Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 503 2 Countermeasures

Chapter 503 Two Strategies Against It
Because of the arrival of the main force of the Ming army, everyone in the Jianlu army could finally have enough to eat.However, they couldn't be happy, because the Ming army they faced was unprecedentedly powerful.

When the hussar battalion of the Ming Kingdom arrived yesterday, they were very arrogant, as if in the land of Liaodong, except for their own camp, all other places had become the home field of the Ming army.However, the cavalry army of the Qing Dynasty would only shrink in the camp, at most it would prevent the Ming army from crossing the camp and attacking Haizhou.

They can understand that it won't be long before the Ming army will come to attack the camp.On the side of the Qing Dynasty, the total strength of the troops is only about [-], but on the side of the Ming Army, there may be more than this number.

Although their coach Duduo is also a general who can fight well, the opponent's coach is their emperor, the Ming who once defeated the even more powerful Prince Rui on the Qing side, and captured him alive. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty; the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who beat the even more powerful Prince Zheng of the Qing Dynasty to annihilation and was killed himself; The emperor of the Ming Dynasty who captured all the princes...

Thinking about the achievements of so many Ming emperors, all the Jianlu felt unprecedented pressure. It's no wonder they were happy!

And their coach Duduo is actually more worried than them.

Originally, he wanted to rely on Daying to fight against the Ming Emperor, but later he found that his subordinates were low in morale and spirits, and were not prepared for a tough battle at all.More importantly, although the hussar battalion was very arrogant and annoyed him very much, he still had eyesight. He could see that the morale of the hussar battalion was high and the equipment was excellent, just like the invincible Qing army before.

The comparison between the armies of both sides made him realize clearly that now was not the time for a decisive battle.

However, if there is no decisive battle, then they will have to return to Haizhou.However, Haizhou is more than 50 miles away from Daying.Although the cavalry doesn't matter, you can go back if you let go of the horse and run wildly, but what about the infantry?The opponent also has more than 1 elite cavalry. If the infantry marches under the nose of such a cavalry, it may collapse.


After realizing this situation, before nightfall, he sent messengers one after another to urgently seek reinforcements.

Fortunately, the Ming cavalry had just arrived, and the infantry had not yet arrived at Yaozhou Station. Therefore, the Ming emperor also stood still and did not rush forward on light cavalry.However, the more the emperor of the Ming Dynasty used this method steadily, based on the strength of the Ming army, the more Doduo felt unprecedented pressure.

How to do how to do?
But in Yaozhou Station, it was completely different from Jianlu’s side. The morale of the soldiers of the Ming army was high, and they all wished to kill them immediately, killing Jianlu without leaving a piece of armor behind!
However, Emperor Chongzhen just let the hussars battalion keep an eye on the movements of the Jianlu camp. If they did not withdraw, Emperor Chongzhen had no intention of mobilizing troops.When the follow-up infantry arrived at noon the next day, the Yaozhou station became even more lively.

The rest of the vans that came with the Synchronized Army were not transporting artillery, but food and supplies. It can be said that almost the entire Yaozhou Station was piled up.The total strength of the Ming army at Yaozhou Post also reached more than 5 horses.

The infantry rested, but Emperor Chongzhen galloped out of Yaozhou Post with the hussar battalion and approached the Jianlu camp.

Hearing the movement, Duoduo felt as if he was facing a big enemy, and the cavalry also came out of the camp to guard both sides of the camp.Near the fence of the camp, the infantry stood ready.

However, the Ming army did not attack, but flew out a horse, wearing a black flying fish suit, wearing an embroidered spring knife on the waist, and nothing else. Looking at Jianlu's camp, he shouted loudly: "I, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, is personally on the expedition. I have something to bring to the rebel leader Aixinjueluo Duoduo!"

Duduo was naturally commanding behind the camp gate. When he heard this, he couldn't help but be furious.The Qing Dynasty has been founded, but the Ming Dynasty still regards them as rebels. How arrogant and arrogant this is!

In a rage, he pointed his hand to the army, and shouted loudly: "This king is here, but you Ming dog emperor wants to come and surrender, and you want this king to spare his life?"

But Duoduo didn't know that after he spoke loudly, under the emperor's banner in the distance, another Jinyiwei commander Wu Zhong, who was wearing a red flying fish suit, immediately locked him, pointed at him, and moved to the side Emperor Chongzhen said: "Your Majesty, the person who spoke over there is the slave chief Duoduo!"

