Chapter 526

Daishan's face was a little abnormally red, and he looked energetic, but in fact he was exhausted.Yue Tuo could see clearly that his Ama's state was indeed a flashback, and he would die at any moment.

"You... are here!" Seeing Yue Tuo staring blankly at him, Dai Shan squeezed out a smile and said, "Ama has... a few words, which must... must be said!"

Seeing that he was struggling to speak, Yue Tuo walked over silently, sat down beside the bed, and did not speak.

"It's not easy for the Manchurians to be here today!" Dai Shan stretched out his hand as he spoke, holding Yue Tuoxu's hand on the bedside, and said, "If you lose...the family will perish. You should I understand. For the sake of the Qing Dynasty...for the Manchurians...for my Ai Xinjueluo family, we must unite...unity..."

When it came to the end, Yue Tuo could feel that Ama was holding his hand harder and harder.Turning around to look, I saw that his face was flushed red, as if there was something else he wanted to say, but he couldn't, that's why he was so suffocated.

Suddenly, Yue Tuo could feel that holding his hand, he lost his strength at once. Looking down, the chicken-foot-like hand was already lying powerlessly beside the bed. When he looked up suddenly, he saw Daishan's hand. The head has also hung down, and the body is slowly tilting.

"My lord..."

"My lord..."

Suddenly, there was panic in the house, and someone was calling for the shaman to take a look.

Only Yue Tuo stood up slowly without making a sound, and silently looked at Dai Shan who was being supported and lying flat.He knew in his heart that his Ama was dead!

Although Daishan didn't finish his sentence, Yuetuo understood what he was going to say.It is nothing more than that under the threat of genocide, we must unite and avoid internal strife.Dorgon is the most talented among you, if you want to support him or something.

"Old man, you are still facing outsiders after you die!" Yue Tuo suddenly spoke, cursed in a low voice, turned around and walked away in a stride.The people who were left in the room looked at each other in shock when they heard this, but they did not dare to say anything.

Soon, news of Daishan's death spread throughout Shengjing.However, at this time, the people in power in Shengjing were busy confronting each other and fighting for power, and had no time to care about the life and death of a prince without any strength.Even within the palace, there was only a decree expressing condolences.

Although Daishan is Yuetuo's Ama, they all know that the relationship between Daishan and Yuetuo is not good, especially after the battle for the throne after Huang Taiji's death, they are even strangers.They all thought that maybe Yue Tuo was still happy when Daishan died, and if they went to mourn at this time, maybe Yue Tuo would secretly remember it.Especially after what Yue Tuo said when Dai Shan was dying spread, no one risked offending Yue Tuo to worship Dai Shan.

On this point, even Dodo thinks so.Therefore, nothing was said.After all, now that Yue Tuo holds military power, no matter where he joins, he will have a huge advantage and cannot be offended.

But a few days later, after Dorgon led the army back to Shengjing, because the palace was jointly controlled by Hauge and Obai, Dorgon was not allowed to enter the palace. Dorgon's title of "Uncle Emperor Regent".

At this time, everyone felt that Dorgon would definitely reverse this situation, and if it didn't work out, a civil war would break out immediately.

However, no one expected that after Dorgon arrived in Shengjing, he didn't care about the power struggle. Instead, he went to the Daishanling to cry and worship in plain clothes.

No, this scene made the people in Prince Li's Mansion burst into tears, finally a prince came!
As soon as the news got out, Hauge immediately laughed. Yue Tuo, who is a son, didn't go. What did he mean?Dorgon was overwhelmed, didn't this slap Yuetuo in the face!Besides, Daishan doesn't have any subordinates anymore, who will you act for, and whose heart can you buy?
So, Hauge was going to go to Yuetuo, and he wanted to use this incident as an opportunity to win over Yuetuo. In this way, he could completely overwhelm the military strength of Dorgon and Duoduo brothers.

However, what he never expected was that when he arrived at Yuetuo's mansion, he heard from his servants that Yuetuo had paid a grand visit to the regent.

"..." Hearing this, Hauge couldn't help being stunned, feeling a little bit overwhelmed, this is not normal!
There were no surprises in the subsequent events. Yue Tuo announced that he would support Dorgon to continue to be the regent and lead the Qing Dynasty to tide over the difficulties.

