Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 775 An Old Bones

Chapter 775 An Old Bones

Although Emperor Chongzhen personally conscripted, for outsiders or Hong Chengchou himself, it was a question of Hong Chengchou's ability.This situation, after all, is a bit bad.

If it is something else, even if it is defeated, the impact will be relatively small; or if it is not to go to the Tianshan Mountains, but to attack a certain chieftain in Sichuan, then Emperor Chongzhen will definitely let Hong Chengchou do it.

But now, the enemy that Hong Chengchou wants to destroy is far away in the Western Regions, not to mention the huge logistical pressure, it is still on the grassland. Brain, and certainly not head-to-head with the Ming army.In this way, how long will the Ming army led by Hong Chengchou consume energy?
If Hong Chengchou's Ming army fails, it will be tantamount to defeating the integrated prairie cavalry army.In addition, the defeat will also affect the various tribes in the grassland that have already surrendered. Some Mongols who were originally unwilling to surrender are likely to have moths.In other words, once the army led by Hong Chengchou is defeated by the Zhungeer tribe, it will cause a series of consequences.

Although Emperor Chongzhen is sure, if Hong Chengchou is defeated, he can lead the army and go out again. With the advantage of the golden finger, he should also be able to defeat the enemy.

However, if this is the case, the first one, all the manpower and materials lost by Hong Chengchou's defeat in the war will be wasted, which will affect the economic development of Ming Dynasty; the other, and the most important one, is that Emperor Chongzhen is 38 years old.Although the Ming Dynasty has become stronger, it is still far from the goal of Emperor Chongzhen.Time was what Emperor Chongzhen lacked most. If Hong Chengchou's troops failed, it would take at least two years, and he couldn't afford to delay.

Although it was the beginning of May in the 22nd year of Chongzhen when Emperor Chongzhen led the army, Sun Chuanting's troops had already advanced to Edo, and it is estimated that by the end of the year, at most next year, the entire Honshu Island would be occupied. It can be said that the Wa Kingdom has almost been won.However, matters in North and South America have not yet been put on the agenda; the Dongwu shipyard has just been built, and it will take time for the ship to be built. In the Middle East, it is unknown when the Ming army will appear.

Another point is that Emperor Chongzhen already knew through the Class-A wiretapping seeds on Yan Yingyuan, governor of Dongwu, that the butterfly effect brought about by Ming's conquest of Dongwu had already affected the Mughal Empire in India.Emperor Chongzhen could think of it with his toes. The Mughal Empire would definitely not be happy about the Ming Empire reaching out. What will happen next is unknown.

Not to mention, domestic economic construction and technological advancement are all inseparable from Emperor Chongzhen.There were so many things to do that Emperor Chongzhen couldn't possibly have time to waste.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen did not want to take the risk of losing two years for the suppression of the rebellion of the Zhungeer tribe, so he decided to take the imperial conquest this time.

All the way west, the expansion and construction of a new two-way cement official road with three lanes on the basis of the original official road is actually not very friendly to the cavalry.The cement is too hard and can damage the horse's hooves.If the train is repaired, you can take the train and really travel day and night.However, the westbound railway track is much more difficult to build than the southbound railway track.At least for the past two years, there is no hope at all.

After inspecting the construction of the cement official road, Emperor Chongzhen simply left Zhangjiakou and galloped on the grassland to Guihua City.Prepare to rest somewhere before going to Baotou, and finally catch up with Hong Chengchou's army.

This time, although he was the imperial driver himself, he did not order Hong Chengchou to lead the army to wait for him.He believed that with Hong Chengchou's ability, he would not lose the battle before he arrived.

Before Emperor Chongzhen left Zhangjiakou, Hong Chengchou received a decree to allow the expedition, and at the same time knew that the emperor had also led the hussar battalion out of Beijing.

To be honest, after Hong Chengchou heard the news, even though he was deep in the city, he was absent-minded for a while, feeling a little lost.In his opinion, if it were Lu Xiangsheng, the emperor would probably not have personally conscripted him, would he?
But after being lost, he immediately ordered to march westward to conquer the Zhungeer tribe.

Fifty thousand cavalry troops, mainly Mongolian soldiers, only more than 5000 cavalry troops at the frontier of Qin, drove cattle and sheep, and of course escorted food and supplies with the army, divided into front and rear armies, and rushed to Tianshan Mountain .

Of course Hong Chengchou is not an incompetent person. He knows that the key to this battle is to force the Geer department to fight the official army, or to attack him and save him, or to surround him so that he cannot escape.It is also because of this that even though the Zhungeer tribe annexed the other tribes of the Oirat tribe, there were only [-] cavalry at most, but he still brought nearly twice as many troops to the expedition.

Before setting off, of course he had learned about the situation of the Zhungeer Department.

