Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 508 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 508 Heroes See the Same Thing

At this moment, Yue Tuo had something to say when he heard Hauge's question: "The Ming army besieged Haizhou but did not attack. If so, wouldn’t it just happen to be tricked by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty?”

Jianlu has used the tactics of besieging and attacking aid many times before, so they are naturally very familiar with it.

Hauge heard this, and after thinking about it for a while, it seems that this is really the truth.After all, for the Qing Dynasty, it was actually a last resort to use siege to fight for aid.That is, the city cannot be defeated, so we have to surround it instead of attacking it.But the Ming Dynasty is different. They have a large number of artillery, which is the best siege weapon, and there is no reason to surround them without fighting.

However, the Ming Dynasty just wanted to besiege and not fight, so it was obvious that the Ming Emperor had another purpose?
Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "It seems reasonable, the dog emperor of Ming Dynasty is notoriously cunning!"

"Besides, there is another reason." Yue Tuo continued, "From the previous battles, it seems that there is a Ming army inside the Qing Dynasty. If I divide my troops to rescue, if it is leaked, it will be in vain. I know the Ming army, and I have to guard against this point. It’s ridiculous that Duoduo doesn’t have a long memory, and he still wants to let me divide my troops to sneak attack Yaozhou Station and cut off the retreat of the Ming army. If that’s the case, it’s in the arms of the dog emperor of Ming Dynasty Already!"

Having said that, he paused, looked at Hauge and finally raised his voice and concluded: "That's why I've been waiting for you, and the two of us will join forces, and the Ming dog emperor will not have any plots or schemes." used!"

Hearing this, Hauge nodded again.It is already well known that there were things that the Ming Dynasty did in detail within the Qing Dynasty.In the past, the reason why Dorgon was able to become the regent and surpass them was because of the battle on the grassland. Only Dorgon, who conquered the Sauron tribe in the north, could be ruled out of suspicion.As a result, he had made a big fanfare to investigate the details of the Ming Dynasty, and even thought about interrogating these princes.It's just a pity that in the end, it was still nothing, and it was impossible to find out who the secret agent of the Ming Dynasty was!

"Then what's going on in Haizhou now?" Hauge felt that it would be disrespectful to go along with Yuetuo, so he immediately changed the subject and asked after nodding.

Yue Tuo found a very good reason for his behavior. Seeing that Hauge didn't continue, he stopped explaining, and answered Hauge's question: "What else can I do, the dog emperor of Ming Dynasty just continues to surround Haizhou !"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a messenger galloping towards him. He saw the two of them from afar, and shouted: "The Ming army is attacking the city with all its might, Haizhou is in danger, and Prince Yu urgently asks for help... "

Hearing this, both Yue Tuo and Hauge couldn't help being taken aback.Didn't the emperor of the Ming Dynasty always besiege and not attack? Why did he suddenly start attacking the city with all his strength?Could it be another conspiracy?
To be honest, both of them were a little scared.

When the messenger arrived, Yue Tuo hurriedly asked about the details. Knowing that the Ming army besieged the city on three sides and began to attack the city on a large scale, he was a little puzzled: Is it true that the Ming dog emperor is really going to take Haizhou?
Whether it was Yue Tuo or Hauge, they always felt that there seemed to be some kind of conspiracy.Therefore, neither of them decided to rescue immediately.

"Tell me, what does the dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty want to do?" Yue Tuo frowned tightly, turned to look at Hauge and asked, "Why did it change all of a sudden?"

"Could it be that I didn't wait for you to send troops, so I felt that besieging the city for reinforcements was useless, so I started to attack the city?" Hauge thought, got a possibility, and answered Yue Tuo.

After hearing this, Yue Tuo did not affirm this guess, but doubted: "Could it be that he deliberately pretended to cut off the road for help as soon as Duoduo's rescue messenger arrived, and then transferred his troops to ambush, waiting Our army came to the rescue, and suddenly rushed out..."

When Hauge heard it, he immediately felt that it made sense, so he said casually: "It's possible, but remember not to be fooled by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Okay, the hero sees the same thing!" Yue Tuo said immediately after hearing this, "Then let's wait and see, and send scouts to listen to the battle in Haizhou!"

Anyway, it's only sixty miles away, not too far away.

