Chapter 778
Yue Feiyue Wumu's famous lines, even the illiterate men in the army, at least for these army generals, naturally know.At this moment, when Master Zhongcheng chanted, thinking of Yue Wumu's lofty ambitions back then, all of them became more energetic.

Today's imperial court is far better than that of the Southern Song Dynasty.The emperor is wise and martial, and he is the biggest support behind them.If Yue Wumu has such lofty ambitions, then I'm afraid of him now!

The so-called generals are courageous, under the influence of Lu Daqi, the generals in the army have regained their fighting spirit, which has also affected ordinary soldiers.He stopped complaining about eating too little, and even took the initiative to save food in order to last for a few more days.Everyone's mental state does not look like they are under siege.

This scene in Hami's Ming army surprised Baturhui and others.

On the other hand, his own soldiers thought that the Ming army would definitely be defeated under the surprise attack, and it was likely that the Ming army would be determined by the first battle.Unexpectedly, they did succeed in the raid, but the Ming army was tenacious, and even after the food and supplies were burned, they were able to regain their morale and fight.Such an opponent, even ordinary people know, is too difficult to fight.Remembering that this is only the forward of the Ming army, facing the behemoth of the Ming country, is there really hope for the confrontation?

To be honest, many people are worried about the future of Geerbu.In this way, how could the morale of the army be so high.

Baturhun looked at the comparison of the morale of the two armies, and knew that this could not go on, so he began to patrol the camp to appease the morale of the army, and publicized that this Ming army was the most elite army of the Ming country, and that the Ming country was defeated by this Ming army. They conquered Liaodong and built captives, but now they are fighting with their Zhungeer tribe, but they have run out of ammunition and food, and they are besieged in Hami, and they will be destroyed in the near future.

Hearing what he said, the morale of his subordinates has finally improved a lot, and he is obviously much more active in besieging and destroying the Ming army.

Baturhun looked to see if there was a chance to attack the Ming army like Hami again, and at the same time sent out sentries to guard against the arrival of Ming reinforcements.

The days passed day by day, the Ming army did not break through, and the Zhungeer cavalry army did not find a chance to attack Hami again, so the two armies faced each other like this.


"It's all good. The Ming army has nothing to eat. They won't be hungry for a few days. At that time, we can kill them all without any effort!" Zhungeer's army leaders at all levels reminded and encouraged them from time to time. their morale.

"Persistence is victory. In a few days, our reinforcements will arrive. Governor Hong personally visited the [-] cavalry and crushed the Zhungeer tribe." In the Hami Ming army, various generals patrolled, constantly reminding and encouraging the soldiers morale.


Time passed slowly, and Sengge became a little uneasy. He found Baturhun and said to him: "Father Khan, these Ming soldiers are too strong. It has been several days, and their morale is not weak at all. If this continues, I am afraid that they will hold on until the reinforcements arrive!"

Baturhui didn't know about this situation.Sighing in his heart, he then asked, "Then what good idea do you have?"

"My son thinks that we can't just go to a stalemate like this." After hearing this, Sengge suggested to Baturhui immediately, "We have to bear a little loss and keep sending troops to attack and harass them so that they can't save food and speed up their food consumption. , Only in this way can we be sure that we can destroy them before the Ming reinforcements arrive!"

It's not that they never tried to attack the Ming army before, but the final result was that they couldn't get in, and there were a lot of casualties, so Baturhui ordered that they should only besiege but not attack.

"The firearms of the Ming army are powerful, and they don't need too much strength from their soldiers." Baturhun said with a heavy face, "Our people are basically hard to survive if they are hit by firearms, and the casualties will be a bit high!"

"Father Khan, do we have to wait until the reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty arrive? If that is the case, we have already lost so much, and we will fall short!" Sengge became a little anxious when he heard that, and his voice became louder.

Baturhui didn't answer immediately, but looked at Hami in the distance.After a while, he suddenly nodded and said, "It's up to you. Remember, when attacking, find more things to cover and minimize our casualties."

"I obey!" Sengge was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly agreed, and then went to work.

Not long after, the Zhungeer cavalry army launched an offensive against the Hami Ming army.

They stacked a lot of felt on the camels, and attacked the Ming army under the cover of the camels.When the camel was killed, they pushed the camel's body and moved on.

The Ming army, on the other hand, naturally tried their best not to let the enemy succeed. After the power of firearm strikes was greatly reduced, they could only send troops to fight hand-to-hand to kill the enemies hiding behind camels and other obstacles.

After two days of fighting, the Jungar cavalry still did not invade Hami City. However, the Ming army's food reserves were also consumed a lot.When the situation was reported to Lu Daqi, he had no choice.

