Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 592 Busan Sea Battle

Chapter 592 Busan Sea Battle

Neither Matsudaira Nobuzuna nor Inoue Masashige had expected at this time that the Ming Navy, which they had ignored, had already arrived at the Korean Strait.

Led by Korean soldiers who are familiar with this sea area, the huge navy of Ming Dynasty is hidden in the islands here.Among them, Zheng Zhilong was listening to the report of the returning scout Clippers.

"Okay!" Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but overjoyed after hearing this, "It seems that the Wa Kingdom really doesn't have a long memory, and they didn't even have a defense. If that's the case, let those dwarves know how powerful our Daming Navy is!"

If it was changed to the past, he would definitely say, let those dwarves know how powerful I am, Zheng Yiguan!But now, he was influenced by Emperor Chongzhen, and he already regarded himself as a member of the imperial court army in his heart, so he said such words naturally.

Then, Zheng Zhilong immediately started to convene a military meeting based on the latest news to deploy the war.


Busan, which was designated as North Korea's commercial port during the Lee Dynasty, is therefore relatively prosperous in North Korea.During Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, Busan was first captured by the Japanese country, and finally destroyed by the war.

After the Japanese army was beaten back by the Ming and Korean coalition forces, Busan was rebuilt.However, it did not last for many years. The Jianlu came again, and they continued to kill from north to south, all the way to the seaside. Busan was also burned, killed and destroyed by the Jianlu.

This time, the Japanese army attacked North Korea again, and Busan became the base of the Japanese army again.It's just that everything is hastily built on the ruins, and it can barely be used.

At this time, it was the end of August in the 18th year of Chongzhen, when the rainy season just ended, and it was also the time when the temperature in Busan was the highest.

On the port side, the Japanese soldiers who came with the army were still building ruins, and some Japanese soldiers yelled loudly from time to time during their inspections.As for most of the Japanese soldiers, they stayed in the barracks, waiting for further military orders.

The warships of the Japanese navy also stayed in the port, and most of the sailors rested on the shore.In the past, the navy of the Japanese country was also considered hard.

After sending the first batch of conscripting troops over, except for a small part, most of the warships and transport ships returned to Japan to continue to transport food, troops and civilians.At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Zhengchao command army didn't know how to take the next step, so the navy side naturally took the time to rest.

On the hill near the port, the lookout posts of the Japanese army were doing nothing, and they were all chatting about the ongoing battle.

"Tell me, what kind of battle was the army fighting? I heard that none of the Ming army was killed, and I lost a lot of troops!"

"As for those fools, what battles can they fight? What battles can they win? Let me tell you, we still have to rely on our navy to fight the Ming Kingdom!"

"Yes, it depends on our navy. Look, there are more than 1000 naval warships parked here. It is recommended to go to the south of the Ming Dynasty together and scare them to death!"

"That's right, I think that even the remaining warships in the country gathered together, and went directly across the sea to the Ming Kingdom. Do you know how rich and prosperous the south of the Yangtze River is? Anyway, everyone who has been there can be amazed!"

"That's right, I've also heard that there are silk and satin, gold and silver jewellery, and flower girl's. I don't know how many there are!"


These sailors are bored. While despising the army, they even fantasized about directly attacking the Jiangnan area of ​​the Ming Dynasty. They are not ashamed to talk about the past. It is said that there were 53 warriors who directly attacked the Yingtian Mansion of the Ming Kingdom. Qi Jiguang, God of War!

They were chatting, and one of them was in a hurry to urinate, so he stood up and wanted to go down to the tower to solve it.As a result, he just stood up, and took a few steps back, and finally sat down on his accomplice.Just like him, it seems that he saw something very terrible and was frightened.

"You're looking for death, you're stepping on me!" The accomplice was in pain and wanted to hit him while yelling, but he saw this man, pointing to the front, his face was pale, and he stammered, "Ming...Ming... Ming army..."

At first, the other accomplices didn't care about it, but when the word Ming Jun blurted out, they were startled immediately, and they all stood up to look at the situation.

On the sea in the distance, there are about [-] warships of the Ming Dynasty of different sizes, which are very dazzling. They have already lined up and are heading for Busan port.

Although it is said that the number of warships of the Daming Navy is only about half of that of the Japanese Navy.However, the sudden appearance of the Daming Navy here was already a very shocking thing.Not to mention, looking at the posture of the Daming Navy, it was directly directed at the Japanese Navy that was moored at Busan Port.

They, of course, also know that most of the sailors of the Japanese Navy are resting on the shore.Sudden attack by the navy of the Ming Dynasty at this time will definitely cause heavy losses.

After the initial shock, these Japanese people panicked immediately after recovering.Some people were busy lighting beacons, and some even wanted to use the fireworks signals used for signaling at night, and in a hurry, they bumped into each other.

However, no matter how flustered, the smoke still rose in the end.Moreover, whether fireworks are useful or not, they are all used.

