Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 591: Joining Teachers

Chapter 591: Joining Teachers
In fact, when Matsudaira Nobuzuna decided to rush to Liaodong to rescue Jianlu in Pyongyang, the second batch of troops and civilians were already preparing for the Japanese side.

Of course they were not naive enough to think that one hundred thousand Japanese troops could rule the entire Korean peninsula, or further compete with the Ming Dynasty for hegemony.With just this few people scattered across the Korean peninsula, there are not many people in one place at all, not to mention, there are still wars.Furthermore, it is said that the land is occupied, but it must be used!

Therefore, when Tokugawa Iemitsu received the urgent letter from Matsudaira Nobuzuna, he immediately responded, and the second batch of troops set off immediately.

Even before departure, the commander of the second batch of the army, Masashige Inoue of the Tokugawa shogunate, visited Zheng Zhibao in the Zheng Mansion, expressing his gratitude to the Zheng family for not being an enemy of the Great Wa Kingdom, and hoping to continue to cooperate.

In this regard, Zheng Zhibao naturally greeted him with a smile, and repeatedly agreed that when Masashige Inoue was sent away, it could be said that the host and guest had a good time and parted with each other.But when he turned his head, he was speechless to the Japanese when he returned to the mansion: Even if he really wanted to cooperate with the Japanese country, the information sent to the elder brother probably hadn't reached the elder brother's hands yet.Not to mention, the emperor had expected it a long time ago, whether the navy could fight these Japanese pirates or not only depended on whether the emperor ordered it or not.

I'm a little worried. I don't know if the emperor knows about the news that the Japanese army went to North Korea?Zheng Zhibao thought about it, and felt puzzled again.Thinking of the emperor's explanation before his departure, let him only inquire about the news, as for passing the news, there are other arrangements, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

So the question is, how did the emperor deliver the news?This is a problem!
After thinking for a while, he still couldn't figure it out, so Zheng Zhibao simply stopped thinking about it and prayed to Mazu Empress that there would be no accidents in the message delivery and it would be sent back in time!
Besides, when Inoue Masashige led his army to Tsushima Island, it encountered the rainy season, and the sea was very rough and rough, making it impossible to sail, so he had to stop in Tsushima Island.

This Tsushima country is composed of five islands with an area of ​​about 696.29 square kilometers. It belongs to the fiefdom of the Zong family. It is only a hundred miles away from the Korean Peninsula, and the opposite bank can be seen on sunny days.

The Zong family ruling the island has always been subject to the Wa Kingdom.During the Korean War in the Wanli period, that is, during the period of the Imjin Japanese Invasion, this was the base for the Japanese army to attack the Korean peninsula. Now that the Japanese invaded North Korea again, this naturally became their base again.

[-] troops and [-] civilians are crowded on Tsushima Island, which can be said to be very crowded.It was a continuous rainy day, many places could not treat people, and they had to eat and drink. It can be said that many things happened on Tsushima Island, but they were all suppressed by the lord of the Zong family, and even he himself stayed with him all the time. Inoue Masashige deliberately flattered the Ometsu (similar to the commander of the Daming Jinyiwei) who was feared by everyone in the Tokugawa shogunate.

However, Masashige Inoue had no intention of enjoying himself at all, and was a little worried about the situation in the Korean War.In addition, the reason why he came out to command the troops also has a meaning, that is, the old Naka Matsudaira Nobutsuna has [-] troops in his hands. If he adds another [-], the military power is too heavy. Hikari's confidant, but Tokugawa Iemitsu was still worried, so he asked Masaaki Inoue to come over, with the intention of supervising the army.

As soon as the rain stopped and the waves became small, Inoue Masashige couldn't sit still and immediately ordered to go to the Korean Peninsula, landing in Busan.

As soon as he landed, he heard the Japanese who stayed at the base camp tell him that Matsudaira Nobutsuna had designated Seoul as the stronghold of southern Korea, and all supplies would be sent there.But now Matsudaira Nobutsuna has rushed to Liaodong, and the food is also sent to Pyongyang by sea by the navy who stayed behind.If all goes well, Pyongyang will be Wa's stronghold in North Korea.

After hearing this news, Inoue Masashige was very happy. After decades, the important towns of Seoul and Pyongyang in North Korea fell into the hands of the Japanese country again. If the Qing ally could be saved, North Korea would completely belong to the Japanese country.Even if the Qing Dynasty cannot be saved, local reinforcements will continue to arrive.Even if there is a war with the Ming country, I will not be afraid.

At this time, it can basically be confirmed that the Great Wa Kingdom should be able to eat North Korea and realize the dreams of many generations of Wa Kingdom heroes!
Thinking of this, Masashige Inoue was very happy.At this time, he didn't mean to be jealous of Matsudaira Nobuzuna.After all, he also participated in such a great feat, and he will definitely leave a strong mark in the history books.

However, he hadn't been happy for a long time, and the food and grass on the ship hadn't been unloaded yet, and Matsudaira Nobutsuna's urgent envoy arrived again.

"What?" Inoue Masashige stood up from the tatami in fright, knocked over the table in front of him, and didn't know the tea was spilled all over the floor. He just stared at the messenger and asked sharply: "The old man has withdrawn his troops In Busan, more than half of the troops have been lost, and you haven't even seen a single shadow of the Ming army?"

