Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 509 Pray to Huang Taiji and Nurhachi

Chapter 509 Pray to Huang Taiji and Nurhachi

It was the first time for Duoduo to hear this news, so when he first heard it, he was stunned for a while, but after he realized it, he couldn't help being very excited.

The sudden attack by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty killed most of his infantry, and even Haizhou almost fell.If he doesn't find his way back, then he, Duoduo, will also be placed under the Ming dog emperor, which is something he is very unwilling to do.

Mobilizing the power of the whole country to keep the Ming Emperor in Liaodong was Dorgon's decision, and Duoduo supported it even more.

Therefore, after Doduo came back to his senses, he was immediately excited, and said with a little surprise: "Are you still afraid that the Ming emperor will run away?"

"If you know that the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are coming to Haizhou for a decisive battle, if I were the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, I would definitely retreat first." Yue Tuo listened and expressed his opinion lightly.

"The key is that you don't know?" Duoduo was stunned when he said this.He also knew about the secret work of the Ming Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, he did not continue with the assumption of ignorance.

After pondering for a while, Doduo's face became more serious and he said: "At least for now, the Emperor of Ming Kingdom probably doesn't know about this matter. Otherwise, after you came to help, he would not send cavalry to counterattack. Just now I From the top of the city, it can be clearly seen that the Ming army has no intention of retreating at all!"

"It's hard to say!" Yue Tuo shook his head when he heard this, "The emperor of Ming Dynasty is very cunning, maybe he will fight a battle before retreating, and then retreat when our army is unprepared."

After listening for a long time, Hauge interjected and asked, "Then what should we do?"

Duoduo was silent for a while before saying: "It would be great if we could cut off the back road, but now we have about the same strength as the Ming army, and the Ming army has more than 1 cavalry, and the chariot battalion can be effective. It is a bit difficult to restrain the Qing cavalry army!"

"That's it, how about sending the cavalry to rush over and occupy Yaozhou Post?" At this time, Yue Tuo thought of Duduo's previous suggestion and asked for advice.

Now the Qing cavalry army, all together, has about 3.If you allocate more than 1 to rush over, there should be no problem.If it is only three thousand, there is a high probability that the mutton will be eaten by tigers.

But Duoduo shook his head and said, "The cavalry army is not good at defending. If we cut off the Ming army's retreat right now, it will inevitably lead to a crazy counterattack by the Ming army, and the cavalry army at Yaozhou Station will be in danger."

Speaking of this, he paused and asked immediately: "If possible, it is best to send troops to cut off the rear when the main force of the regent king is about to arrive. Before that, he has been sticking to the Ming army. Don’t let them have the chance to make up their minds and escape!”

For this, he has a deep understanding.

When the troops were withdrawn from Yaozhou Station, there was no problem at all for the cavalry to withdraw back to Haizhou.However, it would be difficult for the infantry to withdraw.If it wasn't really impossible, he wouldn't have left the infantry behind and led the cavalry back to Haizhou by himself.

The Ming army should be the same here.

The cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty is probably more than 1, definitely less than 3, and the other [-] are all infantry, chariot battalions and artillery, all of which are included in this.If they were at war with the Qing Dynasty and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wanted to escape, he would inevitably encounter the same problem that Duoduo had encountered before: Will the infantry be protected?
And if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was to be embarrassed, then the Qing Dynasty must put enough pressure on the Ming Army.Let the emperor of the Ming Dynasty fear that if he retreats, the Qing side will take advantage of the situation and attack, and it is likely to eat up all the Ming infantry.

No matter how rich the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was, if he lost more than 3 infantry, he would definitely feel very distressed.Therefore, as long as there is a chance, the infantry will never be left behind.

For this reason, Dodo explained it to the other two.

After hearing this, Yue Tuo thought it made sense, so he nodded and said: "It makes sense. Although we attack, and the Ming army is good at defending, our army will suffer more casualties. But as long as the regent leads the main force to arrive , the loss is worth it!"

Seeing that he echoed his opinion, Doduo was very happy, but at this moment, Hauge interjected and said: "What if the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty doesn't even know that the main force of the regent is coming?"

"..." Duoduo and Yuetuo looked at each other after hearing this, but they were speechless.

Is there such a possibility?Of course there are, just now Doduo himself suspected it, and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty probably didn't know about it.

