Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 777 Grain Crisis

Chapter 777 Grain Crisis
Lu Daqi knew very well in his heart that with his old bones, if he escaped at this time, even if he didn't die in the pursuit of Zhungeer's cavalry, he would definitely die from his bones being knocked apart.Even if he survived and returned to Jiayuguan alive, he would not be able to bear the responsibility of defeating the army.

Of course, being so old also has advantages, that is, you have more experience, and you know what to do at this time, so that you can have a chance to survive. That is to boost your morale and make a last-ditch fight to have a chance of survival!
Needless to say, just Lu Daqi's words, "Farewell to the Martyrs' Shrine, the Ming Dynasty will win!", was like a magic power, which immediately calmed down the panic-stricken soldiers of the Ming army: why run away? What's so terrible about death? Goodbye!

If you die on the battlefield, not only will your soul return to the Martyr's Shrine, but your family and children will be taken care of by the imperial court, so there will be no worries!
A soldier of the Ming army thought so, and fought to the death with the enemy in front of him; another soldier of the Ming army did the same, and another soldier of the Ming army did the same... All the soldiers of the Ming army in Hami fought to the death in the end. He got up and fought desperately, and immediately killed Zhungeer's cavalry army and retreated in a row.

This sudden reversal scene, seeing his subordinates being slowly expelled from Hami by the rekindled Ming army, made Seng Ge, who was in command nearby, dumbfounded.But when he came back to his senses, he could also figure it out.

Generally speaking, the Ming army is well equipped, far superior to the Zhungeer cavalry army.In particular, some of the muskets used by the Ming army were the same as the muskets used by the Tsarist Russian soldiers. They did not need to be ignited, and the row of guns fired very densely.Every round of musket volleys, the cavalry of Zhun Geer's troops turned their backs on their backs, and they couldn't stop them at all.

Understanding is understanding, but seeing that the only thing left to do was to hunt down and solve this war, it became like this again, which made Sengge very anxious and unwilling, so he hurriedly ordered his men to counterattack again.

But at this moment, the horn sounded "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Sengge knew that this retreat order could only be given by his father Khan, so he didn't dare to disobey it, so he restrained his men to retreat slowly and leave the battlefield.

He urged his horse back to where the Khan flag was, and when he arrived in front of him, he said to Baturhui: "Father Khan, why did you let the army retreat? You can destroy this Ming army with one effort, or turn around and fight again, and the morale will be gone!" "

The success of this first fight was due to the success of the surprise attack, which made the Ming army unstable, and the morale of the Zhungeer cavalry was greatly boosted.

After hearing this, Baturhui just smiled and said, "You did a good job, you almost beat me down!"

Speaking of this, he pointed to the governor's flag of Hami and said: "The Ming army has already decided to die, and the soldiers are dead soldiers. If we continue to fight, our casualties will be unbearable. Even if we win, it will be meaningless."

After hearing this, Sengge turned his head to look, and saw the big flag with the word "Lv" fluttering in the wind, and the Ming army was all raising their arms and shouting: "The Great Ming is victorious!"

In the past, these Ming soldiers shouted this slogan, and their morale was high as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Thinking of these, Sengge's heart suddenly felt heavy.There is absolutely no army with such firm confidence in the Western Regions.This means that such an army will be extremely brave when it wins a battle, but it will never bend and never retreat when it encounters setbacks.If the army of the Ming Dynasty is like this, the future of the Zhungeer Department may not be very good!

Thinking of this, Sengge couldn't help turning his head to ask Baturhui: "Father Khan, the Ming army didn't seem to be like this before, why did they do this? If our cavalry army of Zhungeer can do the same, why not be able to dominate Tianshan?"

Based on his experience, he couldn't understand what made the Ming army have such a spirit, or what it means to have a military soul!

Hearing his words, Baturhui smiled, couldn't help but sighed and said: "This is the result of winning battles all the year round, and it is a real victory. I heard that the Ming army destroyed Chahar and other troops, There is absolutely no water in these things about Jianlu in Liaodong. Maybe this is the reason why the three tribes in Mobei and Oqiertu all belonged to them. But the most important point..."

Speaking of this, Baturhui paused, and said slowly: "The army has no worries, and there are clear rewards and punishments, so there is such an army!"

"That's it..." Seng Ge couldn't believe it when he heard it.He believed that anyone who led soldiers would know this truth.But I don't see how many troops there are, there will be such a powerful Ming army in front of me!
Baturhui knew that although his son was excellent, he had too little experience after all, so he sighed and said, "When you stand alone in the future, you will know. If you want the army to have no worries, rewards and punishments Clearly, that is definitely not an easy thing. Even I, in fact, sometimes have powerless intentions!"

Having said that, he sighed again, seeing that Seng Ge wanted to ask again, he seemed not to want to get entangled in this matter, so he immediately said: "Ben Khan's military order, surround this Ming army, don't let them Break out of the siege, without food and supplies, we can wipe them out later!"