This result was beyond his expectation.

No matter what, Matsudaira Nobutsuna is known as the "Smart Izu" in Japan.Previously, he led the army to put down the Shimabara Rebellion, demonstrating his outstanding ability to lead the army in war.It was also for this reason that Tokugawa Iemitsu, the vanguard commander in the attack on North Korea, would trust him to lead.

But now, the most outstanding hero of the Great Japanese Kingdom, leading one hundred thousand Japanese troops, was completely defeated and lost almost half of his troops without even seeing the face of the Ming army. Such a thing!
Maybe he knew that he would have this doubt, so the messenger quickly explained: "My lord, the people of the Qing Dynasty have robbed North Korea so much that even wild vegetables are rarely seen, and there are few people. The entire army was wiped out. The [-] army has no food and supplies, and it is the rainy season in North Korea. The old middle-aged man can bring back so many troops safely, which is already very powerful!"

Having said this, he paused and then said eagerly: "Sir, Mr. Laozhong should be still half way from Busan now, but there is a danger of food and grass. I hope you can go to the rescue quickly!"

Masashige Inoue felt a little confused when he heard that one head was two big, and he quickly ordered the whole army to go northward with food to meet Matsudaira Nobuzuna. National Navy Division? Is it under the command of Zheng Yiguan? How many warships are there?"

Wa country is an island country, surrounded by the sea on all sides, so it is natural to pay more attention to the characters on the sea.Zheng Zhilong's name in the Wa country is still Zheng Yiguan, so the title is different.

"My lord, Mr. Zhong, didn't get much news on the way to withdraw the troops." The messenger tried to tell the big eyes what he knew in detail, "Without the banner of Zheng Yiguan, there are many navy troops in the Ming Dynasty, and it is estimated that there are at least two hundred. No one can tell exactly how many ships."

Emperor Chongzhen had explained that Zheng Zhilong would naturally not resist the decree and put up a banner, so the Japanese can guess as much as they want.

At that time, the naval forces of the two countries encountered each other. Most of the naval forces of the Japanese state were grain transport ships. They knew they were invincible when they saw them from a distance. Strange.

As for the Japanese who fled ashore, they naturally did not dare to stay on the shore, and they could escape as far as they could.Among them, because of the contribution of Jianlu to clear the field, the number of these Japanese people who finally returned to the Japanese army alive was pitifully small, and the information Matsudaira Nobuzuna obtained was naturally limited.

After hearing this, Inoue Masashige breathed a sigh of relief.

If the navy of the Ming Dynasty only had [-] warships, it is actually not too many.More importantly, Zheng Zhilong was not the commander of the navy in the Ming Dynasty, which was even more beneficial to the Great Wa Kingdom.According to previous understanding, a large part of the navy of the Ming Dynasty is under Zheng Zhilong's subordinates.Now that he is being punished by the Ming emperor, it is believed that the morale of the Ming navy will not be high.Whether to go to Edo and ask Zheng Zhibao to come over is a question worth considering carefully.

There is another question, that is, why did the Ming Dynasty navy appear in the Korean waters, and where are they going?According to Matsudaira Nobuzuna's explanation, it was because of the Qing Dynasty's alliance envoy who tipped off the news.In this way, after the navy of the Ming Dynasty robbed the navy of the Great Wa Kingdom, would it return, or where would it go?This is another question!
In fact, there are many problems. Masashige Inoue thought for a while, he got a headache, shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about it. The most important thing right now is to save the old army first. Other things can be delayed first. slow.

So, when the second batch of Japanese troops arrived in North Korea, another [-] troops were separated, led by Masashige Inoue himself, and escorted [-] to [-] troops with enough food to go on the road, and went north day and night to meet Matsudaira Nobuzuna. .

As for the Japanese who stayed in Busan, they were resting and waiting for the next military order.Whether to stay in North Korea and continue to occupy North Korea, or to withdraw to Japan to see the situation first, this is not up to Inoue Masashige, and he can only send people back to Edo to report the news at the first time.

In the south of the Korean peninsula, Daegu, an important place for inland transportation in the south of the Five Ridges, is the Daegu of later generations (the name was changed in the 26th year of King Yeongjo of Joseon to avoid Confucius), and the two armies of the Japanese joined forces.

To be honest, when the two armies saw each other, it was really an exciting scene.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna's subordinates immediately had tears in their eyes, more excited than seeing their relatives, and many Japanese sat on the ground and began to cry.Finally came back, it was not easy!

And Masashige Inoue's subordinates were so shocked that they almost couldn't recognize the army in front of them. This is not the army of the Japanese country, it is simply the army of beggars!
Not to mention, this meeting, I immediately buried the pot and made a meal, let's have a full meal first.Moreover, Nobuzuna Matsudaira's subordinates saw that they had something to eat again when they saw the support of the army, so the tension in their hearts relaxed, and they didn't want to move at all.

As for Matsudaira Nobutsuna, he naturally met Inoue Masashige immediately and without even greeting him, Inoue Masashige immediately asked about the details of this strange war.There are some things that the messenger cannot explain clearly. Only by asking the commander-in-chief Matsudaira Nobutsuna face to face can he know more clearly.And it is his duty as Omatsuke to understand this situation.

 Thank you Qin Wangkun for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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