Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 527 Hell on Earth

Chapter 527 Hell on Earth
Dorgon naturally didn't know that what he was discussing was bugged and reported to Emperor Chongzhen immediately.

Emperor Chongzhen did not care about this immediately, but he was going to the capital and had to return to the palace first.

As the previous main force returned to the capital first, the details of the Haizhou battle had also spread throughout the capital.Even because it was passed down by word of mouth, later on, it was different from the original facts and appeared to be even more exaggerated.However, the people in the capital all believe it, because in their eyes, Emperor Chongzhen at this time is the real emperor, a real dragon descending to earth. Otherwise, he would not be so powerful. Since the emperor went on the expedition, every time Wars are miracles.

At this time, when she heard that the emperor was coming to the capital, the queen completely forgot about the emperor's previous instructions not to make a fuss. She still took the prince and the civil and military officials, followed by the people of the city, out of the city to greet the emperor. .

Needless to say, this scene was the most lively one this year.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen was not angry, but was actually very emotional when he saw the countless heads welcoming him warmly.This year is the 17th year of Chongzhen. If it were in the original history, it would be a year of devastation.

Emperor Chongzhen himself hanged himself, his family was ruined, and countless other people died.In the south, the vassals of the Ming Dynasty fought for the emperor, and the scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty continued to fight for power with the party, regardless of the life and death of the people; in the north, the bandits and the Manchus competed for the world, and the scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty took refuge in the new master, regardless of whether the people lived or died;

In the entire land of China, people are dead everywhere and all the time, it is simply a hell on earth!
But now it is not bad. Since the catastrophe in Chongzhen 12 years ago, there has been no large-scale military disaster. Of course, the time when Chai Shihua colluded with Jianlu to invade the northwest should be counted.In addition, there are basically no large-scale deaths due to military disasters.Although there are constant natural disasters, I pay attention to disaster prevention and relief, and even would rather let the Jian captives not fight, and use the food for disaster relief first.

In addition, it also changed a Qingliu into a "cruel official", and snatched food from those officials and tyrants to prevent and relieve disasters. For this reason, it triggered the Changshu civil uprising, and it was another major conspiracy case.For this matter, he also took off the black hats of more than 100 local officials in one breath.

With such determination, even if natural disasters continued, not many people died!Just looking at the crowd of people in the capital in front of you can tell you something.And this is also one of the things that bothers Xue Guoguan, the first assistant. He will be summoned later to give him a solution.

Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about it, when he suddenly saw a special group, all of them were probing their heads with tears in their eyes.He suddenly came back to his senses, these were the ones who were welcoming their relatives.

So, he did not go to join the queen to talk, but drove his horse to the front of the group. Facing the people who knelt to welcome him, Emperor Chongzhen got off his horse, strode over, and personally helped up the person in front. The old woman said to the others at the same time: "Let's all be safe! I feel ashamed for you. But no matter what, I went to Liaodong this time and finally rescued people."

These people were all destroyed by Jianlu, and their relatives were not allowed to reunite.It is impossible to say that they have no opinion of the imperial court in their hearts.

But a simple thought is that the emperor is good, but there are treacherous officials in the court.This is also proved by the facts.

The traitors were traitors such as Yang Sichang, who colluded with the Shanxi merchants who were traitors to the captives. The emperor got rid of these traitors, and then beat the Jian captives to pieces.Coupled with Emperor Chongzhen's subsequent series of measures to benefit the people, they would not agree to anyone who dared to speak ill of the emperor.

In addition, this time, they heard that the emperor was besieged by more than 5 Jian captives with only 30 horses. He took such a big risk just to save people back.Let me ask, is there such a good emperor who is so anxious for the people?It's been like this since ancient times!
At this time, when they heard what the emperor said, they felt guilty, and they respected the emperor even more. They all knelt down forcibly and knelt down to thank God.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen was helpless, so he had no choice but to order the Jinyiwei Commander Tongzhi Wu Zhong who was on the side of him to bring the people to reunite their relatives, while he himself stepped aside and watched all this silently .

In the past, no one thought that there would be a day when they could return to the Ming Dynasty and see their relatives; here too, no one thought that the relatives who were taken to Liaodong by the Jianqiu would one day see each other again.

It is said that when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, his eyes well up with tears.Needless to say, this scene in front of me is the meeting of relatives who originally thought they would never see each other again.