Therefore, neither Yue Tuo nor Hauge took this news seriously.It's a pity that Duoduo didn't know, otherwise he would definitely vomit blood with anger: I am dying, and you still have ink stains, pigs!
However, Yue Tuo and Haoge were not safe, and within half an hour, Duoduo's envoy came rushing over again. This time, Yue Tuo finally felt that something was wrong.If it weren't for the fact that the war in Haizhou was not really critical, Duoduo probably wouldn't have continuously asked for help in such a short period of time.

Haug asked suspiciously: "Could it be that the dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty is still acting, just wanting to act more realistically so that we can rescue him? Or maybe Duoduo exaggerated and wanted us to share his pressure?"

"Isn't it?" Yue Tuo was a little worried. If he really had to sit back and watch Haizhou fall and Duoduo's entire army was wiped out, then the two of them, especially Yue Tuo who arrived first, would definitely be blamed. Unfortunately, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty really wants to conquer Haizhou, in my opinion, we can't delay any longer!"

With the addition of Hauge's cavalry, the current Qing army at Anshan Fort has reached about [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.With such a large number of troops, so what if the Ming army comes for reinforcements? Are they still afraid?

Based on this idea, Yuetuo changed his mind and immediately urged Haoge to prepare to rescue Haizhou together.

"Our army just arrived, you go first, how about I catch up immediately after resting here?" Hauge was still not active at this time. Of course, the reason is naturally reasonable, at least he thinks so.

"..." Yue Tuo was speechless, staring at Hauge who didn't care, thinking in his heart, when did this guy learn to preserve his strength?

Just now he clearly saw that the cavalry army led by Hauge wasn't tired at all, okay, and they didn't march here in a hurry.And no matter what, two hours have passed, and the people and horses should have rested.

At this moment, another Duduo messenger arrived, indicating that the army will soon capture the city wall, and if there is no rescue, it will be too late!

Hearing this, Yue Tuo quickly asked for details, and Hauge next to him immediately listened with pricked ears.

When the two of them heard the messenger say that the Ming army bombarded the city wall with a large number of red barbarian cannons, and with the help of artillery cover, they also used catapults to throw fierce kerosene into the top of the city. Everyone knows that Duoduo is absolutely not exaggerating, Haizhou is really dangerous.

Therefore, the two immediately put aside the small calculations in their hearts, and immediately went out with the whole army to help Haizhou City.


At this time, on the Haizhou City side, the Daming infantry had indeed occupied several sections of the city wall, but they were unable to enter the city for the time being.Jianlu's archers hid in the streets and alleys of the city, shooting arrows at the top of the city.It has to be said that there are indeed quite a few Jianlu archers. When the first batch of Daming infantry tried to expand their advantage, captured more city walls, and attacked the city, they were all shot back by Jianlu archers.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard the news, he ordered the Franc machine guns to be loaded with shotguns, transported to the city, and prepared to use artillery to open the way.If necessary, burn the city with fire oil to burn out all the Jian captives.

However, at this moment, at the wiretapping system that Emperor Chongzhen had been paying attention to all the time, the C-level wiretapping seeds of the Ming army Yebushou who was lurking outside Anshan Post Fort fed back information, saying that Jianlu had left Anshan Post Fort on a large scale. Coming to Haizhou City.

Seeing this news, Emperor Chongzhen did not continue to order the siege of the city. Instead, he decreed that all the Ming troops in the three camps should gather in the southern headquarters, abandon the other two camps, and prepare for the second phase of the battle.

The strength of the Jianlu army at this time cannot be underestimated.In fact, their combat power has not been weakened much. It's just that in previous wars, Emperor Chongzhen always used more to defeat fewer, creating enough local advantages to prevent the Jianlu from exerting their due combat power.

All the generals carried out the will of Emperor Chongzhen without hesitation.But I was a little bit puzzled, why didn't I conquer Haizhou in one go?Even if there are tens of thousands, if Haizhou can be captured, it is tantamount to driving a nail under Jianlu's nose!

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen just told them that Jianlu reinforcements would arrive soon.The total strength is estimated to be similar to that of our own side, or even slightly more.It is not the best opportunity to attack the city again at this time.

In fact, the reason why Emperor Chongzhen launched a large-scale offensive against Haizhou City was to attract Jianlu from Anshan Yibao. Now that the goal has been achieved, it is actually possible.

The decree was passed down, and the Ming army formed a new front based on the base camp, relying on the chariot camp, combining infantry and cavalry.Just after these things were done, the Jianlu cavalry army from Anshan Yibao appeared in the Haizhou area.

