Chapter 600
Sure enough, I heard Xue Guoguan say after a pause: "Fortunately, there are sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc. as supplements. In addition, the hybrid rice produced by Nongsi seems to have a higher yield. In addition, His Majesty has been Arrange to buy food from Nanyang, so that in the absence of famine, some of it can be used for the war between the two places."

The war between the two places he refers to refers to the Liaodong War and the Southwest Tusi Rebellion.However, in terms of scale, Liaodong is much larger.Now, although Jianlu has been exterminated, the Wa Kingdom has come to make troubles again, and the food used for the war is still indispensable.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately asked, "How is the immigration and reclamation going?"

"I have received His Majesty's order before!" Xue Guoguan continued to reply, "Cooperating with Governor Ji Liao, we have already started to arrange for the first batch of immigrants to go to Liaodong. According to the report below, most of the first batch of immigrants have been to Liaodong before, or Relatives and friends returning from Liaodong, neighbors and family members, etc."

Emperor Chongzhen nodded, which is understandable.As far as the people in the pass are concerned, Liaodong is bitter and cold, which is a habitual thinking.However, in fact, there are many rivers in the Liaodong area, and the surrounding area has become a very good grain field.Although the weather is colder, there is no problem in planting one season a year.Those people who have been to Liaodong have seen it on the spot, so they naturally know this.It is no surprise that they will be among the first immigrants.

"It is still necessary to strengthen immigration!" Emperor Chongzhen made a decisive decision. "After the country is peaceful and the people are safe, the population of Daming will increase rapidly. It is necessary to emigrate to Liaodong, Hetao, and North Korea to solve the problem of food for the people. This matter, But there is no room for sloppy at all.”

"My minister complies with the order!" Xue Guoguan listened and quickly complied.

Emperor Chongzhen then turned his head to look at the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and said: "Hetao, Liaodong, and North Korea are three places. I said that they will be modeled on the mainland and will no longer be under the jurisdiction of the capital. Therefore, the Ministry of Officials must come up with the division of local yamen and the appointment of local chief officials. According to the charter, do a good job in the appointment of officials!"

"My minister obeys the order!" After hearing this, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials naturally agreed immediately.

The emperor's energy is limited, and it is impossible to review the appointment and removal of every official in the Ming Dynasty.Therefore, the power to appoint and dismiss mid- and low-level officials is mainly in the Ministry of Officials.Because of this, Emperor Chongzhen will hand over the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

To sum up, the food issue is still the top priority and cannot be sloppy.

After talking about this matter, the Minister of the Ministry of War came out and played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the news from Annan's side has been sent back. He has violated my Ming's will and still has contact with the rebellious chieftain in the Southwest. And the Southwest side, because of the reform of the land There have been rumors of returning home for a long time, but the court has not refuted the rumors, so many chieftains in the southwest are showing serious signs of rebellion, and there is likely to be a big turmoil."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled coldly and said, "They all want to die, so let's die. Pass the decree to Qin Liangyu, withdraw from the rebellious land, make room for those rebels, let them all jump out, wait for me When you turn back and free your hands, you can take them all in one pot!"

At this time, many courtiers are quite confident in the emperor's ability to lead troops and fight.Hearing what the emperor said, they also agreed.Instead of holding on to it, it is better to wipe them all down when the Ming army has returned to its peak.

The Minister of the Ministry of War retreated, and the Minister of the Ministry of Rites went out to play and said: "Your Majesty, now my Ming Dynasty buys a large amount of grain from Nanyang every year, and many people in the southern coastal areas have gone to Nanyang to rent or buy grain fields. Waiting for the common people, how to deal with it, I ask your Majesty to decide!"

This kind of people can be said to be unruly people and are not liked by the government.After all, I went abroad and no longer had to pay taxes or perform labor service to the Ming Dynasty, and I also made money from the Ming Dynasty!
If it were changed to the past, troublesome people like this would not need to ask the emperor for instructions, and their courtiers could handle these things according to the usual practice.However, today's emperors often look at things and deal with them in ways that are beyond their expectations, making them afraid to follow the usual practice. After discussing, they decided to ask the emperor first.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen listened, and said indifferently: "They went out to grow food after all. What Daming needs is food, and the more the better. Since they want to leave, they should go. But before leaving, they must Report to the local government, what to do when you go out, and how long you will come back. When they come back, all the taxes and labor that should be paid will be converted into silver and paid. If the local government finds out, let the local government cancel the household registration!"

It'd be a little unfair to say there wasn't a little bit of processing.This unfairness does not mean that it is unfair to those who left, but it is unfair to those who stayed in Daming.