If the emperor of the Ming Dynasty really didn't know that the main force of the regent king was coming, based on the current comparison of the strength of the two sides, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would definitely not take the initiative to withdraw immediately.If this is really the case, there is no need to take the initiative to attack the Ming army at the expense of losses.

You know, the army of the Qing Dynasty has already lost too much, and any more losses will be very distressing.

As a result, the three of them were silent for a while, and suddenly, Yue Tuo and Duoduo said in unison: "Why don't we see the situation?"

If it is seen that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wants to leave, it is also possible to attack with all his strength at that time and hold the Ming army back.Unless the emperor of the Ming Dynasty said he wanted to leave, he just ran away with the cavalry.Otherwise, it would be a simple matter for the army to move out!

Thinking this way, the three of them reached a consensus, and they were ready to see the situation.Of course, their decision must be sent back immediately to report to Dorgon on the way.

However, none of them expected that Duduo had Class-A eavesdropping seeds on his body, and Emperor Chongzhen knew immediately what they were discussing.Even Emperor Chongzhen knew more accurately than the three of them where Dorgon was leading his army, how many days away from Haizhou, etc.

Therefore, after reading the news of the eavesdropping seed feedback, Emperor Chongzhen said with a faint smile: "It is said that the three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, but I want to say that no matter how many cobblers there are, I can't beat me!"

"Your Majesty, what did you say?" Wu Zhong, who was standing beside him, heard the voice, but couldn't hear it clearly, so he had to ask.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled again and said, "It's nothing. Tomorrow, you will point out Yuetuo and Haoge to show me. In addition, I will send an order to all the generals to rest well. I will inevitably go to Jianlu for a few days. trouble!"

"The final general obeys the order!" Wu Zhong agreed after hearing this, without thinking about it, he immediately went to deliver the order.

On the second day, Duoduo, Yuetuo and others were still a little worried, but unexpectedly, the Ming army took the initiative to attack and had no intention of retreating at all, which made the three of them overjoyed.

"Haha, it seems that the dog emperor of Ming Dynasty is doomed this time!" Hauge immediately laughed.

However, Yue Tuo frowned and said, "It seems that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty still hasn't got the news, so here comes the problem. The detailed work of the Ming Dynasty should not be subordinate to our three departments, right?"

Hearing this, the other two were immediately stunned.In fact, even Yue Tuo himself was stunned.

Because according to the logic he said, then Ming Guoxio can only be the subordinates of Daishan and Azig.Azig doesn't care about him, Daishan is his father, and his father's subordinates may have something to do with him.

He was thinking about it, but Hauge came back to his senses first, as if he had found a treasure, he immediately laughed and said: "Yes, it must be like this. Now it's all right, after this battle, we will strictly investigate the two of them. Not only Azig wants to investigate, but old Daishan..."

When he said this, he glanced at Yue Tuo, and then continued to say indifferently: "... also investigate! This matter is related to the national destiny of my Qing Dynasty, and must be thoroughly investigated to the end!"

At this time, Azig had already turned to Duo Duo and Dorgon, so Duo Duo didn't want to investigate Azig.However, if the secret work of the Ming Dynasty is really under Azige's command, then it must be investigated.However, it is best for him or Dorgon to investigate, and it is best not to let others, especially Hauge, intervene.

Thinking of this, Doduo immediately changed the topic and said: "The most important thing right now is that we must maintain the pressure on the Emperor of Ming, but we must not make the Emperor feel too pressured and retreat. Therefore, I suggest that the three of us If all the troops take turns to fight, they will be exhausted with the Ming army, and it is best to maintain a stalemate!"

Hearing this, Yue Tuo also immediately echoed: "Yes, the most important thing now is not to let the emperor of Ming go away! We should have this mental preparation first, and the more losses we have, the more we will. We must not let the Ming emperor run away! The emperor is gone!"

Seeing that the two of them were talking like this, Hauge caught him discussing the specific matter of holding back the Ming army, so he had no choice but to put aside the matter of investigating the traitor.

So, in the next few days, the Ming army and Jianlu fought vigorously.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Blah blah blah..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Wow wow wow..."

The roar of artillery, the sound of musket shooting, the sound of bows and arrows, and the sound of killing have become the main theme outside Haizhou City.

On Jianlu's side, they dispatched cavalry to attack the camp of the Ming army; while the Ming army was defending, they also dispatched a battalion of hussars to take the opportunity to counterattack, and the battle was very fierce.

