Chapter 706 Suicide
Although they can tell that what they are saying now is definitely exaggerated.However, there is a fact that they have to admit, that is, Emperor Ming must have defeated Dongwu and changed Dongwu into a province of Daming.It is impossible for such a big thing to be fake.

Previously, they thought that the Ming Emperor knew how to fight.But at this time, I really realized how good the Ming Emperor was at fighting!

As a result, they suddenly felt tremendous pressure.If the Ming Emperor really wanted to expel and eliminate them, they probably would have no room for resistance.

At this time, Portugal's overseas colonies were constantly being challenged by emerging colonists, including the Netherlands and England, who robbed Portuguese colonies everywhere.It can be said that the situation in the overseas colonies is not good.

As for the Far East, the place of Haojingao is very important, and it is the most important point for the Portuguese to do business with the huge empire of the Far East and the Japanese country.

Previously, the Japanese country had begun to close itself off and only did business with the Dutch. The Portuguese only had the Ming Dynasty as their trading partner.If this place is lost, Portugal's overseas interests will suffer considerable losses.And this is why the Portuguese want to have a good relationship with the Ming Dynasty no matter which plane they are in.

If it was said that before, they still had a little bit of dissatisfaction in their hearts, thinking that if the emperor of Ming Dynasty embarrassed them too much, they might take revenge.However, at this time, such thoughts are gone.

Dongwu was occupied by the Ming Dynasty, which meant that the return route to the entire Far East was cut off.Even Goa may be attacked by the Ming army, which is simply not something they can bear.

Silently listening to these bright people talking happily, Johnson, Du Chen and others all turned around and left at the same time, they didn't want to listen any more.

In the end, after discussing it, they still sent the Portuguese to Guangzhou to inquire about the news, and then checked the truth with a fluke mentality.As a result, the information they inquired was similar, but the result was still the same: the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally conquered Dongwu, and now Dongwu is a province of the Ming Dynasty, and the highest governor is Yan Yingyuan, the governor of Dongwu.

It is true that there is a name and a surname.The atmosphere in Haojingao, at least on the Portuguese side, was a bit more dignified.For some reason, every Portuguese speaks less than before.

They were under pressure and were silently waiting for the Ming Emperor to finally pronounce their sentence on them.

On this day, Tang Ruowang watched the "scenery" at the intersection as usual, and Johnson was also there, but neither of them said anything.

For a long time, Tang Ruowang was still confident about the answer from the Holy See, and he would definitely not let go of the missionary work in such a large place with such a large population in the Far East.Although according to what the Emperor of Ming Dynasty said, if he wants to revise the doctrine, he will be under the jurisdiction of the Ming government, but the final answer is probably agreed.

This point is also related to what happened to the Holy See in Europe.In the past, the Holy See coerced the secular monarchy of all countries, and no one could be a king without the blessing and consent of the Holy See.But the situation is different now, the status of the Holy See has been severely suppressed by the secular monarchy.Therefore, the Holy See is a bit used to the Emperor Ming's request, even if it is a bit more than the request of the European secular kingship, I believe it will not be too outraged.

But what Tang Ruowang doesn't want most now is that the Holy See agreed to the Emperor Ming's request, but in the end, he has already been expelled by the Emperor Daming or something. The Holy See finally agreed to have a new hope, but the hope was shattered.

Let's hope this worst outcome doesn't happen!Tang Ruowang made the sign of the cross silently, praying secretly in his heart.Suddenly, his expression changed, his eyes opened wide, and he looked into the distance. After a while, he said to Johnson very fast: "Look, it seems that some officers and soldiers are coming?"

When Johnson heard this, his expression changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at the end of the official road.

Sure enough, the flags of the Ming army were unfurled, teams of cavalry cleared the way, and many infantry came behind.

Seeing this situation, they immediately became nervous. This time the officers and soldiers came, they must have brought the result of the Ming Emperor's sentence.So what is the result?
The sentinels at Haojingao also noticed the Ming army coming, and immediately blew their sirens. All the Portuguese in Haojingao became nervous and entered a state of combat readiness.

After they were flustered for a while, the Ming army had already gotten a lot closer. It can be estimated that there are about 1000 people.And judging from the guard of honor, it is definitely not the county magistrate of Xiangshan County, or even the level of the prefect of Guangzhou, but a bigger official who came here. Maybe the governor of Guangdong came in person.

Seeing this clearly, Tang Ruowang immediately shouted to the missionaries beside him: "Quickly, tell them to put away their guns, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand!"

"Yes, put it away soon, don't mess it up!" Johnson also anxiously urged other members of the Macau Council, "Things shouldn't be too bad, don't anger the adults who came over!"