After all, those who stay in Daming have to pay taxes to Daming and do hard labor. They have paid their obligations for the strength of Daming.Then Daming also has the responsibility to give them corresponding rewards.As for those who went out, they no longer paid taxes to the Ming Dynasty and no longer performed labor services. When they came back, they would still receive benefits from the court along with those who stayed in the Ming Dynasty. Why?
Hearing this, the Minister of Rites asked again: "Then what should be done with those who have gone out before?"

"The previous ones will not be pursued, and the future ones will be handled in this way." Emperor Chongzhen said with a little emphasis, "I believe that everyone will think of ways to become the people of Ming Dynasty in the future!"

He still has this confidence.Then, some courtiers came out to answer other questions, and Emperor Chongzhen answered them one by one.

Soon it was noon, and Emperor Chongzhen saw that there were no more ministers coming out to speak, so he said with a smile: "Okay, since Zhu Qing has finished talking, I will announce a few things!"

When the courtiers in the Wenhua Palace heard this, they were a little curious, wondering what the emperor would say?
They only heard Emperor Chongzhen say to them: "When I was in Shenyang, I had already announced the reward for annihilating the Liaodong rebels. Now that I have returned to the capital, I should announce it to the world again. I will consider it an honor!"

Naturally, the matter of awarding rewards has already been reported.But at that time, the emperor didn't come back, nor did Lu Xiangsheng and others, so everyone just listened to this matter and didn't feel much about it.However, when they heard the emperor mention it again at this time, it was a formal process, and they immediately remembered the matter of rewards.

Unexpectedly, the emperor was really generous, assigning a civil title. In the history of Ming Dynasty, except for the founder of the country, Wang Yangming was the only one.But now, there is another Lu Xiangsheng!I really want to envy many people to death!

But they are just envious, Lu Xiangsheng's credit is obvious.They asked themselves, no one else could do what Lu Xiangsheng did.Forget it, Lu Xiangsheng is optimistic about becoming a military general. What's so strange about getting the title?

They were thinking about it, and Emperor Chongzhen said again: "I know it is difficult to verify the preferential exemption and payment of taxes for officials and gentry, but now I have achieved a great victory, and I am very pleased. Therefore, I decided to give relevant people, Give a reward."

Later, he announced the relevant persons, mainly Jiangnan Governor Zhang Pu, Nanjing Official Minister Sun Chuanting, Nanjing Zuodu Yushi Yang Tinglin, and Nanjing eunuch Lu Jiude.

Hearing this, the courtiers below were also convinced.As for the matter of checking the preferential exemption of officials and gentry and urging taxes, if it weren't for the emperor's sage, no matter who does this matter, it will definitely be a disaster for the whole family!But Zhang Pu and others were able to do this, and the pressure at that time was also very high, and they even involved the civil unrest in Changshu, major treason cases, and so on.

They were thinking about it when they heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to say: "In addition, Zhang Zilong, the secretary of agriculture, and Song Yingxing, the director of development, have made considerable contributions. Such as the promotion and cultivation of various crops, the invention of glass, etc. Daming's foundation is getting better and better. I have decided that Lian Si Zhang Yin will be promoted to be a servant."

The assistant minister is the third rank, while the doctor is only the fifth rank.It can be said that Zhang Zilong and Song Yingxing's grades improved, and they jumped three grades in the middle.For this reward, no one thought of it beforehand, and for a while, these courtiers were quite surprised.

When the emperor does things, the courtiers under him will naturally have guesses.The previous things are easy to understand, after all, the meritorious deeds are there.As for Zhang Zilong and Song Yingxing, although they did have a lot of credit, they were very surprised to jump so many levels at once.

However, thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be too much of a surprise.

For a long time, whether it was Song Yingxing or Chen Zilong, they had always been favored by the emperor, and they were also appointed as the prince's lecturer, teaching the prince and the children of the noble families.If it is an ordinary person, can they have this treatment?

Thinking about it again, what the emperor has been emphasizing all these years is not what Chen Zilong and Song Yingxing, especially the latter, are doing.Now that the reward is heavy, isn't it just to show the people in the world how much the current emperor attaches great importance to the affairs of the Agriculture Department and the Kaiwu Department!
Thinking of this, they had a clear understanding.It seems that the two generations of the emperor and the prince should all pay so much attention to it!Then, those bastards in the family have to be trained in this aspect too!
After Emperor Chongzhen announced these three things, the courtiers here were naturally busy.In addition to what Emperor Chongzhen said yesterday that the repayment of food must be honored, anyway, in the next few days, except for Emperor Chongzhen, everyone else is busy.

However, Emperor Chongzhen did not really do nothing, and he also made some adjustments in the palace.

Of the eight servants who had been trained with me, the four who performed outstandingly, led by Chen Baoting, were promoted to be eunuchs and officially entered the ranks of eunuchs.The other four, headed by Lan Tianbao, continued to serve Emperor Chongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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