Just as the slave chieftains were worried, the two sides had about the same strength, but the Ming army was much better equipped, and they were good at defending, with firearms to help them out. Therefore, Jianlu lost a bit.

However, whether it was Yuetuo, Duoduo or Haoge, they all gritted their teeth to confuse the Ming army and dragged the Ming army until the main force of Dorgon arrived.

Of course, the three of them also felt sorry for the loss of their subordinates after all, so they sent messengers a day to hurry back and urge Dorgon to hurry to Haizhou City.

However, to recruit troops from across the country, Dorgon's affairs cannot be completed in one go.However, he also knew that it could not be delayed for too long, so he was urged by all kinds of strict orders, and even let those who assembled first go first, and those who arrived later chased after them.

That's it, when Azig arrived in Shengjing, Dorgon had already arrived in Liaoyang first.

He did not rest in Liaoyang, but traveled day and night, urging his men to hurry. On this day, he finally arrived at Anshan Post Castle before letting the army rest. At the same time, he anxiously waited for the messenger from Haizhou.

If the Ming emperor ran away at this time, he would really vomit blood with anger.Seeing success is imminent, but don't let such a thing happen!Dorgon thought in his heart, and even prayed to Huang Taiji and Nurhachi, hoping to bless the emperor of Ming Dynasty, so that his previous efforts would not be wasted.

Sitting and waiting is not his style, the messenger is sent at the same time to tell Haizhou that he will be there in a day or two.

Just after the messenger was sent, the messenger from Haizhou also arrived at Anshan Yibao.

Hearing this, Dorgon didn't have the majesty of his uncle Regent at all, so he stood up subconsciously and ran out of the lobby. When he saw the messenger hastily led by his personal guards, he couldn't help shouting first: "The Emperor of Ming Dynasty But still in Haizhou?"

"Return to Your Highness, the emperor of Ming Dynasty is still in Haizhou. In today's battle, our army lost another 1000 troops!" The messenger immediately knelt down and replied hastily.

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and he didn't care about the loss of 1000 troops. He immediately clapped his hands excitedly, and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, okay!"

"..." The messenger knelt there, lowered his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.Over the past few days, the Qing army has been losing troops and will be confronting the Ming army head-on. Although it only lost 1000 troops today, it is already a lot. Does the regent not feel distressed at all?

Dorgon didn't care what his mere messenger thought. After being happy, he immediately returned to the lobby and began to think about how to suddenly appear in Haizhou after the army rested.
At this time, he was no longer satisfied with just keeping the Ming emperor in Haizhou. It would be better to keep this invading enemy, including their emperor, in Haizhou. Serious injury, even if there is a wise and powerful emperor again, the days of the Qing Dynasty will not be as sad as they are now!
However, he didn't know that he, Ming's undercover gold medalist, had already reported the situation to Emperor Chongzhen as soon as possible.

After reading the feedback from the eavesdropping seed, Emperor Chongzhen immediately decreed to hold a military meeting.

After the generals had finished seeing the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen said with a slight smile: "You and I will go back immediately and prepare quietly. We will start withdrawing troops at midnight tonight. The target is Yaozhou Station, so there must be no mistake!"

In the past few days, I was having fun fighting Jianlu. Suddenly, the emperor ordered the troops to withdraw in the middle of the night. This made all the general soldiers and supervisors stunned: Is this too sudden?
"Your Majesty, why did you withdraw the troops in such a hurry?" He Renlong came out of the line and clasped his fists to ask for advice after he came back to his senses.

Seeing that they were all puzzled, Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart, if you can't feel it, then the Jianlu side will be even more surprised.

Thinking of this, he was in a good mood, and said to He Renlong: "The slave chief Dorgon has led nearly 6 horses to Anshan Post Castle, and [-] Jianlu will continue to come."

Hearing this, everyone in the Chinese army's tent was taken aback. Jianlu came with so many troops?Is this going all out?

Basically, this is more than double the strength of the Ming army, and Jianlu is still fighting locally, and it has considerable advantages in terms of terrain and logistics.

 Last night at around [-]:[-], kidney stones hurt, I went to the hospital at [-]:[-] to get pain relief injections, I had a check-up during the day, and caught up on sleep. It was a surprise, there was only one chapter, and there will be no update tomorrow morning. It depends on the situation at night. It will be one or two chapters.

  If there is an emergency, I will tell you in the qq group. Everyone is welcome to join the group, and the fan value is required to be a disciple or above: 920226556.

(End of this chapter)

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