Dorgon then reprimanded Haoge for leading the army to flee first in the battle of Yaozhou Station, which killed Azige.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the public opinion in Shengjing suddenly became unfavorable to Hauge.In the end, the Empress Dowager ordered Dorgon to be named "Emperor's Father and Regent" and asked him to lead the Qing Dynasty and continue on.

Hauge's plot to seize power failed again, so he had no choice but to surrender to Dorgon.

Dorgon is also magnanimous, he did not deprive him of his military power, nor did he lower his lordship, but he just made a generous speech, saying that when the Qing Dynasty is in crisis, it is even more important to help each other. This move once again saved Dorgon a lot prestige.

This crisis of seizing power was resolved in this way.

On the night when he returned to Chongzheng Hall, Dorgon met with Ning Wanwo alone at his residence, and repeatedly praised him for his good idea.

"This is the master's own ability, and it has nothing to do with the slave." Ning Wan said that the injury on my body was still not healed, and I was still wrapped in a bandage, but with a charming smile on my face, "The slave just reminded me. "

Dorgon skipped this sentence directly, and praised: "In terms of intrigue, you Han people dare to say that you are second, and no one dares to say that you are first. This is a well-known thing. This matter is your responsibility." The credit is Qing's credit. You should rest in peace and recuperate from your wounds, this king will never treat you badly."

After Ning finished listening, I was proud of myself, but on the surface, I quickly received this commendation with fear and sincerity.

In this matter, it was indeed Ning Wan who gave Dorgon great advice and finally made Dorgon take these actions.

The reason is simple. Governing the world with filial piety has been the principle since ancient times.For those who are not filial, even if they are suppressed by a powerful force, they will not be able to suppress people's support.Especially when the end of the Qing Dynasty is approaching and people are panicking, it is even more necessary to have a master that can be relied on.If you are cold-blooded and ruthless in order to fight for power, who knows if you will abandon yourself in the future!

Dorgon, by worshiping on behalf of goodness and reprimanding Haug for killing Azig, conveyed the fact to others that he, Dorgon, is their trustworthy king.

However, including Ning Wan and me, none of them actually understood Yuetuo.

In fact, before Daishan died, Yue Tuo had already had an idea in his mind after he tried his best to remind him that if he failed, the clan would be destroyed.What I did later was just to see how Dorgon was doing, and the result was needless to say.

However, although Dorgon had stabilized his power, the subsequent statistics of the situation in various places gave him the urge to return the title of the emperor's father and regent.

Although when he was in Yaozhou Station, he had already ordered to grab food and horses to flee back, but how much food the cavalry could bring, not to mention, there was not much food in the first place.

Now that the granaries in the Liaohe Plain have been burned, there is no hope at all.Fortunately, the fishing fleet can provide some food, but no matter what, this winter in the Qing Dynasty cannot survive.Even killing more than half of the snatched horse would not solve the problem at all.The matter of the two-legged sheep has also been mentioned on the agenda.However, if you can't eat too much, it will also kill you.

Dorgon also thought about sending troops to the north to grab some food again, this time no one is needed.However, I have already snatched it once last time, even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, how much can I snatch?What's more, if the vicious demons appeared in the north, they might all be eaten by them, so it would be the turn of the Qing Dynasty to go north to grab things?
On the other side of the Ming Dynasty, if they don’t come to fight the Qing Dynasty, it’s already a blessing from God, and if they dare to snatch it, it’s really the birthday boy who hanged himself, and his life is too long.

The only hope now is the one sent to North Korea to grab autumn grain.However, Dorgon is not optimistic.North Korea has been robbed by the Qing Dynasty for countless times, how many of the fish that slipped through the net can be left?Even if Fan Wencheng, who was more careful, was sent there, it is estimated that there would not be many.

Thinking of this, Dorgon couldn't help but have a headache again.

Kong Youde's betrayal made the Qing Dynasty very disgusted with the Han people.Even after Ning me, Dorgon didn't dare to let him show up in public, but hid in his mansion.If Fan Wencheng came back, he might be targeted.

That's right, how could Kong Youde betray the Qing Dynasty?Even the Qing Dynasty named him the King of Obedience. Isn’t this enough?

