Chapter 774 Mutiny
When the middle-aged man in the central seat heard this, his face darkened immediately, and he asked the young man, "What's wrong? He can sell us Western Mongolia, and he can become a marquis of the allies. Has he thought about us? "

"He...he is the leader of our Oirat Mongolia!" The young man shrank his head after hearing this, and said after hesitating for a while, "He should also be the leader. Besides, the Ming Kingdom is not very powerful. For the sake of all of us Oirat..."

"Think about it!" The middle-aged man was furious when he heard it: "What ability does he have to be the leader of our Oirat tribe? It is impossible for Gushi Khan to come back now, and he is the only one? Also, what if the Ming Dynasty is strong? Are they still coming to Tianshan Mountain? In the vast grassland, how can they fight us if there are few people coming; if there are too many people coming, where do they get their food and supplies? Thankfully I have taught you so much, what about your brain?"

"Father Khan is right, we are not afraid of anyone!" A child next to him suddenly interrupted when he heard this, and said solemnly.

The young man was scolded, but he was scolded by a little kid again. He couldn't help being furious, and immediately yelled at the kid: "Galdan, did your kid intervene when the adults were talking?"

"Sengge, look, you are not as knowledgeable as little Galdan!" The middle-aged man, Sengge's father Khan named Baturhun, shouted sharply, "Don't think I don't know, you are coveting Eqi Ertu's daughter's beauty!"

The young man, that is, Seng Ge, couldn't help but blushed when he heard this.

Oqiertu's daughter, Anu, is quite a few years younger than him, but she has grown into a graceful figure. She is a rare beauty among the Mongolian people and is well-known far and wide.

Because Oqiertu was worried about the strength of the Zhungeer tribe, there were already rumors that he was going to marry his daughter to Sengge.

In the original history, Anu was indeed married to Sengge, and after Sengge's death, he married Galdan, and was finally shot (or shot) to death in the third war with the Manchu Qing.This Anu has a very high reputation in Mongolia, and Zeng even made a movie to commemorate her.It is recorded in the history books that she was "intelligent and beautiful" when she was young, but when she was shot to death, it may be because of her multiple births and her age, she was described as "extremely fat".

At this time, Sengge's face naturally turned red when he was told the central issue. For a moment, he didn't have the confidence to argue with his father Khan, so he lowered his head and said nothing.However, he thought that his father Khan was going to break away from the Oirat tribe and object to joining the Ming Dynasty. If this really happened, his marriage with Anu would definitely be ruined, so he boldly said again: "Father Khan, the Ming Dynasty today is not The previous Central Plains dynasty was comparable. Even the three tribes in Mobei all surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. And didn’t the Ming Dynasty also send a governor to reorganize us Mongols in Hetao? If we didn’t surrender, there would be Tsarist Russia before us and Ming Dynasty behind us. Guo, Father Khan, don't be arrogant..."

Before he finished speaking, Baturhun couldn't help being furious, and immediately shouted sharply: "I still use you as a bastard to teach? When did our Zhun Geer department give in? It's better to be the head of a sheep than the tail of a wolf, do you understand?" ?”

Seeing that Baturhun was furious, Sengge dared not speak immediately.Thinking of Anu, he boldly argued a few words, which was already the limit of what he could achieve.

"Get out, get out!" Baturhun was still angry, pointing to the outside and shouting, "Go outside and wake me up. Is it important for women or the future of the tribe!"

Seng Ge didn't dare to disobey, so he had to leave the yurt.When he was about to leave the yurt, he could still hear Baturhun's roar behind him: "Is there a girl in our Zhungeer department? It doesn't look the same when it gets dark, it's really a pig's brain..."

Hearing this and looking at the vast expanse of snow, Seng Ge was a little confused: Isn't it different when it's not dark? Besides, isn't it possible to light oil lamps!

In the yurt, the leaders of the other Zhungeer tribes kept silent during this process, allowing their father and son to quarrel.

As soon as Baturhun waited for Sengge to go out, he breathed out heavily, relieved his anger, touched the head of Galdan beside him and said, "You are still sensible!"

After hearing this, little Galdan showed a smug smile on his face.Although Sister Anu is pretty, she is not as fun as being the leader herself!
But Baturhui ignored him, and said to the other leaders: "While Oqiertu stayed in the Ming Dynasty, all the tribes were accepting the opportunity of the reorganization of the governor of the Ming Dynasty, and ate them all. Anyway, this In this kind of weather, it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to take action."

"What the Great Khan said is that no one would have thought of us attacking other tribes at this time." After hearing this, a close leader of Baturhun immediately agreed, "When the weather improves, our Jungar tribe has already annexed other tribes. The tribe is even more powerful, and when the time comes, not to mention Tsarist Russia, so what if the Ming Dynasty can still be afraid of them!"