Some cried with joy, some hugged their heads and cried, and some even fainted from joy or crying.However, no matter what the situation is, after they recognize each other as relatives, they will kneel down respectfully towards Emperor Chongzhen and kowtow three times seriously: This kindness and virtue can never be repaid. , I can only go back and set up a longevity tablet, pray day and night, and bless the emperor long live!
Looking at this scene, none of the people who greeted him in the capital, including the empress and other civil and military officials, showed any signs of impatience.

Emotions in the world sometimes resonate. In such a scene, even if the human heart is not made of flesh, I am afraid it will still be moved.

Of course, with so many people, is there anyone who is impatient?There must be, but under the general trend, no one dares to risk the displeasure of the world and show impatience to seek death!
By the time this scene ended, it was already sunset.

At this time, it was the end of October and the beginning of November, and the sun was setting, and there was no warmth at all.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't say any more, and asked the people in the capital to go home first, while he talked with the empress outside the city first, and it didn't appear that the emperor returned to the palace first, and the people returned home last.

This scene once again made the people of the capital feel that the emperor truly loved the people like a son.And this is also one of the motivations for them to criticize the emperor regardless of their own lives.It can be said that at least in the territory of the capital, Emperor Chongzhen has reached the point where he can control any situation in the capital with just one word without using the army.

While Emperor Chongzhen was talking to the empress, he naturally also asked about the situation of the prince who supervised the country beside him.

At this time, the prince Zhu Cixiang was already 15 years old. He was half a child and had begun to grow taller.When the emperor asked him about his situation, he suddenly looked a little unnatural.

The queen looked at him, knowing that in front of Emperor Chongzhen, it was impossible to tell half a lie, because it couldn't be concealed, so she had to give a general account of the situation.

Emperor Chongzhen knew what was going to happen when he saw the prince's expression, otherwise, the prince would not have such an expression.

Sure enough, under the narration of Empress Zhou, Emperor Chongzhen knew that the prince had reached the stage of rebellion, and he had some resistance to the studies assigned to him, and he liked to play.

In response, Emperor Chongzhen did not get angry, but just said "hmm" lightly.

Unexpectedly, the prince saw that his father did not reprimand him, but instead became worried. Under the signal from his mother's eyes, he quickly admitted his mistake.

Regarding this, Emperor Chongzhen was noncommittal, but ordered to drive back to the palace.

Just like that, after Emperor Chongzhen entered the city, the civil and military officials were the last to enter the city, and the day ended like this.

Early the next morning, the cabinet's memorial was delivered to the imperial court by the Supervisor of Ceremonies according to urgent procedures.

Emperor Chongzhen held a meeting of ministers in the Wenhua Hall to resolve the matters accumulated during his absence.

In the past, when he was fighting against the thieves, there were memorials that he had to deal with, and they would be sent urgently.But this time, Emperor Chongzhen was fighting in Haizhou and Yaozhou Station, separated by a sea, so he couldn't send it.

At this time, the six ministries and nine ministers, as well as the cabinet ministers and supervisors, were all officials in scarlet robes.What is different from before is that Emperor Chongzhen also asked the five military commanders' mansions and the general officers of the Jingying and Yumajian to participate in the audition.

In this regard, the civil servants all knew that the military general was about to rise, but the emperor's prestige was in full swing, and no one dared to persuade the emperor to say no, after all, there was no express word to say no to this matter.Anyway, the emperor came when he asked and left when he asked.

The first thing that Xue Guoguan, the chief assistant of the cabinet, sent was the urgent memorial sent by Mu Guogong of Yunnan, saying that Ma Xianglin on the front line had captured the traitor spies, and learned important news from it. Annan sent people to have contact with the traitors. There seems to be a tendency to hook up.

The emperor was not there, the crown prince was in charge of the country, and after the meeting with the eunuch, the chief assistant and the supervisor of ceremonies, he asked the crown prince to agree, and an imperial edict was sent to Annan to reprimand them, strictly ordering them not to collude with the traitors.

After Xue Guoguan finished speaking, he bowed and played: "Your Majesty, the Shapu rebellion has not been settled for a long time. The barbarians in the south are afraid that they are neglecting the heavenly court. According to Mu Guogong, there are also rumors in Yunnan that the imperial court is about to reform the land on a large scale. Liu, therefore, many chieftains seem to be showing signs of instability. If the imperial court does not handle it properly, there may be a resurgence of extravagant chaos, and this has to be prevented!"

When he was talking about this, Emperor Chongzhen held the corresponding copy of the memorial in his hand, looked at the red cloak of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, and was not angry, but said lightly: "The meaning of the Supervisor of Ceremonies and the cabinet is Do you want to continue to urge Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin to quell the Shapu Rebellion as soon as possible, so as to deter other evildoers?"