Dorgon touched his aching temple, and continued to think in his heart, sometimes, he really didn't know who would be loyal to Daqing, and who would have a different heart from Daqing?At least in the past, I never thought that Kong Youde would betray!

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, a personal guard rushed in and reported to him: "Master, that Han Fan Wencheng was surrounded as soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, and many people shouted to kill him."

Upon hearing this, Dorgon became anxious immediately, and immediately rushed over without saying a word.

Before he reached the city gate, he saw a group of people surrounding a hanging man, whipping them with leather whips and cursing loudly at the same time.

"You Chinese dog, kill you!"

"If you don't sell it right now, if you turn around, you will sell your master. I can't beat you to death!"

"Still stubborn, fuck you!"


Seeing that Fan Wencheng was still alive, Dorgon couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The onlookers heard and looked, and found that Dorgon had arrived, so they didn't dare to make a fuss. After all, he is now the emperor's father and regent, so he knelt down to greet him.

Dorgon stopped his horse in a hurry, regardless of them, hurried forward, and when he arrived in front of the hanged person, he found that the handsome Fan Wencheng had been disfigured, and his face had been whipped several times, bloody, almost unrecognizable up.

He drew his knife out, cut himself off, saved Fan Wencheng, and said with shame: "This king is late, I made you suffer!"

Fan Wencheng burst into tears on the spot. He did his best to serve the Qing Dynasty in North Korea, but when he came back, he was treated like this. He was wronged!How can there be such a master?
But after crying a few times, he passed out.

Dorgon saw that the beating was a bit severe, so he immediately took Fan Wencheng back to his house for treatment, and took several of the people who beat him into custody.

After a long time, Fan Wencheng woke up from the pain. He opened his eyes and was about to beg for mercy when he found Dorgon in front of him. Dagon was stopped, and it was not until after the bandage was finished that Dorgon said to Fan Wencheng, who only showed his eyes: "The people who beat you have already been taken into custody by this king. After you recover from your injuries, this king will personally watch Now, you go and call back. How they beat you, you fight back!"

When Fan Wencheng heard it, he didn't even dare to say it.He's not stupid. Anyone who can beat him up without any scruples must have a background, and he can't provoke him.

"How is the situation in North Korea?" Dorgon was concerned about this, and asked immediately when he saw that he could speak.

When Fan Wencheng heard this, he put aside the doubts in his heart, and immediately replied: "The slave is ashamed, the food collected is not much, it is true that the Koreans have fled to the mountains, and it is difficult to find."

This result was also within Dorgon's expectation, but after hearing it, he was still disappointed after all.

However, on the surface, he did not show any disappointment, but said kindly: "Aiqing is at ease to heal her wounds, and I have asked someone to pick up Qing's family, so nothing will happen when you come to the palace."

After speaking, he stood up and was ready to leave.

But who knows, Fan Wencheng said: "Your Highness, the slave met Japanese people in North Korea!"

"Oh!" Dorgon agreed casually, and he who had already turned his head to leave, suddenly stood still, and immediately came back to his senses, stared down at Fan Wencheng, and confirmed in surprise: "What, Japanese?"

"Yes, the Japanese." Fan Wencheng replied enduring the pain, "Because of the appearance of the Japanese, the servant felt that the matter was of great importance and it might be an opportunity for the Qing Dynasty, so he rushed back quickly and wanted to report to His Highness."

"How come there are Japanese people in North Korea?" Dorgon was very surprised, "You said that you saw Japanese people, there should not be only one or two, and they are not fishermen or something like that?"

If so, it is estimated that Fan Wencheng would not report it so carefully.

Sure enough, seeing that Fan Wencheng wanted to nod, but his injury was affected, he let out a "hiss" immediately, took a breath, and could only reply without moving: "It's the shogun who is in power in the Japanese country, a faction called Tokugawa Iemitsu." Came to spy on the situation in North Korea."

Hearing this, Dorgon immediately smelled an unusual aura from it, and this sudden situation made him immediately concentrate and think.

Now at this time, the Qing Dynasty is like a turtle in a urn, and it is really about to become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered by the Ming Dynasty.However, suddenly, when he heard the movement outside, there might be a chance to break the urn, how could Dorgon remain indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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