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that it was not detailed enough, so he described Duduo's location, clothes and hats in detail.Because Emperor Chongzhen had explained that he must point out the slave chieftains clearly, and there must be no mistakes.

Needless to say, the purpose of Emperor Chongzhen's doing this was to "reward" Duoduo with a Grade A bugging seed.In this way, the next battle can be predicted like a god!
Under the guidance of Wu Zhong, Duoduo's clothes are also obvious. Although he was far away, Emperor Chongzhen still locked on Duoduo, and an eavesdropping seed possessed him, and the information in the system was displayed immediately, confirming that it was Aixinjue Luoduo. Duo received the Grade A wiretapping seed.

But at this time, before the battle, the Jinyiwei still wanted to finish conveying Emperor Chongzhen's will, so he yelled to Duoduo: "The emperor has a decree. Since I can capture Dorgon alive, I will act on behalf of you." Shan, Azig and others can still capture you alive. But this time, I will not let you go again. I want to give an explanation to the army and people of Liaodong, Ming Dynasty. If you catch you rebels, you will be cut into pieces If you don’t want to die in pain, you can immediately put down your weapon and surrender, and I’ll give you a good time!”

Hearing this, Duoduo croaked in anger, and immediately picked up his bow and set up an arrow, trying to shoot that croaking captain of Jinyiwei to death.However, it is obvious that his force is not as powerful as Lu Xiangsheng at all, and the captain of Jin Yiwei stood just a stone's throw away. Although the arrow he shot was well aimed, it was not strong enough. When it flew in front of Jin Yiwei, it was already at the end of its strength. up.

When the Jinyiwei captain saw it, he didn't dodge it. He spotted the arrow flying in front of him, quickly reached out and grabbed it, and caught the arrow in his hand.

Immediately, when the soldiers of the hussar battalion saw it, they cheered like thunder.Although they knew that it wasn't that the captain of Jinyiwei was particularly powerful, but that the arrow was already at the end of its strength.But being able to catch an arrow in flight with your bare hands is worth cheering no matter what.What's more, now that the two armies are facing each other, they naturally shouted more vigorously, and their morale suddenly rose.

On Jianlu's side, seeing that the captain of Jinyiwei caught the arrow that Prince Yu shot with his bare hands, their morale was immediately hit. They were already worried, and they became even more worried.

Doduo didn't expect that the arrow he shot in a hurry, not only missed the target, but boosted the morale of the Ming army and hurt the morale of his own side. Suddenly, his forehead was so angry that veins popped out.

The sharp archer among the white armored soldiers guarding him, in order to save face, immediately picked up his bow and set up an arrow, trying to shoot and kill the Jinyiwei captain.However, the captain of Jinyiwei had already delivered the decree, and with the spoils in his hand, he returned flattered.The subsequent arrows were unable to catch up, and fell to the ground after being exhausted, as if they were seeing off the captain of Jin Yiwei.

"Oh..." The Daming Hussars Battalion, seeing this situation, almost didn't need to command, and the soldiers laughed like thunder, laughing at Jianlu's overreaching!
The captain of Jinyiwei, who returned after flattering his horse, got off his horse after arriving at the Imperial Palace, handed over the decree to Emperor Chongzhen, and presented the arrow, saying: "This subordinate took advantage of the opportunity to capture an iron arrow from the slave chieftain, and presented it to Your Majesty!"

"Haha..." Emperor Chongzhen was also very happy when he saw the scene just now, and burst out laughing.

After laughing, he waved his hand and said, "Since you captured this arrow, I will reward you with it. Keep it as a souvenir!"

"Your subordinate obeys the decree!" The captain of Jinyiwei was very happy when he heard that it had become a gift from the imperial court, and immediately echoed loudly.

After returning victorious from the Liaodong War, he offered the arrow to his home. Every time during festivals and when friends visit, he will show it off and remind him of his bravery.Of course, this is something for later, so I won’t mention it here.

Besides, after Emperor Chongzhen watched the camp for a while, he reined in the reins, turned the horse's head and said, "Go, go back!"

Hearing this, He Renlong couldn't help but feel strange, and asked quickly: "Your Majesty, why don't you give me a beating?"

"What's the point of fighting once?" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said calmly, "Jianlu still has some strength now, and he is working hard to prepare for it. Just wear it out. When they have no food and have to flee, that's it. When our army is chasing you."

"The last general has been taught!" He Renlong replied convincingly when he heard this.