At the Yuanmen, looking into the distance and probing into Jianlu's vanguard, Emperor Chongzhen shouted loudly: "He Renlong, Hu Dawei, where is Cao Bianjiao?"

"The last general is here!" He Renlong, Hu Dawei, and Cao Bianjiao responded loudly when they heard this.

Emperor Chongzhen made a serious face, stared at them, and immediately issued an order: "The three of you each lead three thousand cavalry, drive these Tartar cavalry ten miles away, and don't let them do any more arrogant actions!"

"The last general obeys!" The three of them listened, without fear, but excitedly agreed, and immediately retreated, and then led the cavalry, divided into three groups, regardless of Haizhou City, and went straight to the Jianlu vanguard in the field Go away on horseback.

After accumulating so many victories, Ming's cavalry had long regarded killing the Tartars as a rare opportunity to make meritorious service.Seeing the Jianlu cavalry army, they didn't have the fear they used to have at all. Instead, their eyes gleamed, like a tiger seeing its prey, and pounced on it.

On the contrary, the Jianlu Cavalry Army has heard the name of the Hussar Battalion for a long time. They know that this cavalry army is the most powerful cavalry army in the Ming Dynasty. Although they are not particularly afraid, facing this Hussars When camping, they are all very cautious.

And when they came for reinforcements, both Yue Tuo and Hauge had entrusted them, the Ming emperor was full of tricks, so be careful.Therefore, when they saw the Ming army rushing over, they didn't dare to fight at all, and retreated directly.

In Haizhou City, when the Ming army retreated, Duoduo knew that the reinforcements from Anshan Post Fort must have arrived, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sent people to repair the city wall and reoccupy the top of the city.

After deploying these orders, he also re-boarded the top of the city, looked at the Ming army camp in the distance outside the city, and said viciously: "This king doesn't believe it, how much gunpowder and fierce fire oil do you Ming dogs have?" Can the class be consumed? If you have the ability, try again?"

After the ruthless words were released, Duoduo saw the scene of the Ming cavalry chasing the Qing cavalry.Seeing the fierceness of the Ming army, he seemed to see the shadow of the former Qing cavalry army.

Duoduo is not short-sighted, he can tell at a glance that the morale of the Ming army has not been affected by the arrival of reinforcements from the Qing side.On the contrary, the Ming army seems to be very excited. It seems that this battle still has to be fought!


About an hour later, the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty had already retreated to their camp, and the reinforcements of the Qing Dynasty also entered Haizhou City from the north gate one after another.

Duduo heard the news and went to greet him no matter what.

As soon as Hauge saw Doduo appearing, he couldn't help feeling proud.He was arrogant before, but now he still has to rely on himself to save him.Thinking of this, he laughed and said: "Prince Yu really deserves his reputation. Under the attack of Ming army several times, he still defended Haizhou City. It's amazing, amazing!"

When Doduo heard this, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Hauge didn't take the opportunity to hurt him, but praised him instead.As a result, Duduo's impression of Hauge suddenly changed greatly. No matter what, it was Hauge who came to help, because he was going to thank him.

But who knows, after Hauge finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Yue Tuo who was standing beside him and said, "However, the Ming army retreated immediately when they saw us. It seems that the Ming army is actually nothing more than that!"

"..." When Duoduo heard this, his face immediately flushed red.

The Ming army was nothing more than that, but they beat him so much that Duoduo almost failed to defend Haizhou. That's what Hauge meant, in fact, he was saying that Duoduo was incompetent!
So, he immediately changed his words and said: "What do you know? This king pretended to be defeated and consumed how much ordnance and supplies the Ming army had, do you know? If you come to guard this Haizhou City, it is estimated that when the Ming army's artillery fires, you will be scared." Do you have to escape?"

"You..." Hearing this, Hauge was furious, and immediately shouted, "Okay, since that's the case, come on, you continue to guard Haizhou, let's go back!"

Seeing this, Yue Tuo could only act as a peacemaker, trying to persuade each other, and finally made the two of them stop quarreling.

After sitting down in the lobby of the state capital, Yue Tuo said, "Now the Regent has ordered the nationwide conscription, and he will soon lead the army to arrive. He will spare the Ming Emperor at all costs. You and the Ming Emperor have also been fighting for many days. How do you think we can hold back the Ming army and prevent them from running away before the main force arrives?"

 There should be a chapter tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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