Once the hand-to-hand combat begins, the soldiers of the Ming army must eat enough.However, as the enemy's offensive intensified, the more Ming army soldiers participated in hand-to-hand combat, the more food was consumed. This was unavoidable.

Time passed slowly, and it was really difficult for the Ming army.

Looking at the marks carved by himself with a knife on the table, Lu Daqi calculated that twelve days had passed since the raid. At this time, the news should have reached Jiayuguan, but I don't know where Governor Hong led the army?No matter what, it should last at least ten days or so, then there must be hope.

However, with the passage of time, the cavalry army of Zhungeer's Department has obviously stepped up its offensive, and the surplus food in the army is being consumed very quickly. Let alone persist for about ten days, according to the current speed, it will take three days at most.

"Three days!" Lu Daqi sighed in his heart, reciting the number silently.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and prepared to inspect the army.But as soon as I stood up, I felt that my eyes were dark, and my body swayed, and I was about to fall.

When his personal guard saw it, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he quickly supported him, but luckily he didn't faint.

After standing there for a while, Lu Daqi stretched out his hand to express that it was all right.Squeezing out a smile, he laughed at himself, "Lian Po is old!"

"Master Zhongcheng, you eat so little, you should rest." Seeing that he wanted to go out, his personal guard said quickly.

Lu Daqi shook his head and insisted on going out to inspect.

In fact, at this time, he went out to patrol, and it would not improve morale much.All the soldiers of the Ming army understood the situation in front of them.What can I do now, I can only fight with the enemy!

Lu Daqi saw that there were only [-] horses left in the army, and the rest of the horses had been eaten.In fact, they had to eat, because there was nothing for the horses to eat, and those were also eaten by the people.

Turning around, after seeing the camp of the Zhungeer cavalry army for the last time, Lu Daqi returned to his house and held a military meeting.Looking around at the generals, he said to them: "Zungar's offensive is getting stronger and stronger. It is impossible for them to let us wait for reinforcements. And our military rations, no matter how economical we are, can only last for three days at most. What are you mean?"

When the generals heard this, they all looked at each other. What could they say?

However, one of the generals suddenly answered Lu Daqi with a trace of anger: "Lord Zhongcheng, why don't we fight these Tartars! Rather than being too hungry to move and being slaughtered by these Tartars, it's better to have a last meal with them." Kill it fast!"

Hearing his words, another general followed suit, demanding to have a good time with the enemy.

Seeing that more and more generals are asking for this, they are unwilling to be slaughtered by the enemy in the end.Lu Daqi gritted his teeth, nodded immediately and said: "Okay, then wait until tomorrow evening, when Zhungeer's troops attack again, the whole army will be dispatched to kill them for a while, after nightfall, hide as much as you can, and wait until the reinforcements arrive That day."

This is also equivalent to advancing all the food on the last day one day, so that the soldiers can have a full meal, and then have a good time.As for what happens next, it's entirely up to God.

These generals were already prepared to die in battle, but they were also worried about Lu Daqi, so they asked, "Lord Zhongcheng, what should you do?"

"This old man is sitting in this city, with a three-foot green sword in his hand, and he will never insult Daming!" Lu Daqi heard this, and said calmly, as if he was talking about ordinary chatter instead of death.

In this case, what else can you say?All the generals in the army paid a military salute to Lu Daqi and said, "See you again at the Martyr's Shrine!"

Hearing this, Lu Daqi stood up slowly, and said solemnly: "Goodbye at the Martyr's Shrine!"

Towards evening the next day, according to the usual practice, the Zhungeer cavalry will have another wave of offensive after resting.All the soldiers of the Ming army had already had a full meal and were just waiting for them to deliver it to their door.

However, Sengge noticed something unusual, and immediately reported to Baturhun, "Father Khan, something is wrong today. Those Ming soldiers seem to let go. Even the people in the camp have obviously gained strength."

Xiao Wanwan's movements, even if he concealed his full stomach, there would still be too many clues.As long as a careful person can always find clues.

After hearing this, Baturhui was not negligent, and immediately asked the details, and then said flatly: "The Ming army has run out of food, this is a dog jumping over the wall!"

"Is the decisive battle today?" Sengge couldn't help but excitedly confirmed after hearing this.

"No!" Baturhui answered decisively after hearing this, and said with a smirk on his face, "Pass my military order to withdraw all troops, stay away from the Ming army, and let them eat war horses, just what they have in their stomachs. See how far they can run!"

Upon hearing this, Seng Ge understood what his father Khan meant and was immediately overjoyed. He quickly agreed and went to deliver the order.

What they meant was obvious. The Ming army wanted a decisive battle, but they didn't want to. Anyway, there are thousands of miles of people outside the Great Wall, so I let you run away. How far can you run, and where can you go?In the end, the Ming army must die!
 Afraid of being harmonized, this chapter was rewritten.

(End of this chapter)

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