Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 707 Haojingao Agreement

Chapter 707 Haojingao Agreement

Hearing that, that was another very important message.That is to say, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is going to beat Annan again!
To be honest, Johnson and others don't care how the Portuguese on Annan's side feel!
Far from home, running so far, isn't it just to make money!As for any compatriots who are not compatriots, in the face of interests, to them, it is just a fart.

Therefore, after hearing the news and being shocked for a while, Johnson immediately came back to his senses, and immediately replied: "My lord, Haojingao's side and Annan's side are not in a subordinate relationship, so I can't order what to do over there." But I can send a letter to persuade them to make meritorious deeds to atone for their sins and serve Daming. In addition, I will immediately write a letter and send it to the Shangguan, and I can even directly report to our king, who will order Annan to obey the will of the emperor of your country .only……"

He was a little hesitant, but when he saw the governor of Guangdong, he seemed a little unhappy, so he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and quickly explained: "It's just a long journey, I don't know if I can catch up with the emperor of your country to fight Annan during the round trip?"

Hearing this, the governor of Guangdong understood that his hesitation was not because of any concerns or conditions, but because of the distance. Therefore, he was relieved, and then said to Johnson: "The emperor has issued a decree, It is scheduled to enter Annan in October, and the troops from Guangdong and Guangxi will cooperate, and it will definitely be too late for you to report to the superior."

Speaking of this, he said indifferently: "Since this is the case, then you Fulangji people in Annan can ask for blessings! If there is no meritorious service to atone for their sins, what awaits them is death!"

Du Chen, the governor of Macau, originally thought that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would not take down Dongwu so quickly, and it was even impossible to defeat Dongwu, but he was naturally shocked.While the governor of Guangdong was speaking, he didn't say a word.

However, when he heard that the Emperor of Ming could let Portugal be the sole agent of Daming's overseas trade, any dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared without a trace.

The benefits are so great, how could he not know!This is what happened during his tenure as the Governor of Macau, and of course he is to blame!

The Emperor Ming also said that in the Far East, he could even send the Ming navy to protect him. In this way, he would not be afraid of the Spaniards in Luzon, the Dutch in Batavia, and so on.

This is really great news!

However, even though he was thinking this way, hearing the indifferent words of the governor of Guangdong at this time, he felt that it was against military common sense, so he couldn't help but reminded: "My lord, the emperor of your country fights with such great fanfare, so he is not afraid that the enemy will fight in advance." are you ready?"

He dared to guarantee that Annan would definitely know the news that the Ming emperor was going to lead troops to fight. With preparation, wouldn't this battle be more difficult?
Hearing this, the governor of Guangdong showed a sense of pride on his face, arched his hands to the west of Yunnan, and said: "The emperor is wise and powerful, and he is invincible and invincible. Annan is rebellious, so what if they know it, and what?" How could he be the emperor's opponent!"

His tone of voice was full of strong confidence!

Du Chen was dumbfounded when he heard that, so confident?
Johnson was afraid that Du Chen would say something that would upset the officials of Ming Dynasty, so he immediately intervened to attract the attention of the governor of Guangdong, and immediately talked about the details of the friendship with Daming.

Therefore, the two parties sat down and discussed the details, and finally formed a document, which is known as the Haojingao Agreement in history.The main contents are as follows:
First, Daming's trade with Europe is all entrusted to Franz as an agent, and it will no longer conduct direct trade with other European countries;
Second, Daming's demand for Europe will also be represented by Franz.However, the price must be fair. If it is discovered that Francois dares to drive up the price to make money from Daming, then the first point of agreement will be cancelled.

Third, Flangji and Daming form a state of brothers. Daming is the elder brother and Flangji is the younger brother. If Flangji is attacked, Daming will send troops to help; People must also send troops to help.

This is a principled framework, and other details are subject to these three conditions.

For Ming Dynasty, from now on the Francois will be Ming Dynasty's agents in Europe.Although Europe is currently beyond its reach, it can use the Franco machine to influence Europe.

In addition, Folangjiren has rich experience in long-distance voyages. If Ming Dynasty wants to take the first step in its global strategy, it is necessary to get relevant experience from Folangjiren.

And this agreement for Frangji, that is, the Portuguese, is really a big pie that can't be bigger.

Portugal has always been ruled by Spain, but with a high degree of autonomy.But later, when this high degree of autonomy showed signs of being terminated, the Portuguese nobles turned against each other and declared independence in the 13th year of Chongzhen, and have been at war with Spain ever since.

At this time, for the Portuguese, what they need most is support.

Becoming the sole agent of Ming Dynasty can bring them enough wealth, not only to cope with the war, but also make Portugal one of the richest countries in Europe!