After hearing this, Seng Ge and the other leaders knew that the business was important, so they quickly agreed and went to make arrangements.

Watching them leave, Batu Erhui's face was a bit serious, and he turned his head to look east. It should be possible to end the war here before the Ming reinforcements arrive!


In the city of Hami, after the cavalry from the Zhungeer tribe retreated, the soldiers of the Ming army were so tired that they sat on the ground one by one, gasping for breath.You don't know how tired you are during the war, but at this time, you are full of tiredness.

They were awakened from their sleep and started to respond to the enemy in a panic. Not to mention anything else, they were all panicked with hunger.At this time, most of the soldiers of the Ming army could not help but turn their heads to look at the place where the food, grass and luggage were originally piled up.

Although the fire has been extinguished, the smoke is still there, and the mountains of food, grass and baggage are no longer there.

Under the flag with the word "Lu", Lu Daqi holds a sword in his hand, as if facing a battle.But his sword didn't drink blood, and he couldn't even rush forward to meet the enemy.This is old, and it's not Lu Xiangsheng. If he really wants to go up, it will fulfill the enemy's military exploits.

At this time, he was listening to the report of his generals.

There were more than 5000 Ming troops, but now only a small [-] were left, including many wounded soldiers.The most critical thing was the food and baggage. Although they tried their best to save it, most of it was burned by the enemies who were desperately trying to burn the food.The only amount they had was enough to last them about ten days, no matter how much they saved.

However, the distance from Hami to Jialing Pass is more than 1000 to [-] miles. Calculated the distance, Governor Hong probably never reached Jialing Pass.The most optimistic estimate is that it will take at least [-] days to wait for reinforcements.However, can the army hold out until that moment?

After listening to the report, Lu Daqi couldn't help but feel very heavy when thinking about these things.Looking up from a distance, I saw that the Zhungeer cavalry army had already set up a formation, obviously intending to besiege, and wait for the army on my side to run out of food, so as to prevent my side from breaking through.

Looking around again, after calming down, all the soldiers under his command had serious expressions on their faces. Although they didn't show any signs of fear, they could tell that the situation was not good.

Morale must not be lost!Otherwise, we will never wait for reinforcements to arrive!Thinking this way, Lu Daqi returned the sword to its sheath, disregarding that he was old and hadn't eaten breakfast, and started to inspect Hami.

Although Zhungeer's cavalry seemed to be under siege and would no longer attack as before, if they really didn't prepare for defense, they might come for a second surprise attack.Therefore, defense inspections are Lu Daqi's top priority.After the inspection, he went to appease the wounded.After all this work, his legs and feet were like lead, and he couldn't stand anymore when he got back to his house.

The guards were shocked when they saw it, and quickly offered water and food.

However, Lu Daqi looked at the group of worried generals waiting beside him, forced a smile on his face, refused to eat or drink, and said to them: "The cavalry army of the Zhungeer Department must guard against death and prevent our army from breaking through. Finally The best plan is to stick to the treatment. You have to explain this matter, so that the soldiers are ready to stick to it!"

Hearing this, a general with a bandage on his forehead immediately asked: "Master Zhongcheng, stick to your treatment, I'm afraid the food and grass will be exhausted before the reinforcements arrive!"

"Yes, Lord Zhongcheng, we are not afraid of fighting with these Tartars, but..." Another general also said, "But if the soldiers are hungry, how can they fight with these Zungar troops? Tartars fighting?"

When the other generals heard this, they all nodded and looked worried.

After hearing this, Lu Daqi's face darkened, this is the crux of the problem!

Looking down at his own drinking water and food, Lu Daqi ordered: "From today onwards, everyone below me will save food. Except for the officers and men on duty, other officers and men, including me, will only eat gruel once a day. .”

"But... Lord Zhongcheng, even so, I'm afraid Yu Liang can only last for seven or eight days." A general reminded in a heavy tone after hearing this.

Lu Daqi frowned after hearing this, and then said: "Since our army is holding firm and waiting for reinforcements, we should only keep some of the horses, or not at all!"

They are all from the cavalry, and they regard war horses as their lives.But at this moment, it was time to kill horses to satisfy their hunger, which made every general's expression very heavy.

But even so, some generals still reminded Lu Daqi: "Lord Zhongcheng, even if this is the case, I'm afraid I can only last for ten days, and I don't know if the reinforcements will arrive?"

Hearing this, Lu Daqi fell silent.There is no other way but to hope that Governor Hong will arrive in time!If there are a few more days of food, the confidence of the reinforcements will be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, suddenly, he remembered what he saw during his patrol just now, and suddenly had an idea in his mind, he looked up at the generals, and shouted coldly: "Zhi Zhi eats the meat of the barbarians hungry, and talks about thirsting for the blood of the Huns..."

(End of this chapter)

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