"Exactly!" Xue Guoguan and Cao Huachun both stepped out and responded.

In their view, this is the safest measure.And this is a rule to follow. The Emperor shouldn't have any objections, right?
If it was before, they were sure of it.But looking at the emperor's words and deeds today, they are not sure whether it is the most appropriate to do so.

Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen then shook his head and said: "It is the general trend to reform the land and return it to the people. This must be insisted on. Since there are crooks, let them jump out, otherwise, they will always be lurking. There is a reason to deal with them. There are many chieftains in the southwest of the Ming Dynasty, and it is a country of its own. If you don’t obey the king, how can it continue to be like this.”

After speaking, he became stricter and raised his voice: "Draft the decree and order Mu Guogong to take good care of Yunnan for me. If any chieftain dares to disobey the order, he will be severely punished. In addition, I will also give Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin a piece of cake." Secret decree, if there are chieftains who dare to rebel, I will wait to solve them all together!"

At this time, the emperor's ability to lead troops in war was obvious to all.It can be said that as long as the emperor goes out, he will be invincible and invincible.Even Jianlu, who was powerful for a while, is now beaten to death by the emperor, waiting for Daming to collect food and finally deal with them.The southwestern chieftains are not as powerful as Jianlu. With the emperor's ability, if he wants to deal with them together, then he must be able to deal with them together!

Therefore, no one dares to make sense of the emperor's strength. This matter can be regarded as such a conclusion.

When the general officers below heard this, they couldn't help but feel happy. As long as there were battles to fight, they would have military exploits to achieve. For them, this was a good thing!

And as far as the character of a military commander is concerned, if you can solve things with your fists, don't use your mouth to argue. This is the right thing to do!

Soon the decree was drafted and sent to Yunnan.At the same time, the secret edict written by Emperor Chongzhen was also sent from Jinyi Weixiaowei, and was also sent to Yunnan.

After this matter was resolved, Chief Assistant Xue Guoguan made a prelude to the second major event, saying that the end of the year is approaching, and according to statistics from the two capitals and thirteen provinces across the country, the population of Daming is now more than 3000 to [-] million. Although they are now committed to building water conservancy, opening up wasteland and farming, and the production of potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. promoted by the agricultural department is increasing, the food problem is still very serious.

Several disasters this year, including droughts in Shaanxi and Shanxi, hurricanes and floods in southern provinces, are still very serious. Food allocation has been almost beyond our capabilities several times, causing famine.The cabinet is very worried. In the future, when the world is at peace, the population of Ming Dynasty will only increase. This food problem will probably become more prominent. If it is not handled well, or if God is not more discerning, there will probably be another starvation death. Human situations happen.To prepare for a rainy day, I respectfully request the emperor to issue a ruling as soon as possible to resolve the urgent matter.

It is precisely because of this matter that no one in the court objected to the emperor's failure to continue to conquer Jianlu.Because if we continue to conquer Jianlu, we will have to prepare military rations to be transported to Liaodong, which requires a lot of food. Today's Ming Dynasty cannot continue and cannot afford it.If this causes domestic famine and large-scale death, the emperor attaches the most importance to this, and will definitely punish a large number of officials.

Emperor Chongzhen actually knew about this a long time ago.Because he had already "rewarded" the wiretapping seeds on Xue Guoguan, Queen Zhou, and Cao Huachun a long time ago. Even if they didn't report it, the emperor actually knew about it.

In the original history, in the 17th year of Chongzhen, the people of Ming Dynasty had already lost their lives. Even if there were floods in the south and drought in the north, almost everyone died. The harm of this kind of natural disaster does not seem to be serious.Coupled with the unpredictable situation in the world this year, the history books all record the change of dynasty, and there is no record of this natural disaster.

But in this plane, the situation is completely different.On the one hand, the population was not lost due to the war; under disaster prevention and relief, the people could survive, and the population growth would naturally be rapid. In addition, because Zhang Pu verified the exemption of officials and inspected the hidden households, the population increased sharply. It's within reason.

The same is true. Even with the credit of the Agriculture Department and the Zheng family's fleet purchasing large quantities of grain from Nanyang, the rulers of the Ming Dynasty were still worried.I feel that with the current strength of Ming Dynasty, the population has skyrocketed to the extreme, and it is unable to support more people. In the days to come, it is likely to cause unnatural deaths again!And when such a thing happened, the emperor would not forgive it lightly, and he could only plan ahead, at least let the emperor know about it.

For these reasons, this matter is placed in the second place.

(End of this chapter)

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