In addition, recognizing Daming as a brother is tantamount to forming a military alliance.With such a strong foreign aid, Portugal's waist will naturally be a little harder.Even at this time, it is impossible for Ming Dynasty to have an impact on the war in Europe, but isn't there Spaniards in the Far East?Being able to hit Spain is what the current Portugal urgently needs.

Therefore, after the agreement was concluded, Johnson and Du Chen were ecstatic.They are [-]% sure that when this agreement is sent to Lisbon, King Joao IV will also be ecstatic!
With this agreement in place, let alone the execution of Carlos, even if Da Ming killed all the Portuguese in Annan, they would not care.Who made them blind and dare to offend Daming!

But they were compatriots after all. Johnson and Du Chen jointly wrote a letter to Anders, the Portuguese governor of Annan, attaching the content of the agreement and the requirements of the Ming Emperor.They assured the governor of Guangdong that after Anders read the letter, he would definitely make amends.

After all these things are agreed upon, the Frangji people will send the agreement to their king to seal it, and then the emperor of Ming Dynasty will stamp it to take effect.

The governor of Guangdong had a lunch under the warm reception of Johnson and others, and then pulled Carlos out and hanged them in public in Haojingao.

If this matter had been changed before, then these Frangji people in Haojingao would definitely feel sad for the death of a rabbit and a fox. If they were executed in front of them in public, something might happen.

But at this time, they already knew what Da Ming meant, so they were all immersed in joy. Regarding the execution of Carlos and the others, they even gloated: Let you be greedy for money, and dare to accept Da Ming's rebellious To fight against Daming with money is really asking for a dead end!
Of course, they still dealt with Carlos' body, and then sent the governor of Guangdong and his party off.Among them, missionaries such as Tang Ruowang were not so happy.

Originally, their expectations were very low, as long as the Ming Dynasty did not expel them; however, when they saw that the Ming Dynasty and Portugal had formed a brotherly state and had given Portugal such great benefits, their expectations immediately increased. .

However, what they didn't expect was that the Emperor Ming's requirements for their missionaries remained unchanged.This made them feel very disappointed, and they could only wait for the answer from the Holy See.

Perhaps seeing with his own eyes the benefits of being a friend of the Ming Dynasty, Tang Ruowang discussed it with other missionaries, and then jointly wrote a letter to the Holy See, and sent it away as quickly as possible together with the agreement to the King of Portugal.

In their letters, they repeatedly emphasized that the great empire of the Far East was a land of etiquette. As long as visiting outsiders showed goodwill, they would not be discriminated against.Even many European countries cannot do this.However, if there is any ill intention towards the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has a saying: He will be punished no matter how far away he is.Therefore, it is best for the Holy See to have a good relationship with Ming Dynasty. Even if they cannot become friends, they must not become enemies!

In this period, Annan can be said to have three forces, two big and one small.Needless to say, the two natures are the Ruan family in the south and the Zheng family in the north.When he was young, he was overthrown by the Zheng family, but still occupied the lingering Mo family.

The previous decree of the Ming emperor had already reached Annan, and the leaders of the two major and minor forces all knew it successively.

Originally at this time, Zheng Bing, the powerful minister of Northern Zheng, was busy with the third large-scale attack on the Ruan family in the south.As a result, after receiving the news, he didn't believe it at first, but after repeated verification, he immediately ordered to suspend all preparations to attack the Ruan family in the south.

This Zheng Bing can be regarded as a capable person.According to Mo Jingkuan, the emperor of the Mo dynasty who guarded Gaoping, when he heard that the Zheng family was in trouble, he led his troops south to suppress the rebellion.As a result, he was defeated by the army led by Zheng Bing.

Not only that, but even later, they counterattacked the past, not only captured Gaoping, killed Mo Jingkuan and fled north in embarrassment, but also killed Mo Jinggong, the Supreme Emperor of the Mo Dynasty.It was also from then on that the Zheng family's world in the north was established in one fell swoop.

But in name, the Zheng family is not the emperor, nor the lord of the country, but only the courtiers of the Hou Li Dynasty.But he is a powerful minister like Cao Cao, playing around with the royal family of the Hou Li Dynasty at will.Today's Li Zhenzong's position as emperor was the result of Zheng Bing coercing Li Zhenzong's father to abdicate.By the way, the founding emperor of the Li Dynasty became the emperor of Annan because he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty.

If you say that a person like Zheng Jie is stupid or something, the people of Annan will not agree.Therefore, after Zheng Zheng verified that the Ming Emperor wanted to attack Annan, he immediately felt that he could not resist the Ming Emperor alone with his own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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