In fact, there is basically no problem with what Emperor Chongzhen said.However, it is also necessary to prevent Jianlu from escaping back due to any conspiracy.This is to test the wits and courage of the coaches of both sides.

Emperor Chongzhen knew this very well, but he didn't care, thinking in his heart: I'm sorry, I have golden fingers, so I don't need to fight wits and bravery at all, I just need to see the tricks!
After returning to Yaozhou Station, there was not much change in what to eat and drink for the Ming army.Emperor Chongzhen convened a military meeting and asked his generals to discuss how each of them could leave more captives under the current circumstances. What tricks could they come up with?As for himself, while listening to their suggestions and suggestions, he was paying attention to the news fed back by the wiretapping system.

On the Jianlu camp, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty led the army to retreat, but Duoduo was worried and was also holding a military meeting.

More than 1 infantry, no matter what, cannot be thrown to the Ming army.However, it is extremely difficult to safely withdraw to Haizhou, and no one has a good way.

However, the grain and grass materials brought from Haizhou are limited, and the enemy dare not eat sparingly. The food consumed every day will soon be reduced, and it must not be delayed forever. It will not wait until the reinforcements arrive. .

With nothing to do, the leader of Jianlu became angry, March 21, [-], and shouted regardless.

"Damn it, let's fight the Ming army!"

"Yes, let's fight with the Ming army. I will lead the army to attack the Ming emperor directly. I might even be able to kill that dog emperor!"


Listening to these remarks, Duduo was still sensible, and was not as impulsive as these subordinates.At this time, he already felt a little regretful, and felt that he should listen to Dorgon's words, so he ran to Yaozhou Station carelessly, and encountered the current difficult situation where he was beaten, unable to fight, and retreated, and it was not easy to retreat.

Thinking of this, he also thought of other things that Dorgon explained. In desperation, Duoduo turned his head to look at Ning Wan, who was huddled in the corner, and said to me silently: "What plan do you have?"

For a long time, the Qing Dynasty was invincible and swept everything with force. Therefore, Duoduo dismissed the conspiracy and tricks of the Han people.But now, force can no longer solve the current difficulties, and Duoduo has no choice but to seek help from Han officials who he has always looked down upon and felt weak.

When Duoduo asked, I dare not not answer Ning Wan.Moreover, this matter was also related to himself, so he immediately expressed his thoughts and said: "Your Highness, I feel that there are two strategies available for the current plan. I am still considering it. Know which strategy is better!"

When he heard that he had two strategies available, Duoduo couldn't help but feel delighted, and hurriedly asked: "Which two strategies, tell me quickly?"

The other leaders of Jianlu were a little surprised when they heard the conversation, and they stared at Ning Wan me, all of them listening attentively.

"The first strategy..." After Ning Wan, I stretched out a finger and said to Dodo, "Our army combines infantry and cavalry, divides it into several parts, and retreats in rounds until we retreat to Haizhou. In this way, we should avoid retreating. On the way, the army was chased by the Ming army and was defeated."

Hearing this strategy, Duoduo frowned, disapproving in his heart.The whole army blocked the Ming army, and he felt the pressure.If the army of less than 5 is divided into several parts, and the Ming army's [-] horses are blocked in turn, it will be even more unstoppable?

If it were replaced by the former Qing army, with high morale and strong combat power, it might be possible.But now, the Qing continued to lose troops and generals. Although it didn't hurt the root cause, it absolutely couldn't afford more casualties.What's more, the most powerful fighters now, and the ones who can fight the Ming army in the rear are the Manchurians.And every time a clansman dies, it is a loss to the heart.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and continued to ask with a cold face: "Then what about the second strategy?"

After Ning, I saw Doduo's face, and I didn't dare to stretch my fingers anymore. I replied a little tremblingly: "The second strategy is that our army pulls out elite troops under the darkness of night and retreats first to ambush. When the sky is bright, then They retreated with great fanfare, causing the Ming army to pursue them. The officials expected that the Ming army would definitely steal merit, and even wanted to wipe out our army outside Haizhou. Therefore, the Ming army's pursuit will definitely not guard against our army's ambush. At that time, The ambush army rushes out suddenly, and it will definitely catch the Ming army by surprise. After a great victory, our army will retreat again. The Ming army will be careful in order to avoid a second loss, so our army can withdraw safely to Haizhou!"

 Thanks to book friends 20180831213149759 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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