If it was too bad, there should be more than a thousand officers and soldiers coming.

After Johnson gave the order, he was afraid that Du Chen, the governor of Macau, would cause trouble for him, so he went in person, found Du Chen and severely reprimanded him not to show hostility.

After another burst of fuss, the Daming army finally arrived.

The leading cavalry of about [-] marched into Haojingao first, but as Johnson and others expected, they did not put on a fighting stance, but spread out on both sides to make a warning stance.After the infantry marched in, they further controlled the Haojingao intersection.

An official in a scarlet robe rode in. Tang Ruowang knew that he was a high official from the imperial court just by looking at his attire.Johnson, however, recognized him. It was none other than the governor of Guangdong whom he had dealt with twice before.

Naturally, Tang Ruowang and Johnson were the first to look at the face of the governor of Guangdong. When they found that his face was peaceful, they felt relieved. It should not be a bad thing, otherwise, they would definitely not have a good face.

Sure enough, the governor of Guangdong looked around and found that the fence of Haojingao had been demolished. He nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face, then looked away, and said condescendingly to Johnson and the others: " The emperor has a decree, just wait and listen."

Upon hearing this, the hearts of Tang Ruowang, Johnson and others suddenly lifted up, and they all showed respect, bent down and listened.

The governor of Guangdong got off his horse, came to Tang Ruowang and Johnson, and said loudly to the Portuguese: "You and the Frangji people dare to participate in the rebellion in the Ming Dynasty. The emperor is very angry. But because of your Haojingao Bian has always been obedient to Daming, and even made contributions during the suppression of Jianlu, so the emperor decided to give you a choice, should you be Daming's friend or Daming's enemy?"

Upon hearing this, Tang Ruowang immediately recalled what Emperor Chongzhen had said before he expelled them from the capital: "I am very hospitable, and friends come from afar. Unruly people will naturally entertain them with their fists. After you go back, you can tell those countries in your country that I welcome them to come to Ming Dynasty to do business and exchange information."

Thinking of these, Tang Ruowang couldn't help but feel happy, some people choose, of course they choose to be friends!
Johnson was also happy when he heard this. He actually gave himself a choice, which is really great.

Therefore, as the actual head of the Haojingao side, he quickly and respectfully asked for advice: "My lord, of course we are willing to be Daming's friends! I don't know about this choice, do you have any explanation?"

As far as the governor of Guangdong is concerned, of course he also wants to resolve this matter peacefully.Therefore, he has a good attitude towards Frangji, and said with a smile: "The emperor has a decree, if you want to be friends with Da Ming, then from now on, Da Ming's overseas trade with your western countries will be entirely entrusted to you Do it. If other countries are jealous and don’t get benefits from Da Ming, they turn to snatch your ship, Da Ming will also send a navy to escort you, at least in the Far East, and will guarantee your safety.”

Hearing this, I don't know what happened to Tang Ruowang. Anyway, Johnson was knocked out by the pie that fell from the sky.If this is the case, Haojingao will become the most important point in Portugal's overseas trade.And it is difficult for him to estimate how much wealth this will bring to Portugal.

Just hearing this, Johnson nodded without hesitation and said: "This is really great, we must be Da Ming's friends, definitely the most obedient friends..."

Seeing him like this and listening to his reply, the governor of Guangdong was a little speechless, but he also understood, after all, if the emperor gave the order, from then on, it would be justifiable to do business with the Frangji family, and with Daming's wealth , the Portuguese must have made a fortune.

Thinking in his heart, he spoke again, and said in a more serious tone: "The emperor also explained, my friend, we Da Ming welcomes, but those who harm Da Ming will also be punished. Therefore, Carlos and the other two must be executed. , to serve as an example to others. You Flangji people in Annan also want to make meritorious deeds, how about that?"

In the face of huge interests, don't let the two of Carlos die or not, even if more Francois in other places die, they won't care.Therefore, after hearing this, Johnson quickly nodded and said, "That's natural. They dared to fight against Daming for money, and they brought their own destruction. However, I don't know how the Frangji people on Annan's side will make meritorious deeds and atone for their sins." , please make it clear, my lord!"

"Your Majesty is going to conquer the rebellion in Annan in a few days. Your Flangji people in Annan are the internal support of the imperial army." The governor of Guangdong immediately replied, "Of course, this is for their own good, otherwise, we will destroy them together. Even if you run away After leaving Annan, you Flangji Kingdom must also hand over these people, otherwise, the emperor said, those who offend my great Ming will be punished even if they are far away, even if they escape back to Flangji Kingdom, it will be useless!"

(End of this chapter)

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