accounts with Aurangzeb after returning to my own territory.

The army spent more than twice the usual time, and had traveled less than half of the distance, and the food and grass were a little bit in crisis.Abbas II was worried, and finally received good news: "What, the food has already been shipped? Well, please, hurry up and send it to the army!"

The happy Abbas II thought about it and issued a new will.Although the Ming army is hanging behind, maintaining a sense of oppression, it seems that there will be no threat to the food road, but this batch of food sent is for the army to save lives, and there must be no mistakes.

Therefore, he decided to adjust the army's retreat deployment and expand to Hengli, trying to block possible detours by the Ming army and ensuring the safety of food transportation.

Of course, after this decision was made, under the pursuit and pressure of the Ming army, it would still take a lot of trouble to adjust the strategy without giving the Ming army an opportunity to take advantage of it.

What Abbas II never expected was that at the same time he got the news of the shipment of grain and grass, Emperor Chongzhen also took out a map and began to look at the terrain.

Among the chasing army, many cavalry officers and soldiers were natives originally in the west of the Mughals.Emperor Chongzhen called them over and asked them about the specific road conditions. Not to mention, there was more than one road that could bypass the front of the Persian army.

If it was before, there was no need for the Ming army to make a detour.Because the military strength is not as large as the Persian army, if the Ming army divides its troops, it will not be able to stop the enemy, and it may be defeated by them one by one.

But the current situation is different, the enemy wants to transport food to support the retreating army.Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew exactly how much food was transported and how strong the escorting troops were.Therefore, he made a targeted strategy without hesitation, letting Li Laiheng lead three thousand elite cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty, and together with two thousand soldiers from the Mughals in the west, they quietly took another route to go to the front and cut off the remaining troops. Grain road, burn its grain and grass.

The lack of [-] cavalry troops was hard to find for the chasing army led by Emperor Chongzhen.Moreover, Emperor Chongzhen completed the deployment faster than Abbas II.Not only that, but also cover with an attack.Therefore, no one knew about Li Laiheng's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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