"Hey, what is that? It's on fire?" A Japanese man who was the first to find it said curiously, pointing to the top of the mountain.

The Japanese soldier who was supervising heard this and turned his head to look at it, his legs fluttered in fright.The beacon fire was used to convey the highest level of alarm, and even the fireworks used at night were used. This shows how powerful the invading enemy is!

Before they had time to think about it, the Japanese soldiers ran away, yelling to call the police while running.

If the original Busan was still orderly and quiet, at this moment everything is in chaos.

These Japanese soldiers are not actually the standing army of the Japanese country. Those elites are all in the first batch of troops that Matsudaira Nobutsuna led.Suddenly encountering such a situation, it is natural that soldiers cannot find generals, and will not find soldiers.What's even more funny is that when those naval leaders finally led their men to the warships docked at the port, they encountered the Japanese men who fled to a safe place deep in the land.You bump into me, I bump into you; you block me, I block you, it can be seen everywhere.Even in some places, you can see the leaders of the Japanese navy sailors drawing their knives to stop the Japanese civilian husbands.

The Japanese sailors who stayed behind on the navy warship were not affected by the Japanese people's husband. After hearing the police and overcoming the initial panic, they were immediately organized by the Japanese navy leader to drive the warship out of the port and prepare to meet the enemy. The main force of the navy is fighting for time.

But before they sailed out of the port, they saw that the Daming Navy had already appeared in their field of vision.

The warships of the Daming Navy used to be dominated by Fuchuan, with a broad top, a wide bow and a tail, and a total of six types.

But by this time, even without the influence of Emperor Chongzhen's crossing, the warships of Ming Dynasty had already achieved diversification.In addition to local warships, there are also centipede boats imitating Portuguese multi-oared boats. They have a sharp bottom and wide, fast sailing, and are feasible against the wind, and they are not afraid of wind and waves.There are also huge three-masted gunships imitating Dutch warships. They are tall, with their heads up and tails up, sailing fast, and they are also not afraid of wind and waves.

At this time, the Daming Navy sailed in the forefront, all of which were tall warships. When they approached the port, they had already turned around, sailed diagonally, and faced the enemy with the side of the ship.The artillery of each door has already been pushed out of the gun door.

Behind these large warships, there are various warships, also ready for battle, waiting for the flag on the flagship to change.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong was on the flagship watching some warships of the Japanese navy rushing to meet them. After a cold smile, he ordered the big ships to meet them.Take advantage of the range of the Hongyi cannon to fire and bombard first, even if the enemy is not killed, the Japanese warships will still be destroyed.

The warships of the Wa Kingdom are composed of Anzhai Ship as the main battleship and smaller fast ships such as Guan Ship and Xiaozao as escorts.

This house ship is huge, and it can carry more than a hundred soldiers.Although its sailing speed is not fast, it only needs dozens of sailors to maneuver flexibly in battle, and the rest can fight against each other, which is its advantage.

However, whether it is an house ship or a closed ship, it is mainly carried by the navy soldiers to shoot with shotguns and other firearms.For a long time, Daming has been superior to Japan in terms of artillery.

But at this time, there was no way to coordinate a fleet of all types of ships to fight in a hurry. Because of the difference in ship types and the panic, there was no coordination between the ships.

The Japanese leader obviously knew that if the Daming navy rushed into the port, the main force of the navy docked here would be doomed.In other words, it is necessary to stop the Daming Navy no matter what.

Looking at the tall Daming Navy warships in front of them and the rows of black muzzles, it is almost impossible to accomplish this goal.

Impossible and no way, those Japanese leaders stood on the deck holding samurai swords, pointed at the warship of the Daming Navy, grimaced, and shouted "Onboard".

The warships on both sides were getting closer and closer, and finally, the Hongyi cannon on the Ming Dynasty warship began to roar: "Boom, boom, boom..."

Subway bombs poured out one after another and flew towards the Japanese warship.

In this era, the hit rate of artillery is actually very low, and warships often have to drive very close before firing.This battle is naturally no exception.However, the Ming army's artillery advantage and large ship advantage are very obvious.Under one mass shooting, there must be Japanese warships hit by bullets, and it is often not the kind of one or two shots.

Daming's Hongyi cannon fired at most two shots, and then the Fran cannon on the other floor began to show its power.This is because of the mother and child gun, although the power is much smaller, the victory is that the rate of fire is fast enough.

Suddenly, there was a dense "boom, boom, boom" of cannons at the Busan port, which could be heard dozens of miles away.This movement was so big that it naturally alarmed the people on Tsushima Island.

The suzerain of the Tsushima clan is called Zong Yicheng, who is in his 40s. Hearing this, he hurriedly climbed up and looked into the distance. At the same time, he thought in his heart: The Navy of the Great Japanese Kingdom is suppressing the Korean pirates?Is this a bit of an overkill?
(End of this chapter)

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