Those who can come here to discuss matters are naturally the leaders of the Jungar tribe, and since Baturhun controls the tribe, there are naturally many people who support him.For them, there is a person who nominally surrenders to the Ming Kingdom, so that the Ming Kingdom can send troops to deal with Tsarist Russia. Even if they do not directly send troops to support them against Tsarist Russia through other means, then they will do it.However, they are unwilling to surrender and lose the power of tribal leaders.

Therefore, after Baturhui made his decision, many leaders, big and small, agreed, and soon began to discuss plans to take the opportunity to annex other tribes in the Oirat tribe.

In the end, Sengge was called back by Baturhun, and in private, Baturhun said to Sengge like this: "If you really like Oqiertu's daughter, then take her back! As long as you are strong enough, you can get everything you want. He Oziertu said before that he wanted to marry a daughter, but it was not because our Zhungeer department is strong enough!"

Hearing this, Sengge was really shocked. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that what his father Khan said was right.

As a result, Seng Ge participated in the plan to annex other Oirat tribes.

In any case, Sengge has always been Baturhun's most proud son.In the original history, before he died, he also appointed Sengge to succeed him, not any of his four brothers. From this, it can be seen that Sengge's ability is still there.


For the Oirat tribe, almost everyone knows where their tribes will spend the winter.Generally speaking, in this big winter, when the grasslands are covered with heavy snow, no one will go out, let alone fight.

However, the Zhungeer tribe seized the opportunity that Oqiertu was not in the tribe, and the tribes were accepting the opportunity to be reorganized by Governor Hong Chengchou of the Ming Dynasty, and brazenly sent troops in a heavy snow day.

Originally, the Zhungeer tribe was already the strongest tribe in the Oirat tribe after Gushi Khan left.In addition, the other tribes were unprepared, and even when the tribe leaders were not there, they were suddenly attacked by the Zhungeer tribe that fell from the sky, and they had no way to fight back.

The tribes of Heshuote, Duerbert, Turhut, and Huite were annexed by the Zhungeer tribe one by one in about five months.And this situation, because of the weather, the other tribes did not know in advance, including Hong Chengchou, who was in charge of the Western Regions, did not receive any news.

Waiting until the middle of April in the 22nd year of Chongzhen, finally a member of the Heshuo Te tribe fled to Baotou, and reported to Hong Chengchou the annexation war of the Zhungeer tribe in the winter.Hong Chengchou couldn't help being shocked by this, and hurriedly prepared his army to go to Tianshan Mountain to wipe out the Zhungeer tribe who refused to accept Wang Hua and even rebelled.

After Oqiertu was attached to the Ming Dynasty, he was the leader of the Oirat Department, and naturally represented the Oirat Department, and the Zhungeer Department was also a part of the Oirat Department.However, he annexed other tribes and refused to obey Daming. This kind of behavior is regarded as rebellious behavior from a legal point of view, and there is no problem.

On Hong Chengchou's side, there are integrated Mongolian soldiers and horses, including the cavalry of the original Eastern Mongolia and Mobei Mongolia, and their strength is also very strong.However, if the army wants to march westward, it is not only necessary to gather troops, but also to prepare logistics, food and grass.In addition, such a large-scale war still needs the consent of Emperor Chongzhen.Therefore, while preparing for the battle, Hong Chengchou sent an urgent courier to the capital to ask for an order.

Emperor Chongzhen did not eavesdrop on the seeds when he was on the Tianshan Mountains. Therefore, he only learned the news when Hong Chengchou received the report.However, he is not very surprised about the rebellion in the Zhungeer department.

Even in the original history, by the time of Galdan's generation, the Zhungeer tribe completely annexed the Oirat tribe and established the Zhungeer Khanate.The strength of the Zhun Ge Er Department does not mean that it was only so strong when Ge Erdan was born, but that it was strong before.It is precisely because of their strength that their tribal leaders have the ambition to refuse to surrender.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen was not very angry at the rebellion of the Zhungeer tribe.The grassland tribes, apart from the eastern Mongolia being conquered by Ming, the other tribes, including the Mobei tribe and the Oirat tribe, had no choice but to surrender because of the prestige of Ming defeating the eastern Mongolia.

Their attachment, as time goes on, there will be unreconciled situations.Only Da Ming's constant beating can make them surrender all the time.If the Zhungeer Department is also affiliated, then during the process of Daming's march to the west, if the reorganization is not thorough, someone might make something wrong.

Therefore, the rebellion of the Zhungeer tribe gave Da Ming a chance to kill chickens and scare monkeys, allowing Da Ming to effectively deter the Central Asian countries.

Based on the above thoughts, Emperor Chongzhen immediately decreed that Hong Chengchou was allowed to lead troops to the Western Regions to suppress the rebellion of the Zhungeer tribe.However, he was a little worried about whether Hong Chengchou could successfully wipe out the Zhungeer tribe, so after arranging many matters, he also led the hussar battalion to go out.

So, nearly two years later, Emperor Chongzhen finally led the army again!

(End of this chapter)

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