Originally the Jungar tribe was mainly active in the Tacheng area, extending north to the Jungar Basin, south to the Ili area, east of the Jungar area, and mainly active in the Heshuote tribe in the Urumqi area.However, the Zhungeer tribe has annexed other tribes of the Oirat tribe, and its sphere of influence has greatly increased.

Although the nomads live in no fixed place, there are traces to follow. The original pastures of the Zhungeer tribe, the Ming army must visit, and the original khan camp of the Zhungeer tribe, the Tacheng area, is also going to visit. of.

Hong Chengchou's strategy is to send forwards out of Gansu, directly attack the Zhungeer Basin area, and then enter the Tacheng area. The main force will take the Urumqi area. No enemy was found, and the two armies met in the Tashan area.At that time, it depends on the situation, or go south to the Yili area, or continue to pursue westward.

The westernmost place of the Ming Dynasty was the Hami Guard built in the fourth year of Yongle to control the Hami area; however, this place was invaded and occupied by Turpan many times, and it competed repeatedly with the Ming Dynasty.

Until the early years of the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming court was already extremely happy because of the dispute over etiquette.As a result, Hami was taken away by Turpan, so the political struggle spread to the matter of Hami. Party disputes continued, opponents were impeached, and large prisons were set up repeatedly. Many ministers were involved in it, and many were arrested and killed.In the end, Emperor Jiajing had no choice but to disregard Hami under the pretext of stopping the army and the people and pursuing self-government.

Therefore, at this time, the most western part of Ming Dynasty's actual sphere of influence was Gansu, and to be more specific, it was Jiayuguan.

In this expedition, the Ming army left Jiayuguan and entered Xinjiang through Hami.

Hami is also the only way for Xinjiang to enter the customs. It is known as the "throat of the Western Regions" on the Silk Road.However, the population is only about [-], which is too poor to support too many people.

The forward commander of the Ming army was Lu Daqi, the governor of Gansu, who led [-] troops.At this time, Lu Daqi was standing on the top of Jiayuguan City, watching the army go out in great strength, he couldn't help feeling proud.

At this time, Lu Daqi was already in his 60s, and at this age, it was not suitable to lead an army.However, the world is peaceful now, and it is rare that there is a rebellion in the nearby area. It is possible to make a contribution to fight for the title. Lu Daqi asked for an order, and finally he was able to obey Hong Chengchou's command and received the position of forward coach.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is strong and strong, there is no shortage of military equipment.It was very spectacular to go out of the iron armor, which made Lu Daqi couldn't help but recited a few poems to suit the occasion.Finally, surrounded by many generals, he left the customs.

Before departure, Hong Chengchou agreed with the strategy he had set.Today's Zhungeer tribe took advantage of the winter traffic cutoff to annex other tribes of the Oirat tribe. At this time, the first priority must be to digest and completely control the population of other tribes.

Both Lu Daqi and Hong Chengchou felt that it would be difficult to find traces of the Zhungeer tribe in the early stage.There is a high probability that it will be difficult to have a decisive battle in the Jungar Basin and the Urumqi area.

For the imperial army, it is natural that this battle should be resolved quickly, but the Zhungeer Department will definitely not allow the imperial army to do so.Thinking of this, Lu Daqi felt a little pain in his back, even if he was sitting in a carriage, he didn't know how long he would have to walk, it was enough!But there is only one chance in this life, and I have to grit my teeth and persevere!


From Jiayuguan to Hami, there are more than 1000 to [-] miles. If it is replaced by later generations, it will take more than six hours to get there with one foot of the accelerator on the expressway, or almost half a day.

But in this era, even if Lu Daqi led a cavalry army, it took twelve days to reach Hami.

When the Ming army arrived here, there were very few locals in Hami, and most of them hid when they heard that there was going to be a war.The imperial army did not harass them, and immediately set up camp, preparing to rest here for a whole day.

The reason why this military order was issued was because Lu Daqi couldn't stand it anymore and felt too tired.Driving every day, even in a car, the bumpy road is enough for old bones.Of course, the cavalry can't march continuously, they must maintain their combat power, and they must also take necessary rest.

To be honest, at this time, Lu Daqi was drinking warm mutton soup, wrapped in felt, and his thoughts on making achievements have faded a lot.

Think about it, this has only reached Hami, and this old bone has been through so much. If it continues, it will take a detour to the Zhungeer Basin and then go to Tacheng. I don't know how long it will take.If you encounter an enemy to pursue, then you need to speed up your journey...

Thinking of this, Lu Daqi didn't dare to think about it anymore.Or just send your general soldiers to search and pursue, while you go to Urumqi and wait for Governor Hong.

Lu Daqi thought about it, and went to bed early.You can't sleep without sleep, or a word, the hero is late!

However, what Lu Daqi never imagined was that he didn't have to go so far and suffer so much.

In the early morning of the next day, the army was still resting, and it was not the rising sun in the east that woke them up.